With onugu gone on a secret mission, and no time frame for when she’ll
return, I bring you the newest edition of Neopian Conspiracy Theories. This
week, we’ll be focusing on some of the more obscure ways the Shadow Government
gets their NP.
Evil Creatures
If you’ve ever visited the Gallery of Evil, you’ll certainly
understand this theory. These scary creatures spell trouble for all Neopians.
They work to destroy Neopia, steal items, or are just a general nuisance. Do
they work for the Shadow Government? Are they the Shadow Government? We’ll just
have to wait and see...
The Faeries
Bet you would have never guessed that these darling creatures could be operatives
of the Shadow Government! After all, they bless your pets, save Neopia, and
provide gifts for Neopians. But even in their own land, Neopoints disappear
– through Poogle Racing, The Wheel of Excitement, and the Hidden Tower. Of course,
the Faerie Queen claims she’s selling the Hidden Tower items to raise money
for Faerieland, but then where do those Neopoints go? Could they be going to
Shadow Government?
Some people call these blessings, but are they really worth it? You’re always
rewarded, but usually the reward is significantly less than what you paid to
do the quests. But what do these various inhabitants do with the items you collect
for them? Do they give them as rewards for other quests? Or do they turn around
and give them to the Shadow Government?
The Noticeboard
You pay hundreds of thousands of Neopoints to get your notice on the noticeboard
– and then where does that money go? Does it go to the Shadow Government, and
if so, what do they do with it?
Well, I hope this has provided you with more insight into the Shadow Government
and their sneaky methods of getting your money to fund their projects. Hopefully,
more details will follow soon.... Agent dragon, over and out. |