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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 47 > Short Stories > The Genius Mr_Polkadot and The Apprentice!

The Genius Mr_Polkadot and The Apprentice!

by axel_grease

"...And that's why carrots explode with certain gravy," Polkadot stated, raising his finger up and sitting up straight.

Today was his class with Coremica, a small, young Zafara who wanted Polkadot to teach her how to be a scientist.

"Ingenious!" Coremica said amazed and jotting notes in her small notepad.

"But Boss! What about Carrot Gravy?! It is delicious, no?" a small hovering Kiko-Bot said, smiling happily on his stereo mouth.

"Rarf Arf!" sighed Hunter, a small blue Anubis.

"He gotcha there Kiko-Bot," Polkadot said, grinning at Kiko-Bot and adjusting his studded collar and glasses.

"Well, Mr_Polkadot I got to go. My owner will be expecting me any minute and I can't wait to tell her all the cool things you taught me! Bye!" Coremica said as she grabbed her backpack.

"See you later!" Polkadot said while giving her a high five.

"Adios!" Kiko-Bot said as he spun around her.

"Rar rar!" Hunter called out as Coremica patted him on his head. Polkadot closed the door as Coremica bounced out.

"I love having an apprentice Kiko-Bot" Polkadot said, sitting on his couch, drinking his half empty or half full (If your optimistic) Neocola and petting Hunter.

The Next Afternoon upstairs in Jimmy_McCracken and _Phong_'s Room...

"I'm gonna beatcha' Jimmy!" Polkadot said to the small green Grundo, playing on their new N-Box.

"Pssshh... yeah right, Polkadot!" Phong, a mutant Techo said, leaning on his bed. You see Phong and Jimmy escaped Sloth in a... (um, I'll save that for a different story).

"Polkadot?" Axel, Polkadot's owner said opening the door.

"Yeah Axel?" Polkadot said, concentrating too much on his game.

"Coremica is downstairs," Axel said with a smile turning of the N-Box.

"Hmmm..." Polkadot said, glaring at Axel walking downstairs.

"How are you today Coremica? Ready to learn?" Polkadot questioned.

"Oh yes, Mr_Polkadot! And I drew the picture of exploding carrots with gravy too. See?" Coremica said, holding up her picture to Polkadot's face.

"Very nice! NOW LET THE LEARNING BEGIN!" Polkadot said, standing on his hind legs.

"Yay!" Coremica smiled walking to Polkadot's room.

"We will be doing a lot of experiments today Coremica," Polkadot said, pressing the button to get to his lab and hopped in the elevator.

"Hiya Boss! Me and Hunter have been boiling the water like you told us to do," Kiko-Bot welcomed them.

"Yes yes, but it's Hunter and I, Kiko-Bot," Polkadot said, smirking

"Sure Boss," Kiko-Bot said, rolling his eyes and turning on some Latin music from his stereo mouth.

"WHY IS THERE EGGS IN THE BOILING WATER?" Polkadot said as he glared at Hunter.

"Ra Arf!" Hunter said, pointing at Kiko-Bot.

"Hmm... Kiko-Bot Hunter has informed me that you have crammed hard boiled eggs in this test tub full of boiling water. Is this true?"

"Yes. But then what would I use for the potato salad? Duh!" Kiko-Bot said, pulling the eggs out of the test tub and mixing them in a big pot as Coremica laughed and Polkadot was giving his head a massage. Just then the phone rang. Polkadot said as he ran to the phone and pulled out his card from the drawer.

"Hello this is Polkadot Detective Agency! Polkadot's the name and solving mysteries is our game," Polkadot read off the card he reads when he answers the phone. Let me rephrase that... the newly corrected card from when Hunter played a little practical joke on Polkadot.

"Polkadot, this is the Chia Police Chief. Adee the Chia has escaped from our jail by growing 30 stories high by eating one of our confiscated 'Grow 30 Stories High Pill'. Get down here right away!" the Chia Police Chief yelled.

"But sir I have a student right now!" Polkadot pleaded.

"Well, just bring her with. It will be a learning experience," the Chief chuckled.

"All right Chief." Polkadot hung up the phone.

"Who was that Mr_Polkadot?" Coremica asked.

"Coremica! We are going to have to use one of the most important thing in science!" Polkadot said.

"What is that, Boss?" Kiko-Bot wondered.

"Detective skills" Polkadot said.

"OH BOY! OH BOY!" Coremica said, hopping up and down.

"Coremica, hand me my studded collar. I always wear it when I need to solve a case," Polkadot said as Coremica handed him his collar.

"Arf arf raf arf?" Hunter asked... (I think)

"Yes, it is far away, Hunter so we will need help..." Polkadot sighed.

"Please Phong! Pleeeease drive us in your mini jeep!" Polkadot literally begged on his hands and knees.

"Only if Jimmy can come with," Phong said as Jimmy looked behind him.

"I got to come?" Jimmy asked but with no response.

"Fine!" Polkadot agreed.

"Yipes!" Jimmy gulped.

Later on the road...

"Get outta the way, bucko!" Phong said, swerving around the on coming cars.

"Aaaah! Look out!" Coremica, Jimmy, and Polkadot said... all closing their eyes as Phong was about to drive up the ramp of a diesel truck.

"WEEEHEEEEEE! THIS IS FUN!" Kiko-Bot said, holding onto the back bumper as the jeep landed conveniently on the side of the Police Station.

"Erm, thanks Phong. Stay outside we will probably be coming back," Polkadot said as they all sort of fell out the jeep.

"Gotcha pal!" Phong said, pointing at Polkadot.

"Hello Chief this is Coremica, my apprentice," Polkadot said as Coremica bowed to the Chief.

"Hello Coremica... Polkadot, the jail is to your left," the Chief said, pointing to the busted jail cell with the broken roof.

"Hmm... interesting," Polkadot said, cleaning his glasses.

"Arf arf!" Hunter agreed.

"Tell me, Coremica. What do you think we should do?" Polkadot said.

"Well... I GOT IT!" Coremica excitedly said.

"What is it Coremica?" Polkadot said, noticing a giant Chia hiding behind a tree. Polkadot played it cool.

"Well, Adee loves ice cream doesn't she?" Coremica said as Adee slowly crawled next to the window.

"Yeah so?" Kiko-Bot asked.

"Well, we go to Terror Mountain and go to the highest peak and take juice and spray it all over the highest peak and when Adee goes to eat it we zap her with your shrink ray!" Coremica said.

"Giant Ice Cream?!" Adee whispered to himself not even listening to the shrink ray part.

"Ingenious, Coremica! Chief call a juice factory and tell them to meet us at the highest peak at Terror Mountain around six NST," Polkadot said, patting Coremica on the head.

"Then what are you going to do?" the Chief asked

"Getting my shrink ray," Polkadot said.

Later at the highest peak in Terror Mountain...

A giant strawberry juice truck, tons of Chia police, a shrink ray, and Polkadot Detective Agency were all waiting for Adee to show up.

"You sure she's coming?" a green Chia police officer asked.

"I'm sure of it! He was righ..." Just then a rumble was heard in Terror Mountain as Adee walked to the highest peak.

"NOOOOOOW!" Polkadot ordered as a blue Techo sprayed the mountain with strawberry juice.

"Yummy!" Adee said, licking her lips walking over to the mountain. Adee slowly went to eat the "Giant Ice Cream" as Polkadot fired the shrink ray. Adee instantly disappeared... and a small Adee fell from the sky, right into Kiko-Bot's... erm, arms. Kiko-Bot slapped hand cuffs on her.

"Well, you could say bye to Ice Cream for along time where your going, Adee," Polkadot said as the Chief put Adee in the police car.

"Good job Polkadot!" the chief said, handing Hunter and Polkadot a sugar coated Lupe treat.

"Thanks Chief," Polkadot said.

"How did I do, Mr_Polkadot?" Coremica asked.

"You did amazingly Coremica!" Polkadot said, lifting up Coremica and putting her on his shoulders.

"Well, looks like another case solved by Polkadot's Detective Agency!" Kiko-Bot said as Phong and Jimmy pull up next to the mountain.

"Need a ride?" Phong asked.

"NO!" they all answered nervously.

The End

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