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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 22 > Continuing Series > The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Seven

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Seven

by gundamblaze

VIII: Pouring of Ether
"Way to go Orichalkon!" I yelled as I ran over to him and rammed him into the ground just for the heck of it. We had beaten the unbeatable. We watched as Ritsuzen vanished into blue energy, into the night. The other's NeoPets had slowly recovered, and just as we were getting happier, Kage was seen, stumbling up the trail up the cliff, holding his stomach.

"Whoa, you got him good," said Ryo. I felt sorry for Kage. I was starting to think that he believed it was all only a game, that he didn't know he was hurting things. If so, how could I possibly blame him of anything? Even though he has caused so much pain? I guess I would just have to wait and see how he reacted.

"You... I was beaten... by you," said Kage as he stumbled up to us. He was infuriated, I had never seen anyone so angry in me entire life. "You destroyed... Ritsuzen. You will... pay! I will destroy this world and everything thing in it with the Ether from the Ethereal Plains!" One thing popped into my mind: What the heck is Ether and how was he gonna use it?

"Your insane!" Ryo yelled at him, and then punched Kage in the face. I made up my mind, we were gonna have to fight Kage. But for a human, he would prove surprisingly strong.

"Orichalkon, Level 2 NeoWeapon activate!" Shinsei Hougeki was used against Kage, which I was sure would destroy him, but...

"He blocked it!" yelled out Willie. "How is it possible for a human to stop that!?"

"Oh great. It's my turn. SnowOhki, Level 3 NeoWeapon activate!" commanded Ryo. SnowOhki put her fists out, and yelled, "Hora-Gyou!" Kage was pounded by heavy ice, but was still standing strong. Ryo signaled to Willie.

"Right Ryo! Cubix, Level 1 NeoWeapon activate! Sumizone Rakurai!" Cubix shot out several bolts of dark energy this time, increasing the power of the attack. Kage was struck by every one, but was not dead. A maniacal laughter could then be heard from Kage.

"Mmhmm... Aha... AHAHAHAHA! I will rip a hole between Neopia and the Ethereal Plains! The power of destructive Ether will pour over this land! Neopia will be destroyed!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was going to use the power of one world to destroy another! This guy was more maniacal than I had ever imagined!

I yelled out, "No! I won't let you!" But it was too late. The rip between the two worlds was already open. I could see the hazy blue energy flowing out. And then, that's when the destructive Ether was activated. Blue beams shout out across the sky, setting anything they touched ablaze. It was such a horrible sight, I could barely keep my eyes open. This was destroying everything I had always dreamed of... boy! And that was when my NeoP0rt went off.

"What's this?" I said as I looked at it. It said "Ethereal Field Transport". I wasn't sure if this was a good idea in the current situation, but what else was I to do? Nothing.

"Okay, let's try this... Ethereal Field Transport activates!" As soon as I had said this and hit the button, everything went hazy. Literally. We all found ourselves surrounded by haze. Then blue light. And then the ground beneath us seemed to be replaced by an invisible floor like in the Internet. I had to check where we were.

"Okay, let's see where we are now," I said as I looked up our location. It said, "Location: Ethereal Plains. Sub-Location: Field of Ether." I had transported us into the world of Ether!

"Brad, what'd you do!?" Ryo ranted at me. I had no idea what I did. But I knew that the Ether pouring into Neopia while we were here couldn't damage us.

"Come on, let's beat Kage!" Willie yelled. Just then his NeoP0rt activated. The next thing I heard from him was, "Level 2 NeoWeapon activate!"

Light appeared between Cubix's fingers. He yelled out, "Shuriken Kirite!" and threw about 100 razor-discs of light at Kage, making him fall to the ground.

"Orichalkon, use Shinsei Hougeki! Level 2 NeoWeapon activate!" A barrage of fireballs scorched Kage.

"SnowOhki, cast Hora-Gyou! Level 3 NeoWeapon activate!" Kage was plummeted by powerful blasts of water and ice. Just after that, he put his hands up.

"I surrender," Kage said. He had taken as much as he could. And he had lost.

"I'll let you go," I said. I took out my NeoP0rt, and transported us back to Neopia... where the Ether was still pouring. "I'll let you go if you can stop this."

"Right," he said. He moved his hands in a formation that closed the rip in the Ethereal Plains. The Ether stopped pouring, and Neopia was left with minimal damage.

"If NeoPets have such a strong will to live... they can't just be computer code... what have I done!?" Kage then ran off.

"Kage, wait!" I yelled. But it was in futility. Kage had already ran into the distance, and was beyond eyesight. "Kage... he had no idea what he was doing..."

"I guess we'll be able to return home now," said Ryo.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If we were sent here for a purpose, it would have to be to stop the Emperor. It seems that he's been stopped, so shouldn't we be able to go?"

"Yes, but those are all theories. How do we know if we were sent here for a reason, and if we were, how do we know if it was to stop Kage?" We all had to think hard about this. I then started talking again. "Plus, we still have no idea who created the red discs. I don't really wanna leave without finding out who brought us here!"

Okay, so we all decided we were going to stay. The problem was, we had no idea where to go to make progress! We knew what to do though...

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part One

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Two

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Three

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Four

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Five

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Six

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Eight

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Nine

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Ten

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Eleven

The Fine Line: Breaking Reality - Part Twelve

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