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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 38 > Articles > Mutant Techos... Yucko?

Mutant Techos... Yucko?

by dragon_morpher

Hello, and welcome to the Guide of Your Mutant Techo! I, dragon_morpher, and my Mutant Techo, Tanloy2 will be explaining all there is for you to know about Mutant Techos. (When words are like this it means that Tanloy2 is talking.) Yeah, yeah, what ever. This is Tanloy2 talking here. I am a Mutant Techo, and proud of it. Everybody should really know the truth about us. Because I don't think it's really fair when you are walking down the street and see a Mutant, and say, "Ewww…there's a Mutant, let's get out of here!" That just makes us really mad. I was made a Mutant Techo on purpose, because dragon_morpher likes the way they look. So if you own a Mutant Techo, stay right here and read on! (oh, and I forgot to say this but, I am a female Mutant Techo.)

A Little About Them

Well, as you can probably tell, most people think that Mutant Techos are the ugliest things on the planet, and owners would rather have a pet worm before owning a Mutant. HEY! I heard that! Oh, hush Tanloy2. But as I was saying… pets aren't supposed to be loved for what's on the outside; it's the inside that counts. And that's one of the reasons why I have Tanloy2 as she is. (It's also because she looks cool) But if I were you, I would never I mean, never insult a Mutant Techo, especially Tanloy2. It's only because Mutant Techos are powerful, and could kick the crud out of another pet. (You better watch your mouth!) My Techo is at level 5, but she's never battled before. But if you get too carried away, she'll be on you soon. Even if you reject the challenge, I would still be careful.

Their Personality

Well rumour has it that Mutant pets are pickier than normal pets. (This is very true) Tanloy2 won't read more books than the rest of my pets, and she is the pet out of the four that eats gourmet food. But luckily, she hasn't turned any down yet. She doesn't like Plain omelettes, and she won't touch her dinner if it's a bagguss. (My pets like omelettes and Desert Food.) Sometimes, Mutant Techos will refuse to have certain PetPets! (My Cybunny refused a Hornsby!)

You are very true dragon_morpher, but sometimes we Mutant Techos are very lonesome and affectionate. Some days I am in a playful and cheery mood, but other days I want to break something, or hunt something down.

Ways to Control One

As people have it, Techos are almost always happy! But sometimes Mutants will break into an outrage, which is something you have to deal with. What you should do if your Techo gets in an outrage is: feed it its favourite food, and play with it. Taking it to the Battledome for a good fight is always a good thing. Take him/her to the Healing Springs! It is supposed to soothe pets, and make them calmer.

If your Techo is sick, going to the Healing Springs helps too. But if you have the right Medicine, go ahead and give it to your pet. If you can't afford the medicine, try to play with your pet, and feed it. If your pet doesn't accept these things, don't force them to do it.

Things They Like

These are some things that my Mutant Techo enjoys, and maybe yours does or will like to also! I enjoy:

· Working on my Web page
· Eating Gourmet Foods
· Playing with plushies
· Being in my NeoHome
· Playing and spending time with my family
· Helping with dragon_morpher's guild
· Playing with my PetPet
· Shopping
· Stocking the family shop
· Reading
· And Sleeping


Oh goodie I get to do this part! Well this guide should take care of the most important parts to your Mutant Techo, but if you need more tips or help, Neomail dragon_morpher, and she will try to help you as best as she can. Thanks for listening to what dragon_morpher and I had to say, and please care for your Mutant Techo dearly. If you don't have a Mutant Techo, I hope this will persuade you to adopt a lonesome one in the pound, and save it from a bad owner.

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