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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 55 > Short Stories > Cassipaw


by cassidycat

Cassipaw was a blue Lupe who loved chasing Chias. She was constantly looking for some innocent Chia to terrorise. We join her on one such day…


     A red Chia ran from Cassipaw as she dodged trees' logs, rocks, and even the occasional wild petpet to get closer to the Chia She had almost caught up when she came to a river.

     "Hmmm… where'd the little shrimp go?" she sniffed around. Her ears perked up and she growled. "So, she took the river." Cassipaw might have jumped in, too, if she hadn't noticed the storm clouds. "Well, the joke's on her."

     She turned around and started proudly walking home, nose in the air. All of a sudden she tripped over a root and fell flat on her face. She jumped up, checked to make sure nobody had been there to see, cleared her throat and continued.

     She had been walking about ten minutes when she came to an abrupt stop. "That tree looks familiar…" she muttered. She looked around. "Oh no… the only way this could get worse is if--" Her voice was drowned out by thunder.

     A soaked blue Lupe with her tail between her legs ran into the cave.

     "Dratdratdratdratdratdrat…well, at least I found this cave." Cassipaw laid down in a warm corner and waited.

     The storm had gone on all night. Cassipaw groggily got up and yawned. "Is it finally over?" She stretched, and walked to the cave's entrance. Just as she got there, thunder crashed. "It looks like it'll start again soon." She stepped back in and took an apple from her pack. "Well, I don't have a lot of food, and who knows how long I'll be in here, so I can't eat a lot." She took a bite and put it back in. Cassipaw sat awhile. "I think I have a Chia plushie in here somewhere…" she pulled out a green ripped Chia plushie, and chewed on it a bit when out of nowhere--


     Lightning hit a huge pine tree which toppled over with a SLAM on top of the cave.

     "That was just a little close!" she said shakily, and gave a nervous laugh.

     Then came a rumble like a million Tonu… a rock slide came down, covering the entrance and blocking her in.

     "I just had to open my big mouth! Well maybe I could dig my way out! Yeah, right." She stopped to think. "Wait a minute! What was that? Sounded like…singing!" It was very quiet, but definitely there. As she followed the sound to the back of the cave, she noticed the dirt wall in one spot was a little darker. She tried digging through it, slamming it, clawing it-she even wasted a muffin on it. Cassipaw panted heavily and leaned lightly against the wall, which immediately caved in.

     "Very funny," she grumbled, shaking off dust. She singing seemed a little clearer, and as she looked up she could see a tunnel.

     As she made her way through the tunnel, there appeared to be a light at the end. The song's lyrics were now easily heard…


     The off-key singing made Cassipaw wince. She made her way out of the tunnel, which ended in a hole in the ground. The sunlight was blinding after being in the cave for so long.

     As she regained her sight, the saw a blue Lupe wearing a tie-dye shirt with many white smiley-faces, peace symbols, and flowers covering it, ripped-kneed blue jeans, and a headband. The Lupe had stopped singing to stare at her. "Like, hey man! I'm, like, Peacepaw!"

     Okkaaay, she thought. "Um, I'm Cassipaw."

     "Groovy, man. You, like, want to come and meet my, like, totally awesome pack?" Peacepaw asked.

     "Errm…that's okay, I really gotta get home soon. There's this red Chia, she--"

     "Like, awesome. Is she, like, your friend?"

     "Wha…?" Cassipaw looked at him strangely. Peacepaw's eyebrows went up. "You're not, like, one of those narks who chases Chias, like, are you?"


     "My pack has, like, Lupes and Chias! We're for peace, man. Chias and Lupes can, like, totally get along, man! Just try it!"

     "Ummm… yeah. Could you just point me north?"

     "That way." He pointed. "But just, like think about it, man!"

     "Okay then, thanks." Cassipaw looked slightly crept out, but started off anyway.


     "Bye, man!"

     The red Chia ran from Cassipaw as she started to catch up. The Chia stopped, cornered by a fallen tree. She slowly turned around, blocking her face with her paws, and braced herself.

     "Guess I finally caught you," Cassipaw said, grinning.

     The Chia backed against the tree.

     "I'm Cassipaw! What's your name?"

     The Chia removed her paws, confused. "Uhhh… Jackie Jo!

The End

Thanks to al_the_chia for allowing me to use the character of Peacepaw in my story.

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