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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 17 > Short Stories > The Legend of the Colours

The Legend of the Colours

by dire18

dire18's note: This is an old Neopian folk tale my two pets, Azamoth, and Flarix, told me one night. I thought it an interesting story, although I doubted it's truth.

Once, long, long ago, before there were humans in Neopia, when the world was still young, there were almost no painted pets, of any colours. There had been several born naturally white and purple, and some had quite mysteriously become rainbow, but beyond that, there were none. Naturally, all the pets sought a way to make their feathers, fur, and scales shimmer those unique colours. It was what most did, and they tried all they could think of! They ate strange blue berries found in the ocean shore, they dyed their fur with juice from fruit found in the forests, but no one could figure out how to make their colour change! The only ones who knew were those who had been been found with the odd colours in their skin, but they wouldn't tell. So, no one knew hot to paint themselves.

Now, during this time, lived a Lupe named Darnave and a Shoyru named Silquare. Like all the other pets, they longed to make their fur shine in the painted colours, and, like all the others, they couldn't figure out how. These two, both born green, were the best of friends. They were never far apart from each other.

It was a cold night. Darnave and Silquare were camping out on the Endless Plains. High above, in the sky, was the moon and stars.

"How bright they shine," said Darnave, laying on his back and gazing at the stars. "I wish we could find their secret and make our fur as fiery as the stars!"

"And," added Silquare, his eyes reflecting the glowing moon, "As bright as the moon."

The two looked at each other.

"Could we...?"

"You don't suppose?" both asked at the same time.

And that was how they had the idea of going to the moon and stars to capture their light and fire. Perhaps they really thought that holding this, they would change colours. Perhaps they simply wanted adventure. We don't know, today, but regardless the reason, the two decided to attempt the impossible and try to take some of the moon and star's glow.

Darnave and Silquare went to the highest mountain in Neopia. It was so high back then that the moon was only thirteen feet away from it!

Taking a mighty leap, Darnave leapt from the mountain while Silquare watched anxiously on. The Lupe drifted to the closest star in hardly any time (for stars were much closer back then). Immediatly, the Lupe cried out in pain. The fire of the star burned him, but he still tried to gather some it it in his paws for Silquare. It was the only thing he thought of, to get some fire for Silquare.

Back on Neopia, Silquare heard his friend's cry. Without thinking of his own safety, he flew to the moon on his wings, and gathered some of its sand to put out the fire on Darnave. After going to the star, he put out the fire in the Lupe's fur, and flew him back to Earth. It was then that both, nerves calming and breathing heavily, looked at each other.

"Silquare!" breathed Darnave, looking amazed at the Shoyru's scales. "Look at you!"

"No, but Darnave," replied Silquare in awe. "Look at yourself!"

They looked down at themselves at the same time. Both caught their breath when they saw their fur and scales.

Darnave's fur was black. At least, most of it was. His stomach was smoky gray; his paws and tail were the vibrant colours of the flaming stars. He had become Fire.

Sliquare's scales, before a nondescript green, now shimmered and shimmered with a metallic light. They reflected moon. The Shoyru had become Silver.

From then on, whenever the Fire Lupe and Silver Shoyru met with another pet, they told their tale.

And, whenever they met a pet with unflinching courage, that pet's fur would become Fire, and if they met a pet with a pure soul, that pet would glow Silver. From them, the two colours began to spread throughout Neopia. Soon, other noble and brave pets discovered the other painted hues, and there was new colour in the land of NeoPets, but only if you had a good spirit and kind heart.

I was captured by the tale that my pets related to me. They swore it was true, but I was skeptic. Still, as we watched the moon and stars, I did wonder if perhaps it was.

The End

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