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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 34 > Articles > The History of the Bruce

The History of the Bruce

by penguin12334556

The Bruce has had a surprisingly colourful past for such a normal looking Neopian. However, many people do not know about it. When they see a Bruce, all they see is a fat bird. They should see a survivor of a great migration and an even greater story.

Let's start with the Bruce's evolution.

Bruces lived in Tyrannia at first. They went through a stage in their lives when they were part mammal. It was a very odd period for the Bruce. They had claws, a spiky coat of feathers and fur on their back, and had clawed feet. This was totally different from today's Bruces. However, the Bruce migrated up toward Terror Mountain in fear of the Grarrls attacking them.

At Terror Mountain, the Bruces began to adapt. They began to grow more feathers, which were warmer, and were unusually waterproof. Bruces are the only flightless birds in Neopia, but what they lack in flight, they make up for in speed of swimming. When they grew their feathers, they go the talent of being back to dive under icebergs in the pursuit of fishes and other delicious underwater goodies. Then, after the Bruces grew feathers, their feet became a one-toe kind of foot. This was for better grip on the ice. Finally, the Bruces grew small, stubby wings which helped them in their swimming.

While evolving physically, they began to change mentally as well. The Bruces developed their own culture, which is unlike any other in Neopia. That includes their unique Bruce igloos they live in, the dance-offs they participate in, and of course, the unique snowball fights that are common in Happy Valley. All of these were developed by the Bruce.

Terror Mountain remained undiscovered for some time, until a small band of creatures arrived at Terror Mountain. These were no other than a group of humans, who were sailing the Neopian seas in search of lands where they could trade with.

The humans landed on Terror Island, saw the Bruces, and decided to bring them back to their king as prizes. To their luck, King Bruce liked them, and named these "odd things," as Bruces.

So that is where they got the name Bruce.

However, little did the king know that the Bruces needed their wintry home. The humans had brought them to a land of a hot sun and summery days. The Bruces were getting sick from the heat. And so, in order to save their species, the Bruces began the Great Swimming Migration.

The Migration lasted up to six months. It was nothing but swimming from the "human isle," (which is believed to have sunk under the sea), toward their snowy home. They Bruces lasted on nothing but fish and squid. When they arrived at their houses once again, there was something else called the Great Eating, where the Bruces tried to eat anything EXCEPT FISH AND SQUID.

They were so overjoyed to have made it to Happy Valley, that they danced all day. This is what started the dance-offs. It is to celebrate their arrival on Terror Mountain. Every year, the Bruces have these competitions where they dance and dance and dance on the ice, and the last Bruce standing wins a prize.

So, as you can see, your Bruce is very special. His or her family members may have traveled the Great Bruce Migration. And, I hope you take him or her to the dance-offs every year! I cannot tell you exactly where it is in this article, for it is a hidden area which Bruces know only ;)

Well, thank you for reading this article. You are probably wondering, how do I know this? Well, I happen to be a Bruce, and my great, great grandparents traveled on the Migration.

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