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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 8 > Continuing Series > Who Did It? Part Three

Who Did It? Part Three

by magycalmyst

"See what?" asked the puzzled Kau.

"I know who stole Magycalmyst provisions...."

"I knew you could figure it out, you always who do you think did it....?"

"I'm pretty sure I know, but I need proof to satisfy the Neopian Police. I have a little plan...."

"Oh? What is it?" asked the excited Magic Shop shopkeeper.

And with that, the also excited Jubjub leaned over and whispered his brilliant plan to his good friend that he will always regret that he believed was the robber......


Charles set up a room with a chair in the center. He also had called up Magycalmyst to come by in 30 minutes.

"Perfect," Charles said, "Now bring the NeoPet in."

The red security Grarrl from the jail brought in a puzzled looking NeoPet. He set it down in the chair. The suspect looked up at the detective. "What's going on? Why am I here detective?"

"Why we wanted to tell you that we caught the robber."

"You did?" asked the puzzled NeoPet, "Why tell me, shouldn't you tell Magycalmyst?"

"Of course, she's coming soon, wouldn't that be fun?"

The NeoPet paled. Ha, the reaction Charles expected. Too bad.

"Sh-sh-she's coming? Now?"

"Why yes, why are you so scared?"

"Becau," catching itself short, "I-I-I'm not scared. It's just that I was planning to go to Krawk Island for, for, for, vacation! Yeah, vacation."

"Yes, of course, but that's too bad because, we did tell you we caught the thief right?"


"Well, that thief is right in front of me, now would you cooperate please and tell me where you hid the loot? The loot you stole from innocent Magycalmyst?"

"Excuse me? I would never do such things..."

"You better make up a good story as to where you were the night of September 9th. She's coming by soon."

The NeoPet paled even more. "NO! Let me out!"


"Okay, okay! I know what you want! I DID IT! I STOLE THE VALUABLES AND NEOPOINTS! IT'S AT KRAWK ISLAND! I was going to go there to get the stuff, then hideout at Mystery Island! Now arrest me, and take me away before Magycalmyst comes!"

Charles sighed. "Thank you for making this easier." The distressed NeoPet started to cry. "I know it was hard to confess. Okay Michael, turn off the video camera, label it and send it to the jail for the proof. Magycalmyst should be here in a few minutes. Take this criminal and lock it up."

Michael did the orders and left the weary detective alone. Five minutes later Magycalmyst walks in. "Hello detective! I'm so glad you found out who did it! Do tell!"

"Your in for an unpleasant surprise."

The owner frowned for a moment then asked, "Why?"

"Well, because..." he whispered the rest in her ear.

Magycalmyst gasped. "But, why? I guess that NeoPet was greedy. Hmmmm, I guess I'll have to adopt a new pet."

"Yes, she did do a good cover up by bringing the case to me. Tara was a bad egg, wasn't she?"

"Yes, she was. I still can't believe it though! But, how did you figure it out?"

"Well, there were 2 main clues she slipped. First, she told me about Kauvara. When I talked to the Magic Shop shopkeeper, she said that you actually caught the thief, didn't you tell her about that?"

"Why yes, she was there at the time!"

"Yes, I expected that. She also called me in a disguised voice from Usukiland."

"How did you know that that was her?"

"Where else could she get to a store phone, other than her favourite store? She would of course know Usula, being the same species. Better friends, am I right?"

"Why, yes, you are! Very good detective work. Everyone is right, you are the best Jubjub for the job!"

The End

Previous Episodes

Who Did It? Part One

Who Did It? Part Two

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