Also by luvinnemiousis
The Faerie Queen
Needless to say, the flight up to Faerieland was VERY unnerving for the both
of us. And we both walked around on the clouds like we were afraid of falling
through. We made our way quickly through the Faerie
City and walked into the palace with relief. At least the floors here
were strong, sturdy marble instead of fluffy cloud.
The castle was beautiful, decorated with stained glass and tapestries, plus
portraits of all of the faeries posing in their elements. We slunk past Atera's
portrait, where she seemed to glare from a background of creepy shadows and
glowing eyes. Was it me or did the picture's eyes seem to follow us?
Luvin finally had had enough of being creeped out and whirled around to face
it. She frizzed her fur out and glared challengingly at the portrait, "You got
a problem, punk? Stop staring at me, or I'll have to sharpen my claws on you!"
I was about to delicately point out that Luvin was talking to paint on a canvas
when the painting rippled slightly. My fur frizzed out too and I hissed. It
only lasted a couple of seconds, then the ripple was gone and the painting was
just an ordinary, if creepy looking picture.
"Uhm, let's… let's get going. Something tells me that was a spy spell and our
time may be running out." I started backing away a little from the portrait.
Luvinnemiousis gave the picture one final nasty glare and joined me, her anger
fading away quickly as I pointed out several beautiful works of art.
We both laughed as she posed next to a stature of a faerie Kougra. I had to
admit, if it hadn't been for Luvin's beautiful purple colour next to the stone
grey of the statue, they could have been identical. We finally came to the Great
Hall where the Faerie Queen was sitting on her throne and sipping something
from a tall glass. Every Faerie but Atera was in attendance, sitting at long
banquet tables, eating, talking and chatting.
I padded in first, feeling like an intruder but determined. Luvinnemiousis
padded in right behind me.
Slowly the chatter died down as they took note of our presence. I squared my
shoulders and walked slowly to the throne on the Faerie Queen. There was a sharp
*shink* as the Battle Faerie drew her sword and stepped between us.
The reason for my friend being a Kougra abruptly came to the surface as she
snarled and stepped between the blade and me. Brave, loyal and tough; that's
"Whoa, chill out both of you," me, ever the peace maker, put a restraining
paw on Luvin's shoulder and swatted aside the Battle Faerie's sword, "We're
here to see the Faerie Queen. Something major is happening that she needs to
know about."
"Really?" The Faerie Queen said softly, "Come forward then brave pets."
We walked forward and bowed as well as we could. "That's just it," I said when
I straightened, "We're not pets. We're humans."
Soft laughter spread through the room. We certainly LOOKED like pets. The Faerie
Queen frowned slightly and looked deep into my eyes. I shivered a little, as
she seemed to look straight into my soul. Her eyes widened and she dropped her
glass onto the floor. Slightly pale she looked into Luvin's eyes and gave a
little gasp.
"They ARE human inside! H-how can this be? And who could have done this?"
The Faerie Queen had gone very pale now. I looked straight back at her, "Atera,
the Dark Faerie. Her name was on a Neomail that I got. I didn't know it was
a trap until after I sent it to my friend."
Outside the room there were loud yells and angry pet voices, commanding the
guards to let them through to the Faerie Queen.
"Looks like you aren't the only two to get that letter. Please come with me."
The Faerie Queen rose and paused just long enough to mutter something to another
faerie, who disappeared quickly. She walked up a long flight of stairs to a
balcony that overlooked thousands of "NeoPets" at the palace door.
"Friends, please!" the Faerie Queen called out, "I have been informed of your
predicaments and we are now working on a solution to your problems. We are aware
that the culprit for this is Atera, the Dark Faerie." A dark and dangerous mutter
rippled through the crowd.
"Hold!" the Faerie Queen cried, "I have sent from someone who can help us prepare
for the battle that we will surely have to fight. A red Nimmo with a headband
on appeared at the fringes of the crowd and picked his way quickly through the
crowd. He made a fantastic leap up to our balcony with the aid of a long staff.
He bowed to the Faerie Queen. "You sent for me your Majesty?" The Faerie Queen
smiled, "Indeed I did Ryshu. I am glad you could make it so quickly from Mystery
She brought him up to date with our situation and he nodded solemnly.
"I will send for my Master and perhaps he can offer his aid as well."
The Faerie Queen turned to the two of us and thoughtfully said, "We'll need
field generals to lead two parties. It will be their jobs to get messages to
one another and to keep their selected groups in line. Luvinnemiousis, I hereby
appoint you a Battle officer. Your group shall be the main fighting force and
shall be appointed with the Battle Faerie and training will begin immediately.
Take only those who are strong and good at combat."
Luvin bowed her head. "I will do my best your majesty."
The Faerie Queen then turned to me. "Alkuna, I hereby appoint you to be a Strategy
officer. Your followers will be those who are not strong in face-to-face battle.
Take those bound to the water and as many winged creatures as you can and begin
preparing for your part."
To be continued... |