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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Short Stories > The Swamp Ghoul

The Swamp Ghoul

by sasami287

First off, this really wasn't my fault. I was just in the right place at the wrong time. It's not like I'm nosey or anything! My sister's the nosey one. So don't give me the blame.

I guess I should tell you who I am. My name is Aaron_28560, but you can call me Aaron, and the sister I mentioned earlier is my twin sister Aurora_28560, for short, Aurora. She's older, but only by a couple of minutes. And our older sister's name is KauAnne70.

Anyway, back to the story. Our mum had sent us out to go buy some stuff that we needed, like toys (hey, we deserved it!) while she registered to get our NeoHome built. The only problem was that we had to cross the swamp to get there.

Now normally I wouldn't be scared, but mum had just finished telling us the story about how one of her friend's NeoPets had been lost in the woods the night before. So now you catch my drift?

As we started walking through the nasty swamp, KauAnne yelled out in pain. She had tripped and sprained her ankle. Me and Aurora turned around to help her get up, when all the sudden it got cold. For once I was grateful for the scarfs that mum always makes us wear.

Then, we heard a insane cackling laugh behind us. We couldn't just leave KauAnne behind, so we stood our ground. Then we heard someone cry for help. I went over to see who had called. Who to my surprise ran out from behind a tree, why it was Silly, the NeoPet who was thought lost.

The little Gelert ran right into me in his haste to get away from someone or something. I called to my sisters to not worry, it was just Silly. Aurora and KauAnne came over to see what I had meant, after all, Silly had been missing since the night before.

KauAnne said, "So you were telling the truth, it is Silly!"

I said, "Of course I'm telling the truth, would I lie to my favorite sister?"

Aurora hit me in the head and said, "Watch what you say! You do have more than one sister after all." She turned to Silly and said, "Are you all right dear?" He is after all only a couple of hours old.

That's when I noticed that he was shaking horribly. That's my sister for ya, thinking of others before herself. Well she wasn't going to beat me this time. I took out the extra sweater and put it on him.

He smiled at me and said, "Thhhhank Yyyyouuu. Iii'mmm fffinnne." That's when it hit me, it was mildly warm out side. He couldn't be cold. And why was he screaming? It must be something else, something horrible.

Always one step ahead, Aurora asked, "What's bothering you dear? And don't tell me nothing."

Silly looked around before answering Aurora. "The Swamp Ghoul found me. He said that I wasn't loved enough, and that he was going to eat me!" He started sobbing uncontrollably. Remembering my mum's words, "If someone can't help themselves then help them." I picked him up and patted him on the back saying comforting words. KauAnne said that it helped me and Aurora calm down.

We started for the town. Yet again the chilly wind made me be grateful for mum's scarfs. This time I could have sworn I saw some demon-looking thing. I picked up the pace forgetting about KauAnne's hurt ankle.

We got to town and heard about how someone's PetPet was missing. And then we heard that someone was missing, more than one person. After we bought the stuff, we got a bodyguard Skeith to take us home.

The sad part is that all during this Silly kept sobbing about the Swamp Ghoul. Poor thing. The chilly breeze blew on my already freezing-cold body. Then I saw him, The Swamp Ghoul. I know, I know the Swamp Ghoul is only a faerie tale. Right?

The Skeith was lifted into the air and all the while he was screaming for me to help him. Then he and the Swamp Ghoul were gone.


I didn't know what to do! Aurora, the smart one had fainted, and KauAnne was crying. I felt so responsible. We had to stay the night in the swamp.

No one felt like sleeping. I kept seeing the scene over and over in my head. I was the guilty one. It was my fault. That poor Skeith's family will be devastated. And it's all my fault. I got up and walked around. Every once and a while Silly would whimper in his sleep.

Aurora just stared ahead and rocked back and forth. KauAnne tried to console her, but she kept on rocking.

I was causing my family pain.

I was not worthy of their love. The next morning we set out again for home and mum. Oh poor mum! What she must be thinking! When we were almost out of the swamp, I saw mum.

She didn't look the same. There were those things she calls "worry lines." We ran for her. I gave her a big hug, so did everyone else. She smiled.

"Where have you been? Oh why do I care where you have been! Are you all right? I as so wor- who is this? Why it's Silly! How did you find him?" That's mum for ya, asking questions and not caring about the answers. Oh how I missed her senseless babbling!

So after we answered all her questions, we told her our story. We also listened to Silly's. After all we never found out his story. She called Silly's mum. Let's just say that he is much loved. Mum assured me that it wasn't my fault.

And we all lived happily ever after. Or did we?

The End?

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