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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 45 > Articles > Beyond a Newbie: Medication for Addicts

Beyond a Newbie: Medication for Addicts

by druidgetafix

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Every single Neopian began as a Newbie, struggling through numerous challenges whilst unraveling the secrets of the mysterious world of Neopia. I, for one, made countless mistakes when I first began playing NeoPets on the 23rd of March 2001. If you are a Newbie, do not worry about not knowing what happens where on NeoPets. That is what this article is about, and in case you are wondering where you even are now, this is an article in the NeoPets weekly newsletter, The Neopian Times. This week, you get to participate in a quiz to test how much the vast world of Neopia has affected your life on some planet all known to the rest of us *grin*.

Give yourself points equal to the number of the statement that applies to you on Earth (e.g. If your answer for statement #5 is yes, add 5 points to your score). Be truthful, and the results will be 125.86% accurate, certified by the Druid.

1. You log on to NeoPets at least once every two days.

2. You can sort the Big Fat Liar, DivaStars™ and Usuki Frenzy games in chronological order of their appearance in Neopia.

3. Both your computer wallpaper and screensaver have NeoPets in them.

4. You can click on the location of the Hidden Tower, Dead End and Fungus Cave without having the map finish loading. (Do not Neomail me asking for the positions of these sites; it is just plain irritating and I will delete such Neomails.)

5. You do not believe that keeping money that has been dropped on the floor by others is bad.

6. According to your recent theory, people are born adults and can be changed back to babies if they choose to.

7. The only restaurant you know is the Golden Dubloon.

8. When doing a lab experiment in Science class, you wonder why the maze set for the guinea pig has cheese at the end instead of Neggs.

9. When NeoPets is down, you pass the time by rereading a copy of the Neopedia you printed out.

10. You actually decide to PAINT your pet.

Have you finished with your score? Good. Now it is time to check your medical status and my prescription for your addiction. If you received:

0 to 11: Try playing a bit more NeoPets. You will need the experience. Meanwhile, maintain your cooties and do not start thinking of them as NeoMites. If you already are, maybe you should check out the next treatment instead.

12 to 22: All you need is a little rest at places with little to do with NeoPets. Go to an amusement park (safe because NeoPets took away theme parks a while ago), buy a few stocks (which can actually rise and fall within a few seconds, unlike NeoPets) and get acquainted with the following sign once more while you are at it: $ (Never thought you would see this in the Neopian Times, huh?)

23 to 33: Uh-oh. Your condition is fairly dangerous. My proposed therapy is to take these two tablets and Neomail me in the morning. Nah, call me instead.

34 to 44: You had better see a psychiatric specialist before it is too late. Serious symptoms you have. I have prepared several of their phone numbers. Want them? Oh, you would rather call on Dr. Gelert at the Neopian Hospital? Okay. No, wait a minute!

45 to 55: It is too late for you now. You are a hopeless case. I need not do anything to you, because in a few days the police (who are NOT made of Chias) are probably going to throw you into an asylum nevertheless.

Well, that is it for now. If you have any queries, feel free to Neomail me. This is Druidgetafix, wishing you good luck in your adventures throughout the vast world of Neopia.

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