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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 12th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 49 > Articles > Petpets: How Do They Communicate?

Petpets: How Do They Communicate?

by oompaloompafarmiloe

PETPET PUDDLE - My Techo loves to play, but I don't have enough time to keep up with all her interests in toys, plushies, Yo-yos, etc. I decided to get her a Petpet. Now, DragonflyOwa (my Techo) loved cute and adorable things that made her giggle, but she also had her eye on the Triffin, whose magical third eye got DragonflyOwa's interest. Then, I heard of the cooking pot- so I combined the two Petpets to get a Blooky. Of course we had to come up with a combined name also, so we named it Magical Cutie.

DragonflyOwa, a social pet, loved talking to Magical Cutie. However, we started to notice something odd. Magical Cutie wasn't talking back. In fact, none of my pet's Petpets were talking back. All species, even Petpets, need to communicate, though. DragonflyOwa and I came up with a few ideas about how they go about doing that:

1) Telepathic Communication
Many of these Petpets, such as a Triffin and a Psimouse, have special telepathic powers. Perhaps these Petpets transmit thoughts into each other's head. They could be saying bad things about us right in front of our faces! However, not all Petpets are telepathic so this theory could be ruled out.

2) An Uncharted Verbal Language
Kadoaties make clicking noises, Blookies hiccup, Chezzooms chrrrrp, Foobugs purr. Perhaps all these funny sounds are actually words or phrases that Petpets use. They could have their own language that we just think is humorous noises.

3) An Uncharted Body Language
I've noticed that Petpets of the same type use the same body language. For example, all Tyrannian Petpets look at you pathetically and lick their lips. Normal Petpets blink and stick their tongues out. Spooky Petpets have their eyes glow different colours. Maybe these are really signals that Petpets use to communicate.

4) An Uncharted Verbal AND Body Language
All Petpets, however, make both noises and movements. That leads me to conclude that Petpets use the sounds and movements they make to communicate. The way they do each movement and make each sound could lead to a huge number of ways to express themselves. To prove that Petpets can communicate by using this method, I have recorded a conversation with Magical Cutie:

Oompaloompafarmiloe: Hi!
Magical Cutie: *blink*
OLF: Do you have something in your eye?
MC: Chrrrrp chrrrrp
OLF: You're a Blooky, not a bird!
MC: *sticks tongue out* :P
OLF: You wanna do that, eh? Well, :P
MC: :P
OLF: I hope you treat DragonflyOwa better than that!
MC: *blinks*
OLF: Hmph! Good night!
MC: hiccup
MC: *blinks*

This proves that Petpets really can communicate with movements and noises. When I stuck my tongue out, Magical Cutie stuck her tongue out. I think that *blinks* means "Hi" or "Bye" and that Chrrrrp means "yes," "no," or "maybe." Well, I hope you have some luck communicating with your Petpet!

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