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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 29 > Articles > Colourtrology


by roseemaryzokpidgeon

I have been reading The Neopian Times for quite a while now and I have come to realise one or two things. With the ever popular articles that say your NeoPet's (or PetPets) personality is based on its specific species. I thought, hey what about colour? I mean, sure the species might have something to do with their personality but colour might also be a factor. So without further adieu here is your NeoPet guide to colours.

Blue - Blue NeoPets are typically very smart. They can think of a way out of any situation but are sometime just a little too trusting. Naturally they love water and sky and will go very fast at any chance they get. Water Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Green - Green NeoPets will never back down from a fight. While great friends these NeoPets will grow very jealous if someone has something better than them. This will usually result in the other NeoPet having a punishment put on them in the Battledome if the opponent is foolish enough to accept. Earth Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Yellow - Yellow NeoPets tend to be cheerful all the time. They are severe optimists, meaning they always look at life in a good point of mind. They worship the sun and grow very gloomy at the sight of rain. Light Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Red - Red NeoPets usually look harmless at first glance. Just watch your back when red NeoPets are around because if they decide they do not like you they have great hidden power. If you befriend a red NeoPet they will be loyal to you forever. Fire Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Purple - Purple NeoPets tend to have an air of mystery around them. Nobody knows much about them as they keep to themselves. These NeoPets have a mischievous and slightly evil mind. In other words, they love practical jokes. They love the moon and are mainly nocturnal. Dark Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Skunk - These NeoPets despite their reputation are extremely clean and nice smelling. They are quite a bit protective so do not get on their wrong side. They love playing and are known to throw yellow snowballs at people. Neopians who hate baths usually keep these NeoPets as pets.

White - These NeoPets love helping. If they see a NeoPet in trouble they will always help. They love Faeries PetPets above all others. These pets usually just like to cuddle up next to you for fun. Air Faeries tend to keep these NeoPets as pets.

Halloween - These NeoPets have a fascination with monsters and abnormal happenings. Their favourite colour is black and they love the grosser foods Neopia has to offer.

Faerie - These pets love flying. They are not speed demons but love to show off. They love sweets and are basically very delicate. They will usually not play in the Battledome

Fire - Fiery NeoPets love heat (duh). They are surprisingly nurturing pets that love to take care of others that are their friends. They are usually very aggressive in the Battledome and love to gamble.

Tyrannian - These prehistoric pets love rock furniture and rock music. These pets have a very simple mind and rarely talk other than in grunts. Their favourite food is omelettes and dirt slushies. These pets rarely bathe and usually reek like moldy eggs.

Invisible - These NeoPets are masters at magic tricks. They love to go away without anybody knowing they are gone. These NeoPets are rarely found because you can't see them.

Mutant - These pets are usually very confused. They don't know what they are and talk like robots. The brains of these pets are usually altered making them very vicious.

Stars - These pets love astrology. They don't pay any attention to normal things and always have their head up in the clouds. They are skilled potion makers making them very susceptible to mutation.

Disco - These NeoPets love dancing. They are very good artists and love rainbows. These people are very interested in the fashion world. They love jelly things and have a fond liking for Faeries PetPet friends.

Electric blue - These pets always like being around nature. They love to work in the garden and other plants. They charge up power before letting it go in a large ball. These pets are quick to anger and will be very picky at times.

If I forgot any colour please let me know. This is not a rule book and is only for fun. I am not a physic.

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