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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 38 > Articles > Raising Your Pet: Things You Should Know

Raising Your Pet: Things You Should Know

by hiphopdeevuh

As we all know, raising a NeoPet is much like raising a child (except much easier I'm sure, not that I've had any experience). And as we all know there are certain things that you must teach your child... right? So I've grouped together some of the things that are pretty important for a young NeoPet to know.


You should definitely teach your pet about the environment. Tell them that recycling is important to keeping Neopia beautiful. Also teach them about conserving energy. If you have a slightly older pet, you should explain to them about the hole in the ozone layer and how important it is to ride a bike or skateboard instead of driving a car. Together we can beautify Neopia!

Staying Healthy

When the time comes for your pet to go out on their own (sniff sniff) my guess is at first they are going to go crazy if you have been giving them tofu all their life. Tell them how much better an apple is compared to a chocolate Chia (okay, I will be honest that I would take the chocolate Chia instead of the apple but they don't need to know that do they?). Show them the food triangle and tell them about eating healthy. Also, enforce sports to keep your pets active.

Positive Thinking

Okay, I'm probably losing you at this point but please, stay with me on this one and you might learn something yourself. Positive thoughts control the world's fate if you ask me. If you are negative and think negative thoughts, then your life and the world around you will be negative. And vice-versa. I swear just try this for a day and see if your life makes even a slight improvement. When you wake up in the morning look at yourself in the mirror and say "I love me." Scream it if you want to wake yourself up haha. Then before you go to bed say, "My day was great" even if it wasn't. This works. Tell your NeoPet to try this also.

And most importantly... Having Fun

Life would not be life if you didn't have fun right? I guess it is kind of stupid to tell your pet "I want you to have fun everyday." But hey it might be helpful. Because "All work and no Gormball makes Kougra a dull NeoPet..."

I hope you think about these things and teach them to your pet. Or yourself....

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