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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 8 > Articles > Week Long Diary of a NeoPet

Week Long Diary of a NeoPet

by angel74123

Hello my name is AngellKiss. My owner brought me a diary from the Toy Shop. I ripped out a couple of pages from it. I hope you find it enjoyable.

The Month of Gathering


11:00 AM

I had some Carrot and Pea Omelette for breakfast today. We've been having omlettes for weeks because Mother is saving up for a surprise. I wonder what it is.

2:30 PM

Mother took my twin sister DollieAngel to the Art Centre. I wish I could've gone but I visited Faerieland just last week. Instead, I finished a course at the Swashbuckling Academy. Cap'n Threelegs met me at the entrance. 'I be the finest swordsman in this whole island,' he boasted. The course was long but in the end I gained a level.


3:00 PM

I baby-sat Kiely74 today. She is my youngest sister, a Faerie Poogle. Watching her is easy. I take her to Faerieland and she sits in the stands at the Poogle races and cheers on her friends.

5:00 PM

My PetPet, Maile got in a fight with DarkAnngel's PetPet, Jackie M. I had to take poor Maile to the Healing Springs.


8:00 AM

The Air Faerie lost her Purple Eye Shadow. I spent an hour looking for it. I did find a Lemon Chia Pop on the ground in perfectly good condition so I took it for myself.

3:00 PM

Went to see a *MYNCI concert. They're not as popular as they used to be so mother got the tickets for cheap. Afterwards I went to the Health Food Store and purchased a Leek. The Quiggle that works there gave me some Vegan Cheese for free. He's so nice.


9:45 AM

I played Kacheek Seek with Mother. It was so much fun. Mother is taking me shopping with the extra NP I helped make. I visited Coltzan's Shrine and gained a level.

3:15 PM

Today was the best. I got a book called Quiggle Stunts. I also got a Quiggle Keyring, some Purple and Brown Eye Shadow, and a Trilo Bite. Walking all over the stores has made me tired.


9:30 AM

Oh no! Kiely74 got Bloaty Belly and I caught it from her. I'm lying in bed bored and miserable. Kiely74 and I play with our Fake Tattoos.

7:00 PM

Still sick. I took some Flat-U-Less Tablets but they haven't kicked in yet.


12:30 PM

Mother presented the surprise that she had been saving up for. It was a lot of toys. Best of all was a Scratching Post just for me. I also got a Rainbow Boom Box and Usuki Dolls among other things. My sisters got toys too.

5:25 PM

Went to Terror Mountain. It was a good change from the heat in Tyrannia where I have been spending a lot of time. I've lost a lot of NP by playing Chia Bingo. I have no luck at all but the game is so much fun to play.


1:35 PM

My poor friend was put in the pound simply because his owner couldn't keep him. His name is chana96749. I was crying when the scary Techo took him away. I saw the Light Faerie who tried to make me feel better. It worked.

2:30 PM

Krawk Island is the coolest world. I wonder what happened to Maraqua though.... Today DarkAnngel and I visited the beach at Mystery Isle. A perfect end to a good week.

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