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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 17 > Articles > NeoWarts Breakout in Neopia!

NeoWarts Breakout in Neopia!

by linda3323

Is it just me or is the talk of the chatboards now NeoWarts? "Why is that?" you ask. Well, it's simple: NeoWarts is the latest Wheel of Excitement disease. It gives your pet big cauliflower-like lumps on its body. Long ago the hot disease was Neopox, then it was D'achoo. Just last week it was Bloaty Belly, but three days ago the Wheel started spreading NeoWarts.

With every epidemic, the cure for each disease, Neopox Pizza, Neopkins, Flat-U-Less and NeoWarts Fungus, respectively, has skyrocketed in price. I remember having to pay a fortune when my pet caught Neopox My pet also caught Bloaty Belly. With Bloaty Belly, Flat-U-Less wasn't the only cure. It was soon found that feeding a sick pet a Poisonous Mushroom and then feeding it Neopox Pizza (no longer a hot commodity since that sickness was out) would cure Bloaty Belly just as well as Flat-U-Less.

So now it's NeoWarts. What's the secret, mystery cure to that one? Well, I've heard Medicinal Plant works, but I've also heard it doesn't. Of course, for a guaranteed cure go with NeoWart Fungus. To clear up some confusion, Mystical Fungus is listed as the cure in the Hospital, but NeoWart Fungus is the actual cure for NeoWarts. The thing is, NeoWart Fungus is a TYPE of of Mystical Fungus.

In three days the price of NeoWart Fungus has gone from around 25 NP to 2,500 NP! If you're a poor Neopian with a sick pet and the Healing Springs just aren't working for you, I know a few people who wouldn't mind helping you out. My friends, David and Julie, are Faerie Masters of the Faerie Faeries-Fortune Guild which will be donating NeoWart Fungus to sick pets. They have tons up at the Trading Post. They really mean it when they say, "Offer a junk item and we'll give you this if your pet is really sick." Hurry though, the offer is only good for the first 300 lots! If you can't find any from them at the Trading Post, feel free to Neomail them at doctorevil53. They'll be more than willing to work something out with you.

That's basically the ins and outs of NeoWart Fungus. Be sure to read my next installment when I take you through whatever the Wheel's doling out next month but until then, stay healthy!

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