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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 16 > Articles > The Educational Benefits of NeoPets

The Educational Benefits of NeoPets

by supera1star

I bet you're all sick of your parents telling you to stop playing on the computer and do something useful, right? Well, what parents don't see is the educational side to NeoPets.

There's a lot more to this site that we all love than what meets the eye. Let's take Neopoints as an example:

For starters, it teaches you the value of money, how to make a living. You have to work in order to earn them, they don't just magically appear. Once you've got them, you have to decide whether to spend or save them. Should you keep them in the bank for an emergency? Or add to your NeoHome? You need to have enough to survive on, just like in the real world.

The games help you too. The puzzles make you think, testing your brain power. The gambling ones do the best for you. If you gamble all your points away on the lottery, the scratchcard game and Dice-A-Roo, it won't be long before you're struggling to survive. If this should happen, you'll learn from your mistake, and hopefully won't end up gambling all your money away in years to come.

The shops teach you how to make a profit. How to find something cheap. How much to price items for. This could be beneficial for any people setting up their own shop business in later life!

Even the pets themselves play a big part. Many times my dad has told me that I can't have a pet because I'm not "Responsible" enough. By looking after your NeoPets, you learn about taking care of things. You wouldn't let your precious NeoPet go hungry, would you? Of course not! For those of you who have been members a long time, feeding them is probably part of your daily routine now. You learn to take care of others that need your help.

I hope my article has taught you something about the value of NeoPets, and I'm sorry to the older members who don't have their parents pestering on at them about getting off the computer :)

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