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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 38 > Articles > Pots of Golden Food! With Loretta the Lupe

Pots of Golden Food! With Loretta the Lupe

by dogznkatz

Hello! I'm Loretta Lupe and today we'll have a very special Lost Desert Edition of Pots of Golden Food!

For our appetiser we'll start out with Sand Fruit Supreme. First you need some Cheops Plants, Sand Watermelons, Sand Strawberries, Sand Bananas, and Sand Oranges. First, you remove the leaves off of the Cheops Plants. Second, you dice the remains of the Cheops Plant and place them aside. Next, you slice the Sand Watermelons in two, and place them on a plate. They will be the 'bowls' of our appetiser. Then, you cut the Sand Strawberries in quarters, and leave them scattered in the centre of the watermelon. After that, you peel the Sand Banana, and slice it evenly. You border the watermelons with the banana slices. So then, you slice the Sand Oranges in two, and place each one on a watermelon. After that, you sprinkle the diced Cheops Plant berries around the Sand Watermelons. For garnishing, you place the leaves of the Cheops Plant on one side of the plate.

Our salad for tonight shall be the special Grakle Bug Caesar Salad. First, take some of the delicious Tchea Fruit leaves and place them in a bowl. Next, slice some Grakle Bugs evenly and sprinkle them on the Tchea Fruit leaves. Then, take some Cheops Plants and place the berries on the salad. After that, take some Seasoning Sand, mix well with a little bit of water, and pour it on. That's your salad dressing. Finally, add a finishing touch by putting a slice of Ummagine in the centre.

The main course is Grakle Stuffed Turkey with Sliced Ummagines. First, you preheat the oven to 350° F. Next, marinate the Grakle Stuffed Turkey in brine. Salt the turkey liberally. Then, take three Ummagines and slice them in eighths. You should remove the seeds and discard them. After that, sprinkle lots of Seasoning Sand on the Ummagines. So then, take a Tchea Fruit and place it in the turkey. When the oven's ready, place the turkey in the oven for a while. So while you wait, take some Cheops Plant leaves and decorate your plate. Take the Ummagines and spread them around the rim. This'll be great! When the turkey's done, take it out and place it on the plate and voila! There's your Grakle Stuffed Turkey with Sliced Ummagines.

Now, here's our dessert. It is Pyramicake ala Mode. You take some Golden Juppies, mash their flesh, and add some sugar. There's your Golden Juppie Mash. You take a large bowl; fill it with 2 cups sugar, 1-cup cinnamon, 3 cups milk, 2 eggs, and some mashed Tchea Fruit. Stir well until thickened. Next, take some delicious Ummagines and some milk, and then mix it well in a blender until it's nice and purple. You place in a good container, shake well, and roll it across the table. That was fun! Then, place the container in the freezer for several hours and take it out. There's your Ummagine Ice Cream. With your cake batter, pour it in rectangle pans, each one smaller than the other. Or you can buy a Pyramicake Mold. We'll tell you how to make it with the mold. Pour the batter in the mold until full. Bake it in the oven at 400°F until golden brown. Take the Pyramicake out of the mold, and poke a small hole at the top, and place a funnel in it. Fill with the Golden Juppie Mash and fill the hole with the circle you cut with the funnel. Place the cake on a plate. Finally, you place the ice cream around the Pyramicake.

So, that's all for today! I'm Loretta Lupe with today's edition of Pots of Golden Food!! Tune in next time on Neopia Channel One!

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