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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 18 > Articles > Money Tree - Disposal or Donation?

Money Tree - Disposal or Donation?

by prettygems

If you were to take a trip through the dirt paths of Neopia Central you will see a large tree standing in the middle of a grassy field. That is none other than the Money Tree! Helping the needy, fending off the greedy has become the slogan of the Money Tree. Once the place where the poor can seek solace in by picking donations made by the more well off neopians, the Money Tree today has become far from what it should be.

If you were to go to the Money Tree one of these days, you would realize that the donations there are somewhat recurring. The same sort of items will keep appearing on it - measly donations of bottles of coloured sand, palm fans, sandals, toy sail boats and Tiki Tack Key Rings, all of which are booby prizes from the Tombola. Any player in NeoPets would know that a play at the Tombola is free and getting these booby prizes is a rather frequent event. So why would anyone need to pick such merchandise from the "donation tree"? These items would in fact cost only 1 NP in the shops of Neopia. Would poor Neopians even want to save that 1 NP? And what use can they find in these island merchandise?

Just as poor Neopians would have no use of these merchandise, the more well-off citizens would also have no use of them. If they were to put these items in shops, no one would buy them, as these are plentiful in supply and can easily be gotten for free in the Tombola. To discard it would be a waste in the eyes of stingy Neopians. What's more is that these cannot be made use of, cannot be played with, cannot be eaten…

Looking in the Neopedia, it states, "But don't be too greedy, as the Money Tree will remember your face and give you less of a chance of picking something up (especially if you don't need it) the next time." Given this statement, it is believed that donating more would gain a person a larger chance to pick up something rare, just as picking when not needed lessens the chances. As these Tombola booby prizes cannot be made use of, giving it away to the money tree is no different from discarding it, except that donating it to the money tree might have the potential to raise chances of picking up rare items. This again is a good exchange as these island merchandise cost only 1 NP in Neopian shops. Picking up and item, even if it were to cost only 100 NP, would be a very good exchange indeed!

I believe that it is because of this, that the Money Tree is bombarded with such items. However, I urge all my fellow Neopians not to believe the rumours that donating more would raise the chances of picking up something rare, as there is totally no prove to back this. So, please donate only when you honestly and sincerely wish to. I hope that in time to come, the Money Tree would again be as glorious as before, being the medium to allow the rich to help the poor!

But for now, we will just rely on the occasional sincere and generous donations from rich Neopians, as well as the friendly ghosts that wander the never ending world of Neopia!

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