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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 31 > Short Stories > Oputuk and Cumulo: Tonu Troubles

Oputuk and Cumulo: Tonu Troubles

by blueberry13579

"Ripley leave that alone!" Blueberry yelled at her little blue Gelert.

Ripley was now poking at an Uggatrip, which was carrying an omelette on his back and seemed to be getting rather annoyed with the big blue thing which kept poking his butt. Ripley reluctantly left the little PetPet alone and trotted over to his mother.

"Can we go home now Mum, I'm bored!" Ripley sat down at Blueberry's heels and looked up at her sadly.

She sighed, "Just hold your tail Ripley, we're leaving soon. I just have to find Oputuk and Oputuik, I can't leave Natt at home with that Neoflu for long."

Blueberry looked around the Plateau and began to walk towards the Concert Hall where she suspected Oputuik would be. As she approached the hall she could see her predictions were correct. Leopold, Oputuik's Christmas Doglefox sat outside tied to a rock, he didn't appear to happy.

"Well you didn't have to come you know," Blueberry said, looking down at the angered PetPet.

Leopold hissed madly, looking at the "No PetPets Allowed" sign.

"Mum, can I stop holding my tail now?" Ripley said through gritted teeth.

Blueberry turned around and jumped a little when she saw Ripley hobbling towards her with his tail in his mouth.

She laughed, "I didn't mean you really had to hold your tail Ripley, that's just a saying." She gave him a pat on the head and he let go of his tail.

"Good, cause my tail was starting to hurt," Ripley said, panting.

"Hey Mum!"

Blueberry heard Oputuik's voice behind her. She turned around to see Oputuik float out of the Concert Hall. The glowing Korbat was geared up in Sticks And Stones fan merchandise. Oputuik, who used to be a brown Chomby decided he wanted to be a Korbat, he was yellow, but one day he ventured a little to close to the Neopia Power Plant.

"Well now that I've found you, all I need is your trouble seeking brother," Blueberry said, placing her hands on her hips.

"I saw him earlier around the Tyrannian War Tent, he was looking at all the battle stuff," Oputuik said, lifting the rope from around Leopold's neck with his tail.

"Well let's head over that way," Blueberry turned in the direction of the centre of the Plateau.

"You tell it to go away!" Oputuk hissed in Cumulo's ear.

"No way, you do it!" Cumulo hissed back. Oputuk looked behind him at the strange little NeoPet that kept following them. Oputuk stopped and turned around. The little NeoPet stopped and looked at Oputuk with big blue eyes.

"I think it wants to eat us," Cumulo said from atop Oputuk's back.

Oputuk hit the Triffin with his tail, "Don't talk so stupid Cumulo, that thing is barely bigger then you!"

Oputuk looked down at the blue NeoPet. It appeared to be harmless, aside from the horn plastered in the centre of it's head. "I think we should ask Mum about it, just let him follow us until we find Mum." Oputuk turned around and began walking again.

"Well Oputuk, it's a Tonu. They're a new species of NeoPet and they're very rare," Blueberry said, looking down at the little creature which had followed Oputuk.

The Tonu sat down next to Oputuk and looked around the Tyrannian Jungle. "Can we keep him Mum?" Ripley asked, sniffing the Tonu's face.

The Tonu gave a playful sort of grunt and poked Ripley with a big foot, causing Ripley to fall on his butt. The Tonu laughed happily. "On second thought, it's too big." Ripley got to his feet and sat behind Blueberry.

"I can't keep him anyway Ripley, I'm only allowed to own four NeoPets, and I have them." She looked at the little Gelert.

"Well I can solve that problem; if we get rid of Cumulo can we keep him?" Oputuik said. Leopold hissed in agreement from his seat on Oputuik's curled tail.

"Be quiet or your gonna jingle all the way to the bottom of that volcano!" Cumulo yelled at Leopold, pointing to the thundering volcano in the distance.

"Both of you be quiet, I can sell the both of you and get new PetPets!" Blueberry said, pointing at the two angered PetPets. "We'll take this guy home, but I can't keep him for long, we'll have to put him up for adoption," Blueberry said, turning and beginning their long trudge home.

"Pineca can you please leave Tonu alone?" Blueberry picked Pineca the White Anubis from Tonu's back for the fifth time. Pineca growled and wiggled to free herself from Blue's grasp.

"For faeries' sake!" Blue yelled, dropping Pineca, "Natt is the only one who seems to be able to control you!"

Blueberry gave Pineca a dirty look, touching the cut the Anubis had just made on her arm. Tonu sniffed Pineca and snorted in her face, sending Pineca into a heap of white across the floor. She growled and stalked away.

"Well at least you know not to let anyone boss you around," Blue gave Tonu a pat on the head.

"Tonu, come and play!" Blueberry heard Ripley yell from outside. Tonu roared happily and ran towards the wall, "No Tonu use-!" Blue was cut off as the wall smashed and dust flew everywhere, "Door!" Blue coughed, waving the dust away from her face. When she could finally see, she knew there was this little creature was going to be a lot of trouble. Ripley's confused face stared back at her through the whole in the wall and Tonu snorted happily and poked the ball with his horn, popping it. Blueberry sighed, "Oputuik, Oputuk! Get out here and help me, and bring some lose boards will you!" Blue yelled.

"We have to get rid of this guy," Blue said, nailing the last board into place.

"Yeah I agree," Oputuik whined, looking at his bandaged tail and wings.

Cumulo had volunteered to do the hammering, and poor Oputuik had to hold the nails, and as you might have guessed, those fuzzy paws don't hammer well.

"We can't leave him in the pound Mum-achoo-he won't get a good-achoo-home," Natt managed to say through many sniffs and sneezes. She sniffed loudly and pulled the blanket tightly around her.

"After you see the library your gonna think different," Oputuk said, coming into the room.

"What's wrong now?" Blueberry whined. Oputuk nodded behind him and he turned and headed fro the library. Blue and Oputuik followed. They both gasped as the entered the library. Books and paper were strewn all over the floor. Tonu sat in the middle of the massive room, staring down at a book. He closed it and picked it up in his mouth, carrying it back to Blue he dropped it at her feet and sat down. Blue bent down and picked it up, then she burst into laughter as she read the cover, "How To Care For Your Tonu".

"I'll be sure to give this to your new owner, because I know exactly who I'll give you to!" Blue gave Tonu a pat on the head.

"Be sure to take good care of him!" Blue called as a happy Newbie walked away with Tonu.

"Yeah and be sure to come back and visit us!" Natt yelled, now over her Neoflu.

"Well I say good riddens! My wings are ruined!" Oputuik frowned.

They all laughed and walked back inside.

The End

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