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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 26th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 48 > Articles > Palm Fans, Sailboats, and Sand--Oh My!

Palm Fans, Sailboats, and Sand--Oh My!

by neko90

MYSTERY ISLAND - Everyone has at least gone to the Tiki Tack Tombola once. And of course, everyone gets THEM, those oh-so-bothersome items from the oh-so-popular Tiki Tack Tombola. You know, the Bottles of (insert colour here) Sand, the Toy (and Super Toy) Sailboats, the Palm Fans, the Tiki Tack Rings, the Volcanic Rock... the list could go on a bit more, but I believe you get my drift.

Remember the first time you played Tombola? You didn't win, but you got that cool jar of Pickled Olives. "Hey," you think, "at least now I don't have to spend more NP on food right now!" Right? Wrong. You soon discover that your pets can't even EAT it! It's just a item clustering the shelf that you have no true significance for! So, you decide to sell it. The current price on the Shop Wizard? 1 NP. And it looks like a lot of people are trying to make something of it.

Actually, this can be quite profiting. "I sell them... you'd be surprised on how much money you can make," says MahinaLa. "10 minutes max per day to simply collect your prizes, then put them on sale in your shop is worth the time and energy and money," she tells me, "even if it isn't a lot if you're thinking per day, but per month... it's still a little something more that you got for free and that doesn't take much time to do."

Many Neopians still have a different choice on where to put those Tombola items-the Money Tree.

This is the real point of my article-the Money Tree is getting clustered with unneeded Tombola items! It's hard for Neopians to get at what they're really hoping for when there are all these bottles of sand in the way! Recently, I've been working up to buy a few expensive paintbrushes, and occasionally I go to the Money Tree in hopes of one or two measly NP. And yet, I must wait. And wait. And wait. And I must go through piles, and piles, and piles of Tombola items left there. This gets annoying, and may with others as well.

You're probably wondering, "What if I don't want to sell it?" or "The Money Tree is the easiest way though!!" or maybe even "No one buys them, it takes to long."

I have a few more creative suggestions:

1) Don't donate something of little value in the first place! You can throw it away! In the selections for what to do with your items, "Discard Item" is one. It's likely that whomever picks up your Tombola item may see it can't do really anything and will donate it as well, so just stop the process before it starts!

2) The Neopets Team may have a trick up their sleeve. In a few months, they may want to replace the Tombola, and make those items unavailable otherwise! Maybe you can store them, in hopes that you'll later be rolling in oodles of golden NP.

3) Start a collection! I don't know about you, but browsing through a collection labeled "My Useless Junk" seems amusing. Plus, I'm sure people wouldn't mind giving you theirs just to get it off their hands! You could sell some of these as well, which goes back to what MahinaLa said. Plus, if you look back to Suggestion #2...

That's all the ideas I really have for now. If you have another, Neomail me, and maybe I'll make a sequel to this, you never know...

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