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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 17 > Articles > The Zafara: Have You Ever Wondered?

The Zafara: Have You Ever Wondered?

by magickalgurls

Have you ever wondered, "How exactly DID the Zafara get here?" Well, I was looking at my pet Zafara, Magickal_Twinkle_Lig and I did. Did it just appear out of thin air? I don't think so.

I sat and thought for a while, maybe one of Sloth's many creations? No... Too cute, or is it? Isn't there just a little bit of a possibility that they are robots controlled by him and under that wad of hair up on there head they have a recorder? Well, I've patted Twinkle's head more than enough times, and I never felt anything under her hair, except for recently, and she has been acting weird ever since then. Has the REAL Zafara species been taken and replaced by robots because of they're magical appearance? Has he just wanted to study them the whole time? Sometimes I wonder how the cute creatures came to be, they have evolved two times, how did that happen? Think about it, they magically appear, evolved wondrously two times, and now are cuter than ever. Is this to disguise their evil nature? Or is it just because they have decided to groom up a little more?

I have formed a test to decipher whether or not your Zafara is a robot, evil, or is simply cute... Dare to take it? Go ahead...

1. Do you have more than one pet other than the Zafara species? If the answer is yes, give yourself 3 points.

2. Have you been grooming your Zafara when the brush banged against their bodies and you heard a metallic, hollow sound? If the answer is yes, give yourself 5 points.

3. Do you have more than one of the Zafara species? If so, give yourself 2 points.

4. Is your pet always bloated, delightful, healthy, or have great Battledome stats? If so, take away 3 points.

5. If you have more than one pet, is your Zafara treated not as well as your other pet(s)? If so, give yourself 2 points.


0-6 points: Your Zafara is not much evil, is not a robot, or is not evil at all. Keep up the good work, and protect your Zafara carefully.

6-10 Points: Your Zafara is probably evil or is a robot. Make sure to take care of it more carefully from now on.


This is just for fun, Zafaras are not evil, they are harmless, play along if you like... Awww, Twinkle, when we took the test we got 0, so you're not evil honey.... Okay, gotta go feed Twinkle! Bye now!

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