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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 48 > Continuing Series > The Chosen One: Part Two

The Chosen One: Part Two

by faerieneggs4u

"SH'MA YUSRAIL, ADONAI Eloheinu, Adonai echad," chorused Shoyraitti, Shoyrettani, Shoyrittik, and Shoyrittan as they said their nightly prayers. Shoyrianta said hers, while Luprexian looked on. He had no owner, and therefore no religion. They all climbed into bed after brushing their teeth, and Shoyrettani turned out the lights. Everyone dozed off except her.

        I know you're coming Pant Devil, I can sense it, she thought. Come on now, come so I can finish you off.

        The window blew open, and Shoyrettani grabbed her Battledome things. The Pant Devil soared in and was shocked to see Shoyrettani prepared for battle.

        "But... but how did you know?" he spluttered. "Nobody told you. They- they wouldn't. I-I'm leaving now. Bye-bye!"

        "No, you're not," Shoyrettani said. "We are to fight our battle now. Only not in here. We are to go to the school's sparring grounds."

        The Pant Devil gawked at Shoyrettani. The Chia Clown said she was confident, but he didn't think she was this confident. The Chia Clown also said that she was a terrific strategist and warrior. He gulped.

        "So… chicken, are we? All the more reason to fight you! You know that when a pet challenges you, you can never turn them down," Shoyrettani smirked. Someone stirred.

        "Shoyrettani?" It was Shoyrianta. "What's going on?"

        "I'm going to fight an old friend of mine. He's not really a friend, I'm just being sarcastic to him," Shoyrettani replied.

        "Who is it then? Is it the Chia Clown?"

        "No, the Pant Devil. Don't worry, he's gonna get the whooping he deserves, not me," Shoyrettani assured her. "Go back to sleep."

        "Okay." Shoyrianta quickly was softly snoring again. The Pant Devil stared at her.

        "She's not even worried?" he asked, appalled.

        "Nope, 'cause she knows I'll win," Shoyrettani replied. "Now let's go!"

        The Pant Devil followed Shoyrettani out of the room. He was sorely tempted to steal a Blue Chia Plushie that was lying on the floor, but thought better of it as Shoyrettani gave him a disdainful look. They reached the sparring grounds fairly quickly, as both of them could fly. Then they squared off.

        "You ready?" asked Shoyrettani.

        "No," the Pant Devil replied. "I want my mommy!"

        "I'll let you go if you promise to never even think about stealing from me, my family, or my friends ever again, got it?" Shoyrettani told him. The Pant Devil nodded. "Good. Now go! Get outta my sight!"


"You didn't get it?!?" shrieked the Shadow Usul.

        "I couldn't. She was awake and waiting for me," the Pant Devil said. "She challenged me to a battle. I couldn't refuse, as it would be a One-Player fight. But she told me that she would let me go as long as I never thought of stealing from her, her family, or her friends ever again."

        "And you refused?" Balthazar prompted.

        "No, I agreed," the Pant Devil cried. "How could I not? I'm a mere 21 power against her! You're 300 something, Balthazar!"

        "360, to be precise," Balthazar replied. "But that doesn't matter. You should've stolen her Shoyru Shield!"

        "I can't steal Equipped Items!" the Pant Devil shouted in exasperation. "Her Shoyru Shield is equipped, and must always be equipped, since it is so valuable."

        "Well, we'll just have to take care of that…"


"HIYA! YAH! IYA!" Blow after blow was made to the opponent Shoyrettani was sparring with. Punchbag Bob couldn't fight back, and Shoyrettani didn't care whether she beat him or not. All that mattered was trying a new strategy.

        "Shoy--ahhh!" Shoyrittan said, ducking as Shoyrettani tried out her Shoyru Kick. "Shoyrettani! Yahhh!" Shoyrettani just barely missed Shoyrittan as she performed her Shoyru Dive. "SHOYRETTANI!"

        "What?" Shoyrettani said, turning to face her sister.

        "The Techo Master wishes to see you," she said. Shoyrettani jumped from the ring, running to the Master's quarters. Shoyrittan tried to keep up, gasping for air.

        "He said something about the Pant Devil," she gasped. Shoyrettani ran faster, her feet flashing like a cheetah's.

        "I'm here, Master!" Shoyrettani shouted as she skidded to a stop in front of the Techo Master's door. Shoyrittan skidded into her and both of them fell to the ground.

        As they untangled themselves, the Techo Master said to Shoyrettani, "You should not be so loud. Be quiet and peaceful until a battle comes, and then you can be loud. In the meantime, do not hurt my ears!! "

        Shoyrettani and Shoyrittan finally untangled themselves, and the Techo Master sent Shoyrittan to spar with some classmates of around her level. Shoyrettani went and sat on a pillow in front of the Master.

        "I hear the Pant Devil visited you during the night," he said.

        "Who told you?" Shoyrettani shrieked.

        "Ryshu did. He was doing his nightly rounds with the other Martial Arts Masters and spied you leading the Pant Devil to the sparring grounds," the Techo Master told her. "Ryshu was appalled by the look on the Pant Devil's face, one of horror. The Pant Devil seemed to be terrified of you for some reason. Now tell me: why were you up at midnight talking to the Pant Devil?"

        "I sensed him coming. He was after my Shoyru Shield, and I had to protect it. It's too expensive and too precious to replace. It's won me most of my battles. I was talking to him to get him frightened, so that I wouldn't have to fight him. I didn't want to hurt him, but I know that would only make the situation worse," Shoyrettani explained. "I could've easily defeated him if I'd wanted to, but I just didn't feel like it. I put up a good act, though, because he seemed to think that I really wanted to fight him."

        The Techo Master nodded. "I understand. Now that explains another thing that has been troubling me as well. How you knew that Luprexian was in danger long before it happened. You have premonitions. You are psychic."

        "I'm what?" cried Shoyrettani.

        "You're psychic, as I said," the Techo Master repeated. "That can be a real benefit in your battles, if you can learn how to harness that power. Keep training, and use lots of Light Faeries on yourself, they will increase your power's potential."

        "Yes, Master," Shoyrettani said. "But I want to know: if I have psychic powers, then do my sisters have psychic powers?"

        "Not necessarily. Only time will tell," the Master replied. "Now go, it is almost time for your classes."


A young Halloween Kougra sat by the window, listening to every word. She snuck around to the shadows under a large bush began talking to the darkest Shadow there.

        "That Shoyru, her weakness truly is her Shield," he growled. "No other weaknesses, as far as I can see. However, you should tell the others to be wary of her, as she is now not only making her body stronger, but her mind as well. She is psychic, which is another weakness on our part, as Evil creatures do not do well against Light attacks, and Psychic Blast is a Light attack. We should have you, the Grundo Leader, the Pant Devil, and some Wandering Ghosts attack her all at once and steal as much as possible."

        "We cannot do that!" hissed the Shadow.

        "Why not?" pouted the Kougra.

        "Because she is too pure, we'd destroy ourselves if we did that!" the Shadow screeched.

        "Pure? How could such a powerful, confident, and proud warrior be pure? It's an outrage!" the Kougra roared.

        "I have no idea, but we need to defeat her somehow. Maybe we can wear her down by having the Pant Devil and the Chia Clown constantly fighting her," the Shadow said. "It just might work. Yes, it just might work."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Chosen One: Part One

The Chosen One: Part Three

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