As most Neopians know, the look of the Gelerts were recently altered. This
seemed to send all of Neopia into a whirl of confusion, concluding with all
Neopets owners split to three sides, one firmly saying they hated the new Gelerts,
another loving them, and of course, the undecideds. But why? Was this new change
for better or worse? Is this new look hot or just plain not? Maybe you'll come
to a decision or change yours once you've finished.
We'll start, then, with the group that are plainly against this change. We'll
call them "Nots." These Nots, they've got their arguments well planned. Let's
look at a few.
"All the Gelerts looks like males and they have a very strange pose." -feline_fireball
"My Gelert, a cloud Gelert, well, she looks kinda...stuffy to tell the truth
and the Christmas Gelert? The poor thing looks very sad. We'll be seeing a lot
more Gelerts in the pound this season." -lira_samz
"Okay.. they're cute, but they don't look happy enough. They're supposed to
be these loving, loyal pets who adore you (like puppies), but they have this
blank expression on their face." -zippydoodle
So, as we can see, the arguments these people hold are very good, but why not
look at the other group? The ones that think this change is for the best. We'll
call these people the "Hots." Why not look at their comments?
"I like it. It's very cute, but not too cute." -mikiya
"I think the Gelerts new look is very cute. They looked so dull before, now
they look playful, and happy! I love it!" -magikalone_21157
"I love the new Gelert. It looks much more like the description of "Loyal"
and "Hero". I mean, it looks like your real life loyal cute dog and looks like
it can get ready in action." -heavenly_angel4u
"I saw nothing wrong with the old one, but I think the "younger" looking one
is quite cute looking. Good job." -mlg577
"It looks great, but once you get use to the old one, you miss it." -leakygirl
"It's actually all right, but I have to say I like the old Gelert better.
It was more lean and strong looking and could look either male or female...
it's cute I guess, but the new Gelert looks better, I'm just going to miss the
old one I suppose." -jae_min
So, is Neopia doomed to disagreement over this? Of course. You can't have anything
like this without two sides, at least. But what is to become of our loyal friends
the Gelerts? By looking over the pets at the pound, the rate of Gelert abandonment
has risen more than fifty percent, a sad thing to think about when the only
thing they did wrong was change their look. Let's look back on the words of
"We'll be seeing a lot more Gelerts in the pound this season." Do we, the people
of Neopia, really want this to happen? Especially during the holidays while
everyone should be happy!
So, in the end, I'd say there really is no correct decision on this matter.
Make your own, be part of the three sides. Whatever choice you make will be
right to you. Perhaps you'll decide to be a part of the "Hots" crowd, going
all out for the new change. Maybe you'll stick with the "Nots" deciding it would
have been best to leave them alone. Or maybe you'll stand with "The Undecideds",
not sure what you think. But either way, Hot, Not, or Undecided, these Gelerts
have changed. |