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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 33 > Articles > Zeke Speaks: Thoughts from a Library Legend - Review II

Zeke Speaks: Thoughts from a Library Legend - Review II

by missphd

Having read 350+ books and securing myself a comfortable place on the Neopian Book Award's High Score Table, I feel somewhat qualified to share my humble opinions about some of the books I have had the chance to read during my time in Neopia. Check out my Pet Page if you want to see some more details about my quest for knowledge. This week I am reviewing three books that rank higher on my list of books I've enjoyed.

Caring For Your Neopet Volume 1
Since I have been living in Neopia since June 2001 and it is now March of the following year, I thought I should pick up this book and make sure I REALLY knew all I needed to about taking care of myself.

I use to be an only pet, because my owner wanted to give all her attention, caring and love to just one pet, but this book has reinforced all we have learned together through trial and error, and I wish I would have picked it up earlier! It also made us see that having a brother for me isn't so bad!

Basically the book is divided into the following sections: General Care, Feeding, Grooming, Playing, Training, Socialising and Other Developmental Issues. It is very easy to read and covers the most basic issues from how to build a special diet for your special pet to more complex issues like how to get a shy pet to interact well with others.

One area that my owner and myself often failed to consider until I read this book was the area of Grooming. Since I visit the lab ray everyday (it doesn't really hurt THAT much!), I do not bother much on grooming myself, but the chapter on Grooming made me understand that grooming isn't so much about making me look better as it is about making me FEEL better.

Overall, I would recommend this book to any pet and their owner, whether they have been in Neopia for 2 week or 2 years. I am anxious to see what the rest of the books in this series have to offer!

Overall, my rating for Caring For Your Neopet Volume 1 is: 4 stars

Know Your Collectable Cards
Getting into Collectable Cards in Neopia may seem like a daunting task, but this book make it easy as collecting Usuki Playsets!

The first few chapters give the basics on the cards. It explains the rarity values of the different cards and explains why certain cards are more sought after, and therefore more valuable. It also provides an up-to-date Spoiler List of all the cards in Neopia, complete with pictures. I particularly liked this section because it organised them by card type and colour.

Another valuable feature of this book is the section describing card condition, and how to properly store and preserve your cards. It describes all the methods used by collectors, from bubble gum adhesive to clear card protectors and hard case top-loaders. In this section it also provides an easy to read chart of card condition ratings, so you can properly describe your card to a buyer.

Overall, I think this is one of the best Collectable Card books I have read in a long time. I totally recommend this book to anyone starting out with their collection, or to the die-hard collectors who is looking for a new reference book to help them organise their collection.

Overall, my rating for Know Your Collectable Cards is: 4 1/2 stars

Long Neck Lucy
I found myself nearly giddy as I read the press release that this book was going to hit the market in Neopia. I am a true sucker for stories that tug at the heart strings, and this one had me running to the cupboard for my jumbo box of tissues within the first three chapters.

Often, when I read "true story" books, I find myself wondering if everything in the book really happened, or if some of it has been made up to make the central figure's life more exciting, amazing, awe-inspiring, or in this case…sad. After reading this book, I had no doubt in my mind that Lucy the Chomby was different and truly had a hard life because of it.

The first half of the book focused on Lucy's struggles in Tyrannia as she worked to fit in with the other Chombys. Something set her apart from the others, and it wasn't until her teen years that she realised it was her long neck that was the big difference. Written without the help of a ghost writer, Lucy tells us in her own words what it felt like to constantly put herself out there and continually be shot down and shoved out of the "crowd". As I turned the pages, I could truly feel her pain and it made me very aware of how I have treated others who were different from me.

The book was not a total sob-fest however. I really liked the last half of the book where Lucy told us how her adult life has been and how she has been able to overcome adversity and is even beginning to find love with a cute male Chomby who is mature enough to see past any differences she might have. She gives us many words of wisdom that are inspiring to not only other Chombys, but to any Neopet out there, including myself.

Overall, if you are looking for a book to help you open your eyes to the struggles that others have overcome, or if you are just looking for a good tear-jerker with an upbeat ending, this book is for you.

Overall, my rating for Long Neck Lucy is: 5 stars

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