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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 45 > Continuing Series > Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part Four

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part Four

by yugo149

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part 4 Previously, on Doomsday Rider V, Bloodsport XIX commenced, and the new champion is Cushidra. While the tournament was raging, Psychodogg faced off against M-VI-Nupperm again, and unleashed his finishing move, the Solar Wind. Later, Shadow got up to the Phoenician Warhead a few seconds after SF-Omega, and their battle has commenced.

SF-Omega struggled to get up. Shadow was just as powerful as Omega, and they both knew it.

"How can you possibly be stronger than me?" Omega asked. "I am unbeatable!"

"Yeah, well, you're a weakling, SF-Omega," Shadow answered. Omega stood up. He was secretly charging up his Bomb Punch to destroy the track and rid himself of Shadow.

"Oh, am I?" Omega asked, slamming his fist into the track. A wall of rapid explosions shot straight at Shadow. He jumped over them, and started to plummet back to the ground before he realised the track was being destroyed. Shadow unfolded his wings and flew back up to the Phoenician Warhead. He clung to the side of the Warhead and worked his way around to SF-Omega.

"What?!" Omega shouted. "You're supposed to be plummeting to the ground right now!"

"I think you're forgetting that most Shoyrus can fly," Shadow said.

"Arrgh," Omega said, gritting his teeth. He took his hands off the control panel and opened his right arm. "Master, there's a dark Shoyru up here and he won't die. What am I supposed to do?"

"Just knock him out. He'll come back down to the ground and die that way. Either that or he'll scorch to death on the way down," MTL-Rider answered.

"Oh, right," Omega said, closing up his arm, then letting it fall to his side.

"Dark Kanena!" Shadow shouted, throwing the spear of light at Omega. It hit him in the chest and pierced right through, and kept going into the distance until it faded. The hole in Omega was spewing out oil. Not to mention Omega was trying to cover up the hole with his hands to keep from losing too much oil.

"No, this can't be happening," Omega said, losing the expression on his face and falling back to the ground.

"Man, using that Dark Kanena really takes a lot out of a Shoyru," Shadow said, letting himself fall back to Neopia, gliding when he had to to keep from burning to death on the way down.

At MTL-Rider's base...

"Arrgh!" MTL-Rider shouted. "How could that dark Shoyru have defeated SF-Omega?!"

"Master, I'm sure it was all just a fluke," ZRA-Goliath answered.

"I don't care what it was, those NeoPets will pay for this!" MTL-Rider shouted. "But for now, we might as well wait until morning to unleash you, Goliath."

"Yes, master," Goliath answered. "Those NeoPets will each fall before me, one by one."

10:39AM NST: MTL-Rider's base

"Come on!" I whispered, motioning for Shadow, Anubis, and Boomdogg to follow me. We slipped through the front gate and saw the tower that MTL-Rider was using as a base. It was extremely tall. At least forty feet. There was a string of ledges and bridges and all kinds of things that led around the tower and up to the top.

"That looks like it's going to be hard to infiltrate," Boomdogg said.

I stared back at him. "I'm surprised you even know what that means," I said, smiling.

"Oh shut up," Boomdogg said, walking forward toward the first ledge. It took probably a half hour for all four of us to get up to the top of the tower. We barged into the room, and there was MTL-Rider, ZRA-Goliath and... the Sacred Gemstones?!

"How did you get the Gemstones?" I demanded.

"All will be explained later, just before I finish you off," MTL-Rider answered. He glanced over to ZRA-Goliath. "Goliath, you take the two Lupes and the dark Shoyru. I'll take care of Doomsday_Rider," he commanded. A few seconds later, Boomdogg, Anubis, Shadow, and ZRA-Goliath disappeared in one big flash of blue.

"Now our battle will begin," MTL-Rider said, raising his fists into a fighting position.

"Right," I said, unsheathing my Million Degree Sword. MTL-Rider yanked out his sword, an Ice Scimitar. We were the opposites of each other in every way. I was good, he was evil. I was flesh, he was steel. I had a Million Degree Sword, he had an Ice Scimitar. It was insane.

"Any last words?" MTL-Rider asked.

"MTL-Rider, you think that you can just come here to Neopia and take it over? I don't think so! I've defended this planet several times, and I've fought stronger opponents than you," I said.

"Really? I doubt it. Besides, even if you do beat me, you've still got the Serpent Dragon to contend with, and he is the perfect life form. There's nothing you can do to save this wretched planet," MTL-Rider explained. He was right. If I had to go up against the perfect life form, I would be obliterated.

"Tell you what though, I want a decent fight, so I'll let you become Hyper Doomsday_Rider," MTL-Rider said, crossing his arms.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Oh, you didn't know? Every living thing has an infinite amount of power buried deep within them. The hyper form is one of the levels of infinite power. The only way to reveal the power is to use the Sacred Gemstones," MTL-Rider explained. The Sacred Gemstones lifted off the floor, formed a circle around me and started spinning. I tried to follow the Jadestone as long as I could, but I eventually lost track of it. My wings got longer, my tail got longer, and spikes jutted out of it. My eyes turned fiery red, and the Sacred Gemstones fell to the floor. I had reached my Hyper form, and it was a power like I'd never experienced before. An immense power was flowing through my veins. It was unbelievable!


"For some reason, I don't think this is going to be easy," Shadow whispered to Boomdogg and Anubis.

"Come on," ZRA-Goliath shouted from his pillar in the center of a ring of platforms. "I want a decent fight."

Boomdogg began to throw fireball after fireball at ZRA-Goliath, and about every third one hit. Boomdogg held his fire, then glanced over to Anubis, who was glancing back. The emerging grins from both of them all but suggested what they had in mind: a fusion.

Anubis' eyes flashed red, and Boomdogg changed colours from white to black. Their shapes turned an intensely bright white, and they slowly became one. When the light faded, there was a Lupe standing there. One like no one had ever seen before. He was white, with a red streak along his back, and a black ring around his waist. He had one spike jutting out of each shoulder, two jutting out of his throat, and one jutting out of his forehead.

"Wow, Anubis, I mean Boomdogg, I mean... what are you going to go by right now?" Shadow stuttered.

"I am Belgora," he answered, focusing his attention on ZRA-Goliath, who was staring at him in surprise, the arrogance slowly fading from his mind. Belgora jumped over the gap between the center pillar ZRA-Goliath was standing on and the ring of ledges around it, and closed his claws around Goliath. He struggled to break free, but to no avail.

"Impossible!" Goliath shouted. "How could this be happening?!"


I rushed MTL-Rider, my sword drawn, and slashed at him when I got close enough. He jumped straight over my sword and took a shot of his own. I shoved my sword in the way. We were very evenly matched. We both tried to overpower the other, but neither one of us was moving an inch. We broke our grapple, and I rushed MTL-Rider again. This time he blocked my attack with his sword, and we were stuck in another grapple.

"You're a more formidable opponent than I'd expected," MTL-Rider said.

"Maybe you shouldn't have let me go to my hyper form," I answered.

"Well, it really doesn't matter, Doomsday_Rider, because you can't hold that form forever," MTL-Rider said.

"No, but I can hold it long enough to beat you and the Serpent Dragon!" I shouted, rushing him yet again. He blocked my attack again, then rushed me. I jumped over him, slamming my sword down onto his head as he went by. He fell to the floor and lay there, not moving.


Belgora was crushing ZRA-Goliath with his brutal strength. Shadow just stood on the ring of ledges and watched the battle ensue. Goliath dug deep and broke Belgora's hold, then punched him in the face, lifted him up and threw him into Shadow.

"Oh man, what happened?" Shadow asked, sitting up. Belgora jumped up.

"ZRA-Goliath broke my attack," Belgora answered. He lunged at Goliath again, this time knocking him off the pillar and careening toward the ground, at least a hundred yards down. Goliath tried to manoeuvre around to use his jet boosters to get back up to the top of the pillar, but he didn't make it in time. When he hit the ground, he went up in a shower of sparks, fireballs, and shards of metal.

"Well," Belgora said. "One down, one more to go. Let's go help Doomsday_Rider."

"Right," Shadow replied. They both raced off to find a way back into the base.


I took another slice at MTL-Rider. This time, my Million Degree Sword sliced right through him. The ceiling cracked open, and here came Shadow and Belgora.

"Who are you?" I asked Belgora when he and Shadow landed next to me.

"I'm Belgora, Boomdogg and Anubis III's fused form," he answered.

"Oh, right," I answered.

"You fools," MTL-Rider said, struggling to keep his head off the floor. "You three still have to face off against the Serpent Dragon, the perfect life form. You have absolutely no chance of winning."

"You want to bet?" I asked. "We crushed you and your army."

"Yes, well," MTL-Rider answered. "The Serpent Dragon is far more powerful than any opponent you'll EVER fight. His stats are all past fifty thousand. Do you really think you can stand up to that?"

"We have to," I answered.

"Very well then, the fate of Neopia lies in your hands," MTL-Rider said. "It's strange, but I never really noticed the beauty of this planet until now that I'm dying." He began to say something else, but his head fell to the floor with a faint clank, and those were the last words ever spoken by MTL-Rider, master of the PSY-Borg Army. But now we had a far more dangerous matter on our hands: the Serpent Dragon.

"Well, come on, we've got to fight the Serpent Dragon, now!" I shouted. The Sacred Gemstones began to spin around Shadow and Belgora like they did me, and they were put in their hyper forms. The three of us took to the skies to battle the perfect life form for the fate of Neopia.

Minutes later...

Dust and small rocks pelted against the Serpent Dragon as he struck Neopia's atmosphere. He let out a ferocious roar into the skies as he saw us approaching. Strangely, Shadow's hyper form looked exactly like Cushidra. There must be some connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. Belgora's hyper form looked pretty much the same as his regular form, except the white areas were silver. Shadow was the first to make an attack. He struck the Serpent Dragon right in the throat, right under his chin. Shadow flew back to where we were, and was holding his face like someone had just hit it with a hammer.

"Man, MTL-Rider wasn't kidding. This guy is practically invincible," Shadow said.

"Dark Kanena!" A voice behind us shouted. It was Cushidra.

"Solar Wind!" Belgora wheeled around to see none other than Psychodogg racing up to help us. I don't know how they transformed into their hyper forms, but we needed all the help we could get. The Solar Wind went straight into the Serpent Dragon's mouth, but it hardly did any damage. Belgora took the next shot.

Belgora gathered white fire and hurled it at the Serpent Dragon. Still, it hardly did any damage. Then I took my shot. I threw out a ball of my energy, and when it struck the Serpent Dragon, he seemed to stop for several seconds.

"Doomsday_Rider?" Belgora yelled.

"What?" I answered.

"You remember when MTL-Rider told us the Seprent Dragon was the perfect life form?" Belgora asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked in reply.

"He was wrong. YOU'RE the perfect life form!" Belgora shouted. That statement made my entire body go numb. I was the perfect life form? It couldn't be. But I was the first one of us to reach my hyper form. Maybe I am. No, it can't be.

"You're kidding!" I yelled in reply.

"No, think about it. That attack you threw out really slowed down the Serpent Dragon, who is supposed to be the perfect life form," Belgora explained. Shadow took the next shot. Again, he shot forward, and slammed right into the Serpent Dragon's left eye. He let out a ferocious roar capable of rattling an entire city. The Serpent Dragon swatted Shadow, and he shot by us, heading straight for the ground. He was engulfed in a huge fireball in a matter of seconds.

"I can't let Shadow die. If he dies, I die," Cushidra said, watching Shadow.

"How's that?" Psychodogg asked.

"I am Shadow's hyper form from about two years from now," Cushidra said, chasing after the fireball Shadow was in.

"Come on, let's finish this," Belgora said as four red balls of light gathered around him. "Energy Bomb!" he shouted, and the balls turned green and shot at the Serpent Dragon. The Serpent Dragon got closer to us and swatted Psychodogg back to the ground. It was just me and Belgora against the Serpent Dragon. The Serpent Dragon shot past us, so now we had to chase him and fight him at the same time. Belgora made his move and tried to shoot a white fireball in the Serpent Dragon's right eye, but it missed and hit his left eye. He swatted Belgora, who broke apart into Boomdogg and Anubis. They both plummeted to the ground.

"Serpent Dragon!" I yelled. "I will not let you hurt any more living things!" There was a fire in my eyes no one had seen before. I shot past him, and shot rapid fire energy balls at his face. They all connected, and the Serpent Dragon froze for a second, but it was long enough for me to finish him off. I rushed him, while I was flashing blood red. I yanked out my Million Degree Sword and sliced right through the Serpent Dragon. There was a huge explosion, and then I lost my hyper form and plummeted to the ground.


"Doomsday_Rider, are you okay?" Shadow asked me. Most of my friends were there. Shadow was in front of me, Boomdogg was in the corner, drinking a Pale Elixir. Anubis was in the other corner talking to Midnight, and Tical was in another corner. I didn't see Chao, Evanda, or Kentan.

"What happened? Why am I back down here?" I frantically asked.

"You beat the Serpent Dragon," Shadow answered. "We saw the explosion from the ground."

"How did you guys survive?" I asked.

"I used Anubis as a shield," Bomdogg answered.

"Cushidra caught me and brought me back down here, then ran off somewhere," Shadow said.

I couldn't believe my ears. We had defeated the perfect life form without losing anybody. Not to mention the fact that I was the one who finished him off. I thought that was the toughest fight we'd ever go through. Boy, was I wrong, but that's another story for another time.

The End

Previous Episodes

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part One

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part Two

Doomsday Rider V: The PSY-Borg Invasion: Part Three

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