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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 28th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 12 > Articles > Need a Bit of Financial Support?

Need a Bit of Financial Support?

by tiki_coconut

Us Neopians are hard workers. We all are. Taking care of a pet is no small deal. Just like in real life, it takes responsibility and a lot of time. But not like in real life, not only do you have to take care of your pet as you would a child, you must make tough decisions regarding your financial income, etc., etc....

Why don't we give it a rest?

NeoPets is very complicated, having its own social life and economy. There are even stock markets, and businesses. It takes a lot to keep on top. The big fish are the ones who have been here since the beginning, working hard everyday for their stores and guilds. I have been here not 2 months, and have already a good sized store. But it's the big fish we all want to catch. It's best to get into a regime and try to get on everyday.

First of all, try to buy everything and BUDGET yourself. It's very tough to stick it through, but once you have over 100,000 NP you'll thank yourself for it. Make sure you only start off with the basics: A brush, a weeks worth of food (you don't even need to buy food, just get an omelette each day!), and perhaps a new toy or two. Don't waste your money on getting stereos or movies just yet. Make sure that you have at least 15,000 NP in your bank first.

Next, choose your regular income. Games? Stores? Guilds? Money Tree? Contests? Try to mix a little bit of all inside the pot. But most of all, depend on the games. They are a great source of income. After a bit of practicing, you can make more than 3,000 NP a day from only a few games.

Stores are also a great source of money, but you need money to start off with it. Create just one NeoPet first, and sell off everything you don't need. Decide on a theme for your store, whether it may be food, or goods. Depending on your budget, choose one that is right for you. With only about 5,000 NP in the bank, you don't want an item that's more than 100 NP.

If you are opening a store, do a bit of researching first. Check out what the average sale price is by using the Shop Wizard. CONSTANTLY press refresh (f5). Make sure that you find out the lowest usual price, and beat it by a few NP. But remember that you have to make a profit, so if you find a good, low price, buy them out! Never use the actual stores, as they always sell for more than it's worth. And don't depend on the worth that it says on the item, either. Make sure to base your prices on the market.

When you decide to get money from the Money Tree, you are making a big mistake. The Money Tree is usually very sold out by money grabbers, so either have a big screen (so you don't waste time scrolling down), or a VERY fast computer. I wouldn't depend on it. Actually, I don't even visit it at all.

We all want those big fish. Find an income that works for you, and stick to it. I guarantee you, your efforts will show. Thank you for reading.

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