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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 26th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 45 > Articles > The Neopian World - Ancient or Modern?

The Neopian World - Ancient or Modern?

by anela2003

Just recently I found a faerie in front of the wishing well. Immediately, I grabbed it and blessed my pet. Cheering on my way home, I stopped by the stock market to check on my portfolio. Common and normal, you may think. Yes, but what is the big deal? You may not understand yet, so let me explain.

We all long for a certain fantasy land. We all imagine dragons and monsters, and yet, there is nothing quite like that in our world. We are all modernised. Sometimes you may even think that robots will rule our world in the future, but let us focus on the Neopian world.

What fascinated me about the introductory paragraph, my story about the faerie and the stock market, is that Neopia keeps a balance of myth and reality. So how does it feel to live in such a world? I consider such a world to be the real world, yet a world with a few touch-ups and mysteries, to make it more exciting and merry. Of course, this is a better environment for our pets.

However, another question arises. Where is Neopia heading? I thought long, and came up with the conclusion that Neopia is becoming modernised. To support it, I figured Neopia has become more useful. I remember when we had videos. They mysteriously morphed into books overnight. The reason was to make them useful. Another controversial event was the disappearance of Maraqua. Compared to the other worlds, it was less useful. Yet the reason it vanished is unclear. Maybe it will come back with more features we can use on a daily basis.

If Neopia is really becoming more modernised and useful, what does the future bring? Recently Neopia has been modernised by the introduction of homes, gardens, school items, employment, and other events. Mystical events, such as faeries and codestones have been around longer, and were not repeated recently.

Neopia is really becoming more modernised But why? One reason is to create a different picture to protect our pets. With fantasy comes fighting, being a great warrior, famous, and strong, and with that comes training, and unfortunately, with training comes wealth. The ancient world of fighting requires competition, and most owners may be affected by the will to be the best and richest. Just look at the 'Get Rich Quick' guilds!

I myself do not pay attention to being the best. I think compared to three- thousand-hit point pets, my pets are better off. At least my house is furnished, and that is enough. I think logically when it comes to my pets, and consider the new modernising era of Neopia wonderful.

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