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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 11 > Continuing Series > Pup of the Wilds: Part Two

Pup of the Wilds: Part Two

by aera_eaglewings

Jagger woke to the rushing whirl of the waterfall. He felt groggy, but the sleep had refreshed him, so he was ready to face the day. He stood up, stretched, and walked through the curtain of water and onto a nearby rock. This rock was part of a chain that Jagger used to get from frothy water onto firm land. Today the rock was slippery, signs of a rain that had come and gone.

The forest was sun-filled, with beams of light penetrating the lush green canopy and giving whatever they touched a sheen of gold. Dust motes danced under the sun, and the leaves on trees were swaying gently to the wind, giving the forest a feeling of lively joy.

Jagger surveyed all of this for a moment with great contentment, then turned and scrambled back through the waterfall to see to the pup--aah, yes, Cheppie was his name.

Cheppie was slowly awakening, his long ears twitching as he got used to the strange sound of rushing water. He lifted his head and opened one eye, then the second, and then he sat up. "Where am I?" he asked.

Jagger laughed at the comical sight of the confused pup. "You're in my... den, you could call it. My home. I carried you here, away from those coconuts."

"Oh." Cheppie plopped down onto his paws and swished his tail back and forth. "Why am I here?"

"Well--I--" Jagger wasn't sure what to say. What had happened to the pup's parents? he wondered. "Say, Cheppie, where's your parents?"

"Mama and Dad and I were in the den when the coconut tribe attacked. I 'member seeing Mama hit a coconut on its shell... then I woke up in a net. And then you saved me..."

Jagger felt a stab of pity for the Gelert as he realised suddenly that Cheppie was probably never going to see his parents again. His uncle had told him of vicious coconut attacks on Mystery Island, and how the coconuts were cold and brutal. Few ever survived to tell of such an attack... Poor pup. To be tangled up in the affairs of a coconut tribe.

But it wasn't like his Gelert family could help it. Who ever heard coconuts this far north anyway?

"Well, Cheppie..." he said thoughtfully. "Listen. Here's how it is. I'm a lone Lupe, and I've lived here for lots of years by myself. I'm not a pet Lupe; I'm not part of a pack... I'm just a loner, you could say. And I've never taken care of a pup before. So I'm gonna give you a choice: I could help you try to find some civilization, where someone could adopt you and take care of you; or you could stay here, in the wilds, with me. And lemme tell you, living with me isn't exactly easy. I move a lot, I hunt, I do lots of things you might not be up to. But if you want to stay here until you're old enough to take care of yourself, I promise I'll look out for you.

"So. What do you say?"

Throughout the speech Cheppie was watching Jagger intently. At the end of it, he sat up again, his absurdly long ears drooping right onto his face, and smiled. "I'll stay with you!" he cried.

Jagger didn't know why, but he felt a sense of pride that the pup had chosen him over civilization. "All right then, Cheppie. Now--I didn't get to tell you this yesterday, but my name's Jagger. All right?" The pup nodded. "Then let me show you around my territory; it's quite large."

Jagger led Cheppie through the waterfall and into the forest, stopping here and there to show him significant landmarks. He took pride in the way the pup was so eager to learn everything, from how to hide from predators to where the best Pickulsaur eggs were found (Jagger thought the eggs were the best food in the world). The pup was so full of energy, so joyful, so enthusiastic, that Jagger was sure that had Cheppie been a Lupe, he would have been alpha pup in a pack. But maybe all Gelerts were like this, and he just hadn't taken the time to notice.

Finally, after a meal of Pickulsaur eggs and berries, the duo made their way to their last stop for the day: the very border of Jagger's territory, a low cliff that was the beginning of a series of long and treacherous mountain ranges.

"All right now, Cheppie, this is the very border of my land," Jagger said. "Beyond this is the territory of the Whitestone Lupe Pack, and they and I don't really get along. Mebbe had something to do with the fact that I refused to join them... They disapprove of errant Lupes... But anyway, this is the Northern border of my territory, so make sure if you're out alone you don’t go past this place. Right?"

"Right," answered Cheppie.

Jagger was just about to say something, when he heard a sound in the distance. His ears perked up, and his tail started silently twitching. Something was not right. He could only hope it wasn't one of the coconut tribes again...

"Listen, Cheppie, I have to check something out," he told the pup. "Stay here, and don’t worry. I'll be back soon. Just--stay here, that's all."

"Okay," replied Cheppie, lying down and curling up into a ball.

Jagger padded silently away from the pup and in the direction he heard the noise, his ears alert for any more sounds. And there it was again--a kind of rustle in the bushes, followed by some footfalls, as if someone had done something and then stepped aside to admire their work.

As he kept creeping forward, he heard the footfalls again, except this time they were retreating, as though whoever made them was leaving...

Unexpectedly he stumbled upon an empty clearing. Cautiously, he crept forward, looking for anything out of the ordinary...

And suddenly he was filled with pain; when he looked down he saw that his left back paw was caught in some sort of big metal contraption: a trap. He growled, not wishing to howl and be caught by the poacher who set this trap, but it was too late. A man stepped out of the bushes; a leering, triumphant man. Jagger knew what was going to happen to him: he was going to be taken to the nearest pound, where he would be adopted by some caring but unhelpful family; he would never see the wild forest again; Cheppie would be left all alone...

At the thought of Cheppie Jagger's wandering mind snapped back into reality. He had to get away from here, find shelter, get out of the trap... In desperation he threw himself out of the clearing and into the forest, his trapped paw trailing behind him. Even with the trap he was faster than that pitiful human was, and he ran at almost breakneck speed, leaves and bushes whipping past him, putting as much distance between himself and the clearing as possible.

Finally he lost track of his pursuer, and allowed himself to slow down. The sky overhead was darkening, a sign of another fast-approaching rain. He had to find shelter--Cheppie--shelter... He had lost so much juice that he was becoming delirious. He saw some kind of huge tree ahead, and plopped himself down under its great overhanging branches.

After a lot of hard work and pain, he managed to get the trap off of his leg. As soon as he finished that, he lay down onto the moss and let out a soft and sad whimper.

As the rain began to steadily fall, the mournful Lupe let out a howl...

Cheppie had been content to lie on the soft and enticing moss for a while, but after his efforts at getting to sleep failed, he began to be bored. Jagger had said that he would be back soon, but it had been ages, or so it seemed... in the distance thunder rumbled, and clouds obscured the sun. It was going to rain again soon, and Jagger still wasn't back...

Just then a raindrop landed squarely on his nose, and Cheppie decided to take cover. There was a crack in the cliff nearby, and even though it was just a slit in the rock, he decided to shelter in it. Just as he squeezed himself into the crack the heavens opened and the rain poured down.

As he stared out into the now bleak and dull and sopping forest, Cheppie realised that he was afraid, more afraid than he had been with the coconuts. Where was Jagger? What had happened? Why--and suddenly his thoughts broke off as in the distance he heard a wild Lupe howl.

It was then that Cheppie realised that he was all alone.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Pup of the Wilds: Part One

Pup of the Wilds: Part Three

Pup of the Wilds: Part Four

Pup of the Wilds: Part Five

Pup of the Wilds: Part Six

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