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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Continuing Series > Al's Curse: Part Two

Al's Curse: Part Two

by al_the_chia

AL, ALWAYS IGNORANT of his surroundings, set about looking for it. He poked his head into a trash can, digging through the garbage until pulling out with a newspaper in his paws.

     "Huh? What's this?"

     He opened it up to a large headline in bold black letters.


     Al gasped in horror.

     "WHAT?!?! SOMEONE DIDN'T RECYCLE THIS?!?! How disrespectful to the environment!"

     Al clucked his tongue as he put the newspaper into his coat pocket and went out in search of a recycling bin, whistling as he waltzed down the eerily empty street. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a cracking whip, followed by loud complaining from a familiar voice.

     "Would you go easy on the whip? I have a back problem, you know!"

     "I know, you worthless slave! That's why Ahmagonna sell ya to the glue factory!"

     "Oh, sure, that's just peachy keen."

     He whirled around to see a rather strange sight. A rather fit-looking skunk Skeith in a black uniform was riding a blue Kau and waving as he galloped towards Al. The Kau looked bedraggled and miserable, but the rider was smiling like it was a sunny day.

     "Howdy Captain! Just patrolling these here streets, ya know! Hubrid's orders!"

     Al frowned.

     "Aren't you Rancid Rex, the greatest outlaw in the wild west?"

     "No, actually. I'm Rancid Rex, the greatest torturer of slaves in Hubrid's Dungeons. Ain't that right, Kaupoke?"

     Rex gave the kaupoke a firm kick in the ribs.

     "OWCH!! Why, if I weren't brainwashed and my spirit wasn't sucked away, I'd..."

     "Anyway," Rex interrupted. "I reckon yous better get back to Hubrid's Mansion. He's been lookin' fer ya. So long!" Rex whipped Kaupoke again, and, amidst loud complaints, he continued on his way. Al raised an eyebrow.

     "Something doesn't seem right..."

     Al glared suspiciously after the quickly retreating back of Rex.

     "What's a Western Outlaw like him doing in Lupe Forest?"

     Suddenly, a loud voice began to echo in Al's head.

     "Alexander! I'm transporting you to the Central Control room...Hubrid Nox wants to have a word with you."

     Al gasped. "What? Huh?"

     Suddenly, Al felt a strange feeling, like the feeling you have right before you have to sneeze. His nostril flared, his left eye twitched, and with a loud pop and a puff of smoke, he was gone.

Hubrid's Mansion...

     A puff of smoke and a flash of light announced the arrival of Al into the Central Control Room. He sneezed loudly, stumbling onto his feet and teetering to regain balance.

     "Wha?!? Where am I? What's going on?!?"

     "The Central Control Room of Hubrid's Mansion, sir!"

     Al jumped. "AUUGH!! Don't do that!!"

     He turned towards the source of the sound to see two strange Chias in black uniforms standing in front of a gigantic metal door. They smirked evilly at Al as the first one, a purple Chia, began to speak.

     "Hubrid has been expecting you, hasn't he Mark?"

     Mark, a green Chia, nodded like a bobble head.

     "Oh, yes indeed, Milford. He's been expecting you for quite a while now."

     They both nodded in unison.

     "Yes indeed, sir. So come right on in!"

     With that said, Milford reached over and pushed a button near the metal frame of the entryway. With a creak and a slam, the door swung open. The floor under Al began to move forward, forcing him towards the entrance, until he found himself plunged into the darkness of the strange room beyond the doorway. The doors slammed shut behind him with a crash. Everything went silent.

     "And I thought Mark and Milford were strange already..." He thought to himself.

     "Oh, I wouldn't say they are strange. I'd say they are...eccentric. Just"

     With a flash of green light, Al saw the silhouette of a Chia, sitting in a black, finely crafted throne. His slicked back hair gleamed in the dim light, and two glowing red eyes peered from underneath evil, slanted eyebrows and above a devilish moustache.

     "Well, welcome back to the Central Control Room, my most trusted companion, Captain Alexander. I'll be happy to read the report you have prepared on the other control rooms."

     Al, shocked to see the infamous Hubrid Nox, hater of Lupes and world-domination-aspiring villain, standing in front of him, found himself in an awkward situation. "Well, well we... well..."

     "Ah, never mind, I'll get it myself."

     With that, Hubrid's eyes grew a little redder.

     "Hm... that's don't seem to have a report...but you DO have something else in that little mind of yours..."

     Hubrid was silent. After a moment of silence, he gasped, clutching the arms of his throne.

     "WHAT?? What are these...these...MONSTERS...that I see in your memory?"

     Al frowned. "What do you mean? Monsters? Memory?"

     Hubrid was sweating, and looking somewhat disturbed.

     "H-h-hairy... something like Gelerts, but without the ears...And vicious, sharp teeth...OH MY..."

     Hubrid shrieked. "LUPES!! THEY'RE CALLED LUPES!!! THESE DEMONS ARE KNOWN AS LUPES!! Where did you find them, Captain Al?!? Why are they so hostile towards Chias?!?"

     Al frowned. "Monsters? Uh, pardon me, but I think they are normal pets, just like you and me...They can be found in Lupe Forest, and I've been trying to find out why they are hostile towards Chias for years! Now..."

     Hubrid began to wail.

     "What are they doing to those Chias?!?...NO....NOOOOOOOOO!!!"

     Hubrid began to writhe in his chair as he continued to read Al's mind, retracing all the lupological study Al had done the past few years.


     Before Al could respond, Mark and Milford had appeared on either side of him.

     "Right away, your highness! Right, Milford?"

     "You bet, Mark! Am I right?"

     "Of course, not another word about..."

     "SHUT UP!!!" Hubrid screeched. With a mumbled apology, the two Chias grabbed Al by the paws and whisked him away...

Hubrid's Dungeon...

     Al found himself chained to the damp, dirty wall of Hubrid's dark, deep dungeons, his face the perfect picture of puzzlement.

     "I wonder what that was all about..."

     "YOU wonder? I've been here for YEARS, and I STILL don't know what I did."

     An ancient, grizzled-looking, and rather short Aisha appeared from the shadows, with chains attached to his stubby and thin legs. They rattled whenever he made the slightest move, which soon became quite annoying to Al.

     "My name is Creeper. I've been an honest citizen of Neopia...or Noxville, as he calls it now...for years. Then, one day, he captured me, and without even having a trial, forced me down here. I've been searching and searching, but I haven't been able to find a way out."

     Al sighed, staring at his chains. "At least you have the freedom to move your arms."

     "Oh, that can be easily fixed..." The Aisha pointed to Al's arm holds. "Just tug really hard and they should come off. The leg ones are new, however. They hold on very well."

     Al tugged, and after a fair amount of force, the armholds did fall off. He tried tugging the legholds as well, but they were, as the Aisha said, brand new, and stuck tight.

     "Well, Creeper, as long as I'm stuck here, I might as well talk to you..."

     Al sat down against the wall.

     "I'm curious, Creeper...Hubrid acted as though he didn't know what Lupes are. I mean, everyone should know that! They live everywhere, you know."

     The Aisha blinked. "Lupes? I've been here for a long while, son. Maybe it's some newfangled contraption, or something, but I certainly don't know what Lupes are."

     Al frowned. "You don't know either? Geeze, and we're right in the middle of Lupe Forest, too..."

     "Lupe Forest? This place was called Furgleton before Hubrid Nox came and took over the world. Now, it's simply Noxville, like all the other cities in the world..."

     "Wait...when did Hubrid Nox take over the world?"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Al's Curse: Part One

Al's Curse: Part Three

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