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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 47 > Continuing Series > The Tears of the Sea: Part Three

The Tears of the Sea: Part Three

by sol_luna_estrella

La_Estrella_de_Sol and Listillo were thriving at the Water Faerie Lijalana's home in Faerieland. They both were now almost well. Though they needed about a day's more rest to completely heal, they felt fine and often sat up in bed to creep out unnoticed, though Lijalana knew every time they did it with her magic.

When they were fully well, they explored Lijalana's tiny cloud for a little bit. As they looked down from the sky, they could see the seas lapping below, and this brought to mind their quest. They needed to find the tears of the sea soon. After all, their owner must be worried about them!

Suddenly, a dark purple shadow brushed past them, but they made nothing of it.

As they went inside, they noticed something odd. There was a hole in the air, and it appeared to lead into a bare cabin that looked like Krent's. However, they had almost no time to study it because it began to grow dark. A shadow spread over all of Faerieland, and the darkness soon totally encompassed the land. The darkness grew…and grew…and grew…until finally, no one could see even their hands-or paws-an inch in front of their noses or snouts. The only lights came from a few Light Faeries that were around, but soon even these lights grew dim, though they were not fully out.

"It's her," whispered Lijalana, making Listillo and La_Estrella_de_Sol jump. "The Uber Dark Faerie. Faerie queen knows what she's doing. She needs to be kept under control."

Listillo felt a breeze as the Water Faerie whizzed past him, and then, she was gone.

Suddenly, Listillo felt his Aisha sister grasp his paw. Her claws dug into him, and he could feel her trembling in fear-or was that him trembling himself? He couldn't tell, with his sight gone, but he prayed that this would be over soon.

"Goodness…oh, goodness," panted a voice in Listillo's ear.

The Shoyru turned his head and saw a faint light hovering there, a small Light Faerie about as big as his head. She was unusually small, even for a faerie, about as unusually small as Jilmarah was unusually big.

"Hello," said Listillo uncertainly.

"Please, my dear Shoyru, I'm Lanaea. The Uber Faerie of the Dark is hunting me…please, is there any way you can protect me?" The little faerie was deeply frightened and was very out of breath.

Listillo felt a pain in his chest that told him to refuse. His mind became a swirl of everything he knew and loved. La_Estrella_de_Sol…his owner…his favourite toy…slushies…omelettes…his NeoHome and garden…and then a very curious face-Jilmarah's. Then, he saw, over all others, a face he didn't recognise. It was the face of a faerie, though he didn't know what faerie and was too mixed up right then to even know what element the faerie was of. All he knew was that she had dark, purplish hair and big, light purplish eyes. Her lips were pink, her complexion pale but slightly tanned. She wore a tiara, but not a smile, and though she wasn't smiling, her eyes smiled, though her eyes at the same time were serious and wise. Listillo, if he hadn't been so confused, would have known that the image he saw could only be one faerie-the Faerie Queen herself.

Krent sighed and shook his head. After realising that Lanaea had escaped, Jilmarah had scowled, opened a portal to Faerieland, and clambered ungracefully through it. However, she had forgotten to close it, and he saw the shadow spreading and growing darker, and he knew that Jilmarah had contacted her Uber Faerie to capture the little Light Faerie. Krent dearly wished to climb through the portal himself and stop Jilmarah, but he adored the dark faerie, as much as he hated it. He would never forgive himself for stopping his mistress's plan.

He heard voices.

"Please, my dear Shoyru, I'm Lanaea. The Uber Dark Faerie is hunting me…please, is there any way you can protect me?"

Krent knew that Lanaea's sweet voice was audible through the portal.

There was a great pause. There was a dead silence; nothing in Faerieland breathed, and the Haunted Woods seemed still as well. Finally, Krent heard the answer in a whisper.

"I don't know if I can, but I'll try."

The voice was extremely familiar to the old man. After a few second's thought, he knew that it was Listillo's voice, the young Shoyru who had come with his Aisha sister to get a quest for the reward of great strength.

Krent closed the portal and prayed that the Shoyru could protect Lanaea. He was torn; the Light Faerie's magical, natural good had her effect on him, but the enchantment Jilmarah held was just as strong.

"I don't know if I can, but I'll try." Listillo shuddered in the growing cold.

He had, in a matter of minutes, reorganised his thoughts and identified the face that was plastered over everything he knew and loved-the Faerie Queen. Jilmarah was no longer important. Neopia was important. His family was important. Every family in Neopia was important. However, most of all, the reign of Good and Liberty and Love and Happiness was important. He intended to defend that reign.

The Uber Dark Faerie's voice was soft at first, sounding like the soft whisper of a breeze. However, everything was still; there was no breeze at all. Not a thing moved as the Uber Faerie whispered her dark words of temptation.

"I will give you ultimate power," the voice said. "You are all in immediate danger if you do not obey me. However, once you hear my reward, you will want to obey me."

Listillo breathed deeply. He sharpened his claws on the soft fabric-like cloud. La_Estrella_de_Sol released her painful grasp on Listillo and pointed her four ears to listen more intently.

"Real power will encompass you and strengthen you so that you will be undefeatable. Your talons will be sharp and your senses alert, your heart brave and your presence fierce so that all may know your power. You will be lightning quick and have strong muscles. This is for you, my dear Neopets, if you obey me." The Uber Faerie's voice shifted to the other Uber Faeries. "My sisters! You know I love you all. Now, my dear Uber Light, Earth, Water, and Fire Faeries. I know what each of you wishes, I know your heart' s desires. Light Faerie, you want for Goodness and Light to reign forever. I can give it to you if you only do as your dear sister says. Earth Sister…You want each one in Neopia never to go hungry and you wish that everyone will be natural and kind. I can grant that unto you if you obey me. Water, you want only for peace and harmony among Neopians and that each one will be healed of any-emotional or physical-pain they may have. I can give this wonderful gift if you agree to me. Fire, dear, you wish for the gift of fire to be well used and that it shall never harm anyone or anything. This wise wish can be granted if you can do as I say." The voice was growing louder, very subtly. "All the other faeries, the lesser, yet still powerful faeries. If you obey me, you will be able to grant powers to every pet, wonderful powers that work toward good. You will have power yourselves to do whatever you wish, even each other's powers. You will be ultimate faeries!" The voice was loud now, very loud. It needed to be for the last promise she wanted to make- "My dear ruler, Fyora the Faerie Queen, Your Majesty! Majesty I know and I love and I serve! I am in no place to do this, for is there no power that you can't have? However, I know that there is one thing that you want for. One power you wish to have-and that is to be able to control me. You want to be able to stop me from doing all sorts of evil, you want to stop my servants and me. I can assure you, dear queen, that if you let me do this-just this, nothing else at all-you will have total power over the doings of both my servants and me.

"And now, this is the command you must obey to get these wonderful gifts from me!! You must bow to the dark and desert the light. Leave it high and dry and bow to me! Light will return only if you do this! Light is a wonderful thing, but not so wonderful as the darkness."

Everything was completely still except for the figures that started bowing down to the Uber Dark Faerie. Everyone bowed except for four figures: Lanaea, Listillo, Lijalana, and the Fyora.

Fyora was a wise faerie, and she knew that the Dark Faerie had just lied about a thousand lies. The Faerie would not give anyone power of gifts, and the Faerie did not believe that Light was such a wonderful thing. The Faerie Queen knew all these lies, and did not bow down.

Lanaea, after being tormented, knew that no Dark Faerie was as kind-hearted as to give anyone their heart's desires. She knew that there was no way that anyone was getting such gifts as she promised.

Lijalana had known something was amiss when the Uber Faerie started to engulf Faerieland. She tried to stop the Uber Water Faerie and she inwardly prayed that her two patients did not bow. She also could detect the lies in the words of the Faerie.

Lijalana had not prayed totally in vain. Listillo did not bow. After his mindwhirl when Lanaea had asked him to help her, he knew which path he would follow, and it was definitely not the Dark path. He tried to prevent his sister from bowing down, but La_Estrella_de_Sol, though strong spirited and a good pet who normally stuck to Light, was still won over and used her strong spirit to go the wrong direction.

"Who did not bow?" the Uber Dark Faerie asked, her voice loud. "Darkness is the ultimate element! Bow! I will destroy the whole of Neopia if you do not--"

Suddenly, the dark disappeared and Faerieland was again a land of light. The bowed figures straightened and were no longer under a spell. The Uber Dark Faerie was nowhere to be found. Lijalana rushed over to her cloud to tell her two patients about the downfall.

"It was a power overload," laughed Lijalana, grinning. "It was too much for that Faerie to handle. She can't get too powerful…the Faerie Queen put a spell on her a while ago without her knowing so that she couldn't destroy the whole of Neopia. Her Majesty was afraid that the spell hadn't worked when that just happened. Are you two all right? Did you bow?"

"We're all right," said La_Estrella_de_Sol. "Listillo did not bow, but I'm afraid I did. It's shameful." The Aisha hung her head. "In any case, we at least made it out alive. However, we still have a problem."

"What is that?" asked Listillo.

"The tears of the sea," said La_Estrella_de_Sol, sighing. "I don't adore Jilmarah anymore. Her spell seemed to be broken with the Dark power overload. But we still need the tears of the sea for Krent. Otherwise, he will be expecting us, but will never see us."

"Don't worry," Lijalana said softly. "I have just what you need..."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Tears of the Sea: Part One

The Tears of the Sea: Part Two

The Tears of the Sea: Part Four

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