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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 46 > Continuing Series > The Egg: Part Four

The Egg: Part Four

by omegajo90

Brian watched, horrified, as his friend Jellybraun was swept down the river in a violent current. Butterwort chased the Chia as far as he could without getting tired and lost, so he eventually returned to the group empty handed. They all sobbed over the loss of Jellybraun, but the pressed on, because they knew they had to. They crossed the river and moved on into the deep forest. They were headed for the only town in the Haunted Woods. Butterwort would stay there and the rest of them would get snow and hiking gear to scale the mountains of Terror Mountain.

Flies buzzed around their faces and became very annoying, so annoying that they made Butterwort constantly work to eat the bugs so that the others weren't bothered. Soon, they figured that they were within miles of the town. However, an argument arose on if they should press on or camp for the night.

"We have to stay here!" hissed Rowfort angrily.

"No, Rowfort," started Butterwort. "We are going on, besides, the town has a nice inn! And I want to go home today, no matter what you say!"

"Then go on without us!" replied Rowfort.

"No! I'm going with you guys! Oh, I know. Let's ask Kay, whatever he says goes, deal?"


The two of them made way over to Kay.

"Kay," started Butterwort. "Should we stay or go on to the town?"

Kay sat and thought for a moment, then said: "We'll go on."

"No! No! I won't, we must stay here!" screamed the Techo.

Butterwort bit him. Rowfort fell to the ground and slept. Butterwort carried the Techo's limp body. They moved North and eventually came to the town. It was dark, even though it was daytime. Together they walked around aimlessly, wanting a last chat before parting with Butterwort. They came to the Brain Tree to ask about what happened to their Chia friend, though they were not hopeful that the tree wood know.

Kay came up to it and spoke first: "Oh, mighty Brain Tree. What happened to our friend, Jellybraun?"

"I know something, but I do not give free information," said the tree.

"What do you request, oh green one?" Butterwort gave him a sidelong glance.

The tree began to sing.

Feed Me.

"Feed you?

Feed Me.
Feed me Shoyru, Feed me all night long.
That's right boy, you can do it!
Feed me, Shoyru. Feed me all night long!
Cause if you feed me buddy,
I can tell you what you want!
Ohhhhh! Wouldn't you like a little hint?
Take a chance then and feed me!
And if you you don't, you won't know a thing!
Take a breath and look around, there's lot's to give me!
But I want one thing!

"And what is that?"

Blood. I'll tell you what you want if you just, GET IT!

"What kind of blood?"

"Elephante blood!"

"Why Elephante blood? Do I have to destroy it or is it sold?"

"Destroy it, baby!"

"Can't I just buy blood from the hospital?"

"Don't do me no favours, boy!"

"It's that or nothing!"

"You sure do drive a hard bargain. Let's see. No!"

"Then you're gettin nothin', you tree!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Well, you are one!" yelled out Kay, extremely angry with the tree.

"Better take it easy boy," said the Brain Tree. "Cause you're walkin' on thin ice! I'm at the edge of my temper with you, insult me again and you're gonna get it!"

"Tree, tree, tree. Watcha' gonna do about it!"

That was the end of the line for the Brain Tree. He had had it with Kay's attitude and was ready to do something terrible. The ground began to crack and shake, the tree's roots came out of the ground and started slashing at the poor Neopets. They dodged the whipping roots and flying thorns, but soon became tired. Trying to escape, Brian ran into the wall of a thorny cage, created by the tree. The group was trapped and was being violently battered by the tree. Then, the alien Aisha did something unexpected. He started to glow and the tree froze and began glowing too. Brian stopped glowing, but the tree continued to glow and was still paralysed. The group broke down the walls of the cage and stepped out of it. The tree stopped glowing. Then, he sang again:

The Chia is in Terror Mountain.

The group walked off and went to the Haunted House Inn and spent the night. However, Rowfort, being untrustworthy, walked off and came to the costume stall. No one was there, so he entered it and began to browse. He saw some things that he liked and took them, then, he heard a voice: "So, robbing us, you Techo?"

Rowfort stopped and spun 'round. A blue Elephante was standing behind him.

"Well, Techo, take me to where you're from, I'm putting you under house arrest."

It was obviously a policeman. Rowfort heard a voice singing as he led the police Elephante out of the stall. It was the Brain Tree.

He's got your number now...
He knows just what you've done...
You've got nowhere to run...
He knows your life of crime...
I think it's suppertime!
C'mon, C'mon. Think about your quest!
C'mon, C'mon. Your future rep!
Come On, Come on. Ain't time to turn soft!
C'C'C'mon! I swear on all my spores!
When he's gone the world will be yours...

Rowfort lead the Elephante to the Brain Tree.

"You live here?" asked the officer.

"No, but you do!"

He pushed the Elephante into the Brain Tree's mouth and watched him be gobbled up by the tree.

"Thank you," said the tree.

"You're welcome."

"What is your name?"

"Rowfort. Thanks for reminding me that you like Elephantes, I was really afraid."

"No problem, I was very hungry."

"Well, I must go. Thanks."

"Bye, Rowfort."

"So long, tree."

He ran off, laughing at the tree. The tree itself was very annoyed, but it could do nothing about it. Rowfort was too far away.

Rowfort went to his room in the inn and fell asleep. The next morning, he packed his things and waited in the lobby of the Inn while the others got ready. When they came, they stepped outside and began saying their goodbyes to Butterwort.

"Butterwort," started Kay. "I truly don't know what to say. You've helped me so much, and now that we are losing you, I finally appreciate it all. Thanks." He hugged Butterwort and stepped aside. Next came Brian.

"Thanks for the help on the mountain. Goodbye." He hugged Butterwort tightly.

Finally, Rowfort said his goodbye: "Bye, Korbat!" he hissed and stepped away.

The group departed, one short than they should have been. They went into the woods and came to the boarder of the Haunted Woods and Terror Mountain. The snowy mountains loomed in front of them. They had forgotten to retrieve the snow gear in the town, but were ready to climb the mountains and cross the boarder, nonetheless. They began climbing, at first it was easy, but as the slope grew, it became tougher ad tougher to climb. Brian, again, had the most trouble. After much arguing it was decided that Rowfort would carry Brian to the summit, then Kay would carry the Aisha down the other side. Brian was a great burden for the Techo, but he did not complain about his load, knowing that the egg that Kay carried was just as heavy, he did not want to seem a baby.

They trudged on and a day later, reached the summit of the mountain. The three of them looked off at the snowy lands of Terror Mountain. They were all relieved to see that the land on the other side was higher, and the hike down would only take a few hours. Also, the slope was gentler and was more grassy and snowy than rocky, so Brian could walk on his own down the mountain. Also, being at the summit, Kay could see faintly in the distance the desert lands of Tyrannia. Herds of Tonu ran along the desert plains of the land. Pteri flew above them, squawking and talking happily.

Kay heard a loud cough and spun around. A small platoon of Lupe stood there. Immediately, one lunged at Brian and easily caught him. The Lupe tied him up and watched as the rest of the Lupe caught Kay and Rowfort. They were tied up as well. The first Lupe said: "Intruders into this land are publicly executed... you should thank your Techo friend for tipping us off about you lot last night." He untied Rowfort. "You can go on to Tyrannia if you want. But, never return." Then, he turned to Kay. "I'll be taking that egg that you carry." He took the egg.

"You can't do this!" yelled Kay angrily.

"Oh, don't worry," said the Lupe. "We won't let it hatch. After we kill you, we'll send it along with the invasion army we're sending to Tyrannia."

"You're going to invade Tyrannia?" asked Brian.

"Oh yes. We're going to take it over and recruit all of its inhabitants to fight in our war. With they're help, we'll finally win this trivial war."

Kay looked over in the direction of Tyrannia and saw Rowfort fleeing in its direction.

"Well," said the Lupe. "We better be off now."

The Lupes, Brian and Kay all walked back down the mountain and in the direction of Terror Mountain's capital.

The End

Previous Episodes

The Egg: Part One

The Egg: Part Two

The Egg: Part Three

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