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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 27 > Articles > Gardening Tips

Gardening Tips

by jlinker2

So, pretty soon it'll be planting season, and you'll be wondering what sort of plants to put in your garden. I find that not all pets are interested in maintaining a garden, and the ones that are can't always agree as to what to plant. So here's a quick guide to sorting out the gardening blues before you end up with a garden full of plaster gnomes.

Q: My pet doesn't want to help out with the garden, what should I do?

A: Not all NeoPets are going to enjoy gardening. Some simply just don't like to get their hands dirty, others just don't really like plants, others eat the plants before you can get them in the ground.... Whatever the problem is, if you're not happy enough letting your pet avoid gardening chores, try and work out something that will make gardening fun for your pet. If you've got a pet that thinks gardening isn't a tough enough hobby for him to be pursuing, trying keeping his interest by planting 'Bad Seeds' or 'Black Roses.' If you've got a pet who hates getting dirt under her fingernails, take a trip to the clothing store and buy her a pair of gloves and a bottle of new nail polish for afterwards, so that she can plant her favourite flowers in peace. If your pet's simply just eating everything, we suggest keeping a lot of Cheesy Neos around while planting, and limiting your plant life to Tactis plants, which should curb your pet's appetite.

Q: I've got several pets that want to garden, but they can't decide on what to plant, and I can't stand all the fighting! What do I do?

A: It's always nice to have several pets interested in keeping the NeoHome looking nice. But there are several ways of handling this problem. Try sectioning off your garden so that each pet has a smaller garden within the garden. Then each pet can plant what he or she wants. Alternatively, you could decide to buy a certain number of plants, and then each pet would get to pick one or two that are his favourites.

Q: My pet knows nothing about gardening, and neither do I. What plants do you recommend that we buy?

A: Well, if you're beginners, I would suggest buying some small, easy to grow, inexpensive plants. Peebeanjay flowers are small purple flowers with yellow undertones that are usually favoured by most plants. They are relatively easy to garden, and are fairly inexpensive--they run about 300 NP a plant, but you can find them for cheaper if you're lucky enough. Song Flowers are also a good way to get pets hooked on gardening, as it they are quite rewarding to grow. (Who can resist a lovely song to greet you every morning from a Song Flower?) Song Flowers, however, are slightly more pricey. Mordongos are small yellow flowers that don't need tending at all--so they're good for pets that aren't very good at remembering that they need to water their garden daily, but I advise that you make sure they're firmly secured to your garden. If you're planting from seeds, make sure to put a mesh cage around the area you plant, else your garden might float away! Plants to avoid would be Glass Roses, since they are fragile and not for beginners, and Lazydels, which require a bit more attention than most gardeners desire to give.

Q: Should I use a potting bench?

A: It depends, really. Potting benches can make interesting decorative additions to any garden. I've personally always thought they look nice when one plants vine-like plants (ala the Spine Vine or Blumbs) wrap around the bench over time, making it look like a bench completely made of flowers. You can also plant smaller plants in pots in the potting bench--Colour Lilies and White Lulus are always nice to keep in a potting bench while young. Before they flower, it's often times hard to distinguish these plants from weeds, and they'll be safe from young NeoPets' trampling feet.

Q: What would you recommend for the more advanced gardener?

A: Try tracking down some of the rarer plants. White and Yellow Daffodils and Black Roses are hard to find plants, and they can add prestige to an already beautiful garden. One might also try growing glass roses, as they are challenging to grow because they are so fragile and easily shattered. Also, if you've managed to acquire a wide variety of Neopia's plant life already, you might try planting arrangements. Plant flowers that are specific colours in a prearranged design. When the flowers are in bloom, it's a nice surprise for any NeoPet to see the picture or message the flowers make!

Anyway, that's all for now. Stock up on seeds, potting soil, and get ready to have fun in your garden!

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