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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 29 > Short Stories > The Good Frost Beast

The Good Frost Beast

by chimesjon

In the cold, snowy village of Happy Valley, the village was always a paradise of ice. But of course, there were many fears in the world of Terror Mountain. The Snowager had claimed many frozen victims before in the past, avalanches struck down on unsuspecting Neopians, but one of the smallest (compared to the Snowager) monstrosities were Frost Beasts. Though not exactly as ferocious as the Snowager or dangerous blizzards, the monsters traveled throughout Terror Mountain, covering more land and attacking innocent Neopians by pelting them with snowballs.

Although three strange Grundos and others have fought the Frost Beasts back in the past, they always found a way to pelt snowballs at the lonesome folk. But there was Frost Beast who, unbelievably, was against attacking Neopians. His name was Eddie. Eddie was quite smaller than the other Frost Beasts, but in other words he was still as big and bulky as Tug-O-War champion Truggdon. His family had always tried to convince Eddie that it was a "fun" tradition. During most days, like today, did his family of Frost Beasts try to lecture him and persuade Eddie to do what the others had done.

Eddie's father sighed deeply. "Eddie... you've got to understand. It's our way to pelt those stupid Neopians or whatever you call them." Eddie, sitting down on a large slab of ice, looked at his father with shame. He said, "WHY? That is what I've been wondering for years... WHY do we attack those innocent beings?"

"'Cause they're easy targets and it's fun!" exclaimed his older brother, Tarow.

"And to add to it, Eddie, that it was their fault for trespassing our territory. It was our ancestors' mistake that they did not realise what enjoyment it is to do so by throwing snowballs," said his father proudly. His mother, brothers, and sisters all looked at him with shame that they had someone who didn't enjoy their traditional activity. Eddie tried to think of other excuses, but had none left. He had a sudden quick memory of his only friends he had met other than Frost Beasts. Zack T. Fuzzle, he thought. Joey... Sen... The thoughts vanished as quickly as it had come to his mind. Eddie frowned slowly, and lowered his head down. His father smiled evilly, and put a cold hand on Eddie's shoulder. He muttered, "Now you understand... now you understand..."

Several hours later, everyone had been asleep, snoring loudly, with their snores echoing continuously throughout the deeper parts of the cave. Eddie, however, was awake. The snores had never disturbed him before, but this time it did so. He sat near the very entrance of the cave he and his family had lived in. Eddie raised his head towards the cold, dark sky. He finally decided with the words, "Neopia Central... here I come."

The next morning...

Eddie left the cave with a lie of scaring the villagers silly. But he had been headed to the Terror Mountain airport. He hid behind a wooden gate, and looked closely at the pets entering the large aircraft. He whispered to himself, "So this is what they call an 'air-a-plain'". Eddie's eyes narrowed closely at the Neopians still. Then he spotted a fat, green Skeith. Eddie's head turned to a stack of wooden boxes of Fudgy Delights. He smiled as evilly as Sloth.

Three minutes later, the Skeith drew attention to a trail of Fudgy Delights. His mouth oozed with drool, and licked his lips. He made a grab for one... then two... three... until he reached the entire stack of boxes. Eddie made sure that the Skeith was eating away, and he left with a Skeith Halloween costume. He entered the plane, with no one screaming or crying. In fact, nobody noticed that he was a Frost Beast with his costume. He said, "Like I said before, Neopia Central, here I come!!"

Eddie began singing a song he had heard before from a passing Cobrall who loved music. The song was recited again and again, until it lost its enjoyable rhythm. It passed eight hours since the plane had left Terror Mountain. Eddie was asleep for the time. Then, a voice announced, "Passengers, we are now landing at the Neopian Airlines airport. Please remain seated until the plane touches the ground. Thank you." Eddie awoke as soon as he heard the announcement. At last, in three minutes the plane landed onto the hard ground. As soon as everyone including Eddie got off the plane, he cried, "YES! I KNEW IT! NEOPIA CENTRAL!" He stopped when he noticed an owner staring strangely at him, pulling his Aisha away from looking at Eddie.

At last, Eddie was able to get rid of the annoying costume. But without his costume he had to be twice as careful of being identified as a Frost Beast. He looked at the playful pets, trodding around the world about. He saw no reason, still, to harm any of the Neopets in Neopia, and felt a bit of pity for those who continued harming Neopians up in Terror Mountain. What really drew his attention was a golden Jubjub surrounded by two Grarrl bodyguards. Eddie felt a shock of memory. "Is it that Tarreon fellow?" The Jubjub and the Grarrls had been bullying two purple Chia twins. The Frost Beast had a sudden rush of anger. Before taking action, he muttered, "I know this WAY against my will, but..."

He cried behind a tree, "Leave those two alone you Tarreon brat!" Tarreon (Khiln) turned around at the tree, saying, "Who said that?" The Chias hugged each other, frightened, also wondering who the voice was.

Eddie walked out slowly out of the tree. His bulky body's shadow outmatched the size of that of both of the Grarrls put together. He trampled slowly to Tarreon. Tarreon looked up slowly, his head lifted up extremely high (after all, Eddie was seven feet taller than him). Tarreon turned pale, and stuttered, "Y-y-y-y-ou... th-th-the Fro-fro-fro-frost B-b-beast..."

The towering Frost Beast smiled and bellowed, "RRRRROOOOAAARRR!!!!" Tarreon gave a high-pitched squeal. Then he ran away, speeding through the crowds with the Grarrls waddling after him. The wondering Neopians turned to see what the commotion was. They all noticed Eddie. The Neopians, as well as the two Chias, turned all paler than Tarreon. Eddie, annoyed, chanted, "Boo."

"AHHHHH!!" Pretty soon, the streets were empty, since all of them were scared away. Eddie smiled. "Yup... Neopia Central, here I am."

The End

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