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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 28 > Articles > Mummy Maze Explained

Mummy Maze Explained

by eiggam636

Mummy Maze is a great way to earn Neopoints... if you know how to play. Do you? Or does it confuse you hopelessly? If you answered yes to the second question, then this article is for you. Read on!

Q: What is the object of Mummy Maze?
A: The object of Mummy Maze is to guide the Kyrii around the maze (using the arrow keys), to find the door to the next level.

Q: How do you earn points?
A: You earn points by collecting gold pieces and by shooting mummies that are in your way.

Q: Are mummies the only danger in the game?
A: No, there are plenty of other obstacles: spikes, arrows, flames, and the ghost skull. You can shoot spikes and arrows to get them out of the way (you can't get rid of flames or the ghost skull, though), but mummies are the only obstacles you get points for shooting.

Q: Tell me more about the mummies.
A: Well, there are four different kinds: tan, red, green, and blue. If a mummy touches you, you lose a life. They can also shoot at you, and if they hit you, you lose a life. You can dodge a mummy's shot by ducking (pressing the down arrow). Tan mummies are the least dangerous. They can be killed with a single shot from you, and shots can only come out of their front end. That means that a tan mummy can only shoot you when it's facing you. Red mummies, like tan ones, can only shoot from their front end, but they take two shots to kill. Green mummies only take one shot to kill, but they can shoot out of both their front and back end--they can shoot you, whether they're facing you or not. Blue mummies are the most dangerous, so really be careful if you come across one. They take two shots to kill, and they can shoot out of both their front and back. They're very hard to kill (trust me, I know from experience!) So if they're just blocking a gold coin, my advice is to avoid them. You don't need to collect every coin, and if you avoid that coin that's guarded by a blue mummy, you'll only be missing out on five points, and by avoiding it, you'll probably be saving yourself several lives. In my opinion, the only reason you should mess with a blue mummy is if it's guarding the door. You need the door to get to the next level. You don't need every gold coin.

Q: What about the spikes?
A: Spikes come up from the ground regularly in certain spots. If you're on one of those particular spots and a spike comes up on you, you lose a life. Spikes are sometimes tricky because they come up, and maybe cost you a life, and then they disappear (and then come back up again, and so on). So if you don't know where a spike is, one could come up on you anywhere. You can get rid of them with a single shot (although you don't get any points for doing that). The best thing to do is to get them out of the way as soon as you see one; that way it won't come up on you when you don't remember it's there. Arrows are the same as spikes, except they come down from the top of pathways.

Q: Tell me about the flames.
A: At specific places in the maze, long flames will come shooting out of the wall and burn anything in its path. Then they disappear, and, just like spikes and arrows, come back again after several seconds. You can't kill them or anything, but before a flame comes out of the wall, a little sliver of reddish-orange will appear on the spot on the wall that the flame is going to come out from. This sliver usually appears just a couple seconds before the actual flame comes, so as soon as you see that sliver, get out of there right away. You can come back after the flame is gone. If the flame touches you, you will lose a life.

Q: And what about the ghost skull?
A: The ghost skull is very dangerous. It comes after you if you take too long on one level. What makes it more dangerous than the other hazards is that, unlike the mummies, spikes, arrows, and flames, it follows you. Everywhere you go. It follows you. And it won't disappear until one of two things happen: a) you make it to the next level, or b) it catches you. If it catches you, you lose one life (and the skull will go away). So complete each level thoroughly, but as quickly as you can. You don't want a run-in with the ghost skull!!!

Q: So how many lives do you start out with, anyway?!
A: You start out with five lives.

Q: Is there any way to earn extra lives?
A: Yes. On each level, there is ONE red amulet. It is the exact same size and shape as a gold coin, except it is red. Each amulet will give you one extra life if you can get it. Some are easy to get, some are not, because some are in conspicuous, easy-to-access places, and others aren't.

Q: And how many swords do you start out with?
A: You start out with ten swords.

Q: And is there any way to earn extra swords?
A: Yes. For every ten gold coins you collect, you will gain one sword.

Q: How do you shoot, anyway?!
A: You press the spacebar.

Q: And I assume that when you shoot, that sword is lost?
A: Not necessarily! The swords are like boomerangs, so you launch one, it hits its target, and bounces back to you. However, if you accidentally shoot, or you purposely shoot, but miss your target, and the sword hits nothing, then it won't bounce back, and it will be lost. But you can always get more swords by collecting lots of gold coins!

Q: How do you get to the next level?
A: Well, first you have to find the door. Then move the Kyrii so it's standing on the door, and press the up arrow. The screen will go back to the starting screen that you saw when you first loaded the game. Be patient while it loads the next level. If your computer is slow, it could take a while. If it hasn't loaded quickly, don't automatically assume that something went wrong. It can take a while to load the next level.

Q: How are you scored?
A: You get five points for every gold coin you collect. How many points you get for destroying a mummy depends on what colour it was. You get the amount of Neopoints equal to your score (for example, if you scored 560 in the game, you'd get 560 Neopoints). This only works up to 1,000 points, though. If you get more than 1,000 points in the game, you will only get 1,000 Neopoints, but under 1,000 points the amount of Neopoints you get is always equal to the amount of points you got.

Q: How do you send your score?
A: Once you lose all of your lives, your score will be sent automatically.

I hope this article has answered all of your questions about Mummy Maze. If you have any more questions, you can Neomail me. I'll try my best to answer them.

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