There is a time in every Neopet owner's life when he or she thinks about changing
at least one of his or her pets. Whether he or she wants to paint his or her
pet, or use the Lab Ray, it's all part of a very big, or small makeover. This
series is about all the ways your pet can go through a makeover, and which one
is the best for your pet.
Whether you just want to change your pet's colour, or change your pet's species,
it takes a lot of work and a bit of patience. This week's article is for Neopet
owners who want to change their pet's colour with paint brushes.
The first paint brush I ever bought was a very cheap red paint brush. I used
this paint brush on my Chomby. It worked very well. But buying a paint brush,
or painting a pet, is not always a good experience. I suggest that you always
look in the Rainbow Pool and check the colours page before painting a pet. That
way you will know how your pet will look, and won't end up paying a bunch of
Neopoints for a paint brush you don't like or can't even use on the species
you want to paint.
Overall, there a a few simple things you should consider before purchasing
a paint brush.
1) What paint brush fits your pet's personality the best?
If your pet loves to fight in the Battledome, a Shadow Paint Brush might be
a good choice. But if your pet is more into the Beauty Contests, a Faerie Paint
Brush might be better. Think about what your pet wants, before going out and
buying a paint brush.
2) How many Neopoints are you willing to spend?
Trust me, it's hard saving Neopoints With so many tasty foods and cute toys
to buy, I find it hard to save Neopoints longer than a week. I keep telling
myself," today I am going to start saving. And I'm not going to spend any Neopoints
until I've bought that Electric Blue Paint Brush my Neopet, Jerry1234567890,
has always wanted." But I never seem to follow through with that goal. I always
end up spending my Neopoints on something else. And once again, I let Jerry
If you're a person who finds it easy to save Neopoints, or if you're a person
who just has many Neopoints to spend, than go right ahead and buy that Faerie
Paint Brush. But if you're like me, you might want to set your heart on something
a little easier to grasp.
Solid colours and Spotted Paint Brushes are fairly cheap. So are Christmas
Paint Brushes. They might not be the awesome paint brushes you were dreaming
about, but at least it's a start. And maybe someday you'll have enough self
discipline to save for that expensive paint brush all the Neopet owners will
be jealous about.
3) What paint brushes do YOU like?
Overall, it's your decision. You're the one with the Neopoints, and it's your
hard work that's responsible for getting the paint brush. You should never paint
your pet with a paint brush that will make you love your pet less.
But your Neopet is the one who will have to live with your decision forever.
And since your pet is the one who is actually getting painted, you should try
to find a paint brush that both of you like.
My Kougra, Caroll_09, likes the Halloween Paint Brush. I personally don't want
her to look like a mutant bat. Finally, after much consideration, we came up
with a paint brush we both like. Now I am saving for a Fire Paint Brush. (Yes,
I'm really going to save for one this time.)
Now, hopefully you know what Paint Brush you want. After you do, it's time
to start playing lots of games. You can always trade an item of yours that you
don't want for a Paint Brush, though. When you finally have your Paint Brush,
and your pet has visited the Rainbow Pool, you should feel proud of yourself.
You stuck to your goal, and now you have a beautiful Neopet to show for it. |