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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 13 > New Series > The Strength Within: Part One

The Strength Within: Part One

by linnG7G

Author's note: This is a fictional story, with fictional characters. Except for the faeries, and my NeoPet, (TamoraG7G, Tamora for short). With that said, I give you The Strength Within.

Tamora, a young purple Shoyru, was trying desperately to stay out of the rain. Shivering, she pulled her thin tattered blanket around her as she huddled beneath a tree branch.

"How'd I get myself into this mess any way," she muttered tearfully to herself.

She went over the day's events. She had been playing with her friends in the meadow near her village, when disaster had struck. It had all happened so fast, it wasn't even overcast, when the tornado touched down. She remembered clearly, all the screams for help, the roar of wind, and the splintering of buildings collapsing to the ground. The tornado had touched down right in the middle of her village, destroying houses, and anything else in its path. Then when all of the village had been destroyed, the tornado had headed straight for the meadow were she and her friends had so recently been playing in. Most tried to out run the fearsome thing, but some just stood there, frozen in place with fright. But in the end, it hadn't mattered who had run and who had stayed, it got every one. Then the tornado had evaporated away, leaving none of its victims to be found.

"Except me," Tamora reminded herself.

For whatever reason, the tornado had gone right around her! It was so unnatural, the way it just swerved to her left for no reason. But if you thought about it, the whole thing was weird, the way the tornado touched down right in the middle of town, and then headed straight for the field, sucking everyone up but her. It was almost like… magic.

“I'm just being silly,” she told herself, “I'm just looking for someone to blame for this whole thing. And besides, even the most powerful mage (another word for magician) couldn't control nature!”

Exhausted from all her crying, Tamora fell in to a deep sleep. While she was sleeping, she had a dream. In her dream, a faerie came and said to her, “You are the chosen one, you are the one to free your family and friends. Come to Faerieland, and all will be explained.”

Immediately Tamora woke up. She gasped at the realness of her dream. Should she do what it said was the real question though. Looking around, Tamora realised that there was nothing here for her. She could mope around here for the rest of her life, or she could do as the dream said.

She chose the dream.

Tamora set out that morning to get supplies from the next town over and food from the Soup Kitchen. She was ok money wise, since she always had 500 NP with her in case of emergencies, so she got what she needed for her trip.

When she arrived at the Soup Kitchen, she told the Soup Faerie about what had happened to her, and her journey ahead. When the Soup Faerie heard about the faerie in her dream, she was happy to give her enough food to make it there, and then some.

The kind fairy also gave directions to Faerieland. “You will need to go to the edge of the Lost Desert, closest to the sea, were you can fly north east to Faerieland. (Tamora lived on the border of the Lost Desert and the Haunted Woods). “Do you have a compass?”

When Tamora nodded, the faerie continued. “Now since I've done you a favor would you mind doing me one?”

“Sure, anything,” Tamora said.

“Oh good,” the faerie exclaimed. “You see I've been taking care of a blue orphan Shoyru, about your age (Tamora was 13) for a while. Lately he has been trying to help cook, and what he makes doesn't taste too good. So I was wondering if you would take him with you to Faerieland, so he could get a job or something. His name is Devin, and he is really nice. He wouldn't be that much trouble, just um, don't let him cook for you.”

“I'd be happy to take him with me. I'm sure he would be a great traveling companion,” Tamora said.

“It's not that I don't like him or anything, he is like a son to me, but his cooking is just awful, and I think he would have it better in the long run if he found out more about the world.” The faerie told her.

The next morning, Tamora and Devin set out for the edge of the Lost Desert!

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Strength Within: Part Two

The Strength Within: Part Three

The Strength Within: Part Four

The Strength Within: Part Five

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