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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 14 > Short Stories > The Day They Came to Life

The Day They Came to Life

by srhbutterfly

NeoPets are very much like real pets. They must be fed, groomed, played with, and you must show them love. There is a big difference between the two. But what if, for one day, one fun, wild, and adventurous day, they became real. What if you could really play with them? What if you could really feed them? To me, the following is very much what I think it would be like. This is the day Bellabookitty, Chawawacat, and I would really get to know each other. The day they came to life.

I was on my computer and looking out the window. It was a brisk, lovely fall day. The sky was full of clouds, and the trees were gold and orange. As I was admiring all of the beauty, the computer began doing very strange things. All of a sudden, a message popped up. It read:

Ten hours is all you get.
They must stay close and they can't get wet.
When ten hours have past,
Bellabookitty will be last.
As they leave you'll let out a sigh,
And until next time this is good-bye.

Like always, I was very confused. I didn't pay much attention to it. A few moments later, the computer started to spark. That was when I started to freak out. I didn't know hat to do. If anything happened to the computer, my dad would ground me for the rest of my life. Then everything stopped. The computer screen went blank. Then out came Bellabookitty and Chawawacat! I think that was the part that I passed out.

When I came to, I saw them looking at me. I jumped up and yelled, "What is going on and how did you get here?"

Bellabookitty replied in a soft voice, "We have come to spend some time with you, because we have never met, and we thought it was time we did."

"Yes, and we were hoping that we wouldn't frighten you, so we added a little poem, but I guess it didn't work," Chawawacat added.

After talking to them for about an hour, I decided that they should see what the world is like. I took them to the park down the street and we had so much fun. We all swung on the swings, and slid down the slides. The time passed very quickly, and I noticed we only had six hours left.

We went back home to eat some lunch. When we walked in I saw my two cats playing with each other in the living room. That's when I thought of what we could do next. First, I made us all grilled cheese sandwiches. Bellabookitty and Chawawacat gobbled them down, and they did the same with the Neocolas and chips. *I guess I need to feed them more, huh?*

When we had finished eating, I picked up my two cats and handed Puddin' to Bellabookitty and Precious to Chawawacat. After we had all played together for two hours, we realised there were only three hours left. The last three hours we spent designing their NeoHome, creating a NeoDeck, and fixing up the shop a little.

Just like the poem said, ten hours, Bellabookitty last, and good-bye until next time. As I watched them leave for their home in Neopia, I let out a deep sigh. This really was a day I will never forget. The day they came to life.

The End

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