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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 56 > Continuing Series > Po and Camp Neko: Part Six

Po and Camp Neko: Part Six

by polayo

"PO!" SOMEONE WAS shaking my shoulders. Sitting up, I looked wearily around.

      "Hello?" I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Suddenly snapping awake, I turned to the spotted Kougra perched in front of me.

      "CALI! Oh my god, you don't know how happy I am to see you! Is Tazz OK? Who did you come with? When are we leaving?" I was so excited, the thought of escaping and getting home to my friends and family again, hoping that last time wasn't the last time.

      Cali lowered her eyes-the first sign that threw me off. Sighing, I placed a paw on her shoulders.

      "It's okay--you were captured too, weren't you. Ah, well...some things you've gotta live with, I suppose. Where's Tazz?"

      "Tazz is still asleep," she motioned to a lump of blankets rising and falling every few seconds. "He's fine, though. We have to get out of here."

      "No, really?" I retorted sarcastically and sat down with my head in my paws.

      We sat in silence for hours--we seemed to have trouble talking these days. Finally, when I looked up and was about to say something, I saw Cali asleep, leaning up against one side of the tube.

      "Sweet dreams," I whispered.


It had been probably a week now we'd been in the enclosure, talking little and eating, cautiously, the food that appeared while we slept each night.

      As far as we could tell, there was no way out of the tube, it was sealed indefinitely. I sifted through the pictures I'd taken-Cali had brought them for me. Sighing, I remembered how innocent I'd been-never knowing it would end in this.

      Suddenly, there was a flashing light in one corner-something I'd never seen before. It glittered on and off, and, as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

      At one end of the tunnel, a door slowly slid up and opened. Silently this all happened, but since we'd seen the light all three of us had our eyes on the intruder.

      It was Branston. I was hoping never to see that face again.

      "Hello," he snarled. "Did you miss me?"

      I felt like slapping him. "We didn't, and we won't when you're in jail either," I replied.

      Rolling his eyes, he stepped forward. "I got your friends-the first five-to eat the sludge. It will all be over for them soon. You wouldn't like to join them?" He wafted the sludge under my nose.

      "Ugh-what's that smell?" I paused for the right amount of time, sniffing once or twice. "Oh, I know-I thought it was the sludge, but it's actually you, Branston."

      Despite the situation, I heard Cali try to unsuccessfully hold in a snicker.

      I heard a smack, and Cali shut up. Without looking behind me, I knew it was Tazz hitting Cali-he did that often to her and me.

      "Ah, well, they lost it," he said to no one in particular. "It actually crossed my mind to set them free-after brainwashing them first, of course-but now, no. I can't let such dangerous pets free-you're coming with me. All of you."

      On a last verge of hope, I called out with all my might: "Now's when we need you, Aisha Thieves! If you're here and near"-this is when my voice started to falter-"we'd need you know."

      Everyone, even Branston, seemed to wait in silence for a few moments, waiting. After nearly a full minute had passed, Cali hung her head and Tazz lowered his eyes-obviously they'd given up hope.

      Branston wrapped a talon around my neck, but I wasn't going to give up as easily as he wanted me to. "NO!" I screamed, kicking and flailing my arms.

      "Tazz!" I called. "We're not supposed to give up! Even if we don't have the heart go on! Right? Isn't that what you told me? And Cali! The last of the cheetah Kougresses, right? And you're both just giving up?" My eyes were tearing up now. "I thought I knew you," for the last sentence, I averted my eyes to the ground. "I though I knew you."

      Tazz, after letting what I'd said sink in, began to shake with anger. "You're right! We don't give up!" He stomped his foot on the ground. "We never surrender."

      Cali pawed at the ground restlessly. "And we don't live our lives in fear."

      With a quick glance at each other, they pounced on Branston giving me time to escape from his talon. When I was free, they dashed over to me to look at the gash on my neck. It wasn't serious, just a scrape.

      Branston was making his way toward us, claws raised. He was ready to get rid of us now, not wait-he was furious.

      I took a deep breath and prepared for the blow--I was ready for anything, and I was not going to end in fear.

      There was a snarl and a hiss-obviously from an Aisha. I glanced at Tazz, but he was glancing, equally as puzzled, at me.

      Branston let out a cry of pain as the two shadow Aishas pounced on him from behind. With one carefully aimed scratch, Branston fell to the ground, unconscious.

      When they saw their job was done, the Aishas dashed out without letting us say thank you. However, I couldn't let ultimate gratitude like that go unsaid.

      "Thank you," I whispered as Tazz, Cali and I made our way out through the still-open tunnel door, closing it behind us and trapping Branston inside.

      We found the tunnel leading to the camp-in the lake. Surprised we were when we stepped into water, but luckily it didn't take us long to get to the surface.

      "That's why he didn't want us swimming," I said as we walked toward the main offices.

      I picked up the phone in the office, took a deep breath, and dialed the number. The familiar voice picked up on the other line, and I nearly sighed with the relief.

      "Omni? It's me. I want you to come pick me up."


After explaining everything ten times to various officials-and Ev and Omni, of course-I was finally able to sit back and relax. I thanked Ev a million times over-if she hadn't noticed the Aisha Thieves in the background, who knew where we'd be now-strapped under the ray, most likely.

      I received hundreds of phone calls that weekend I came back, and the few four or five hours of sleep I got each night weren't enough. Then, Sunday afternoon, I disconnected the phone so I could get at least one decent nights sleep.

      A few days later, the NeoPolice found the first set of pets in horrible shape. They were all over the news along with Tazz, Cali, and I. We directed the Police also to where we'd locked in Branston, and now he's safely away in the NeoJail.

      A snippet from the article I saved:

      Eight pets, Polayo, Calixzo, Tazzmar, Kolic, Mayllynn, Nekaliko, Sweet_Koneko, and Mercedes_Kitten innocently signed up for Camp Neko at the beginning of this summer. Only, Polayo, Calixzo, and Tazzmar ever made it to the camp, however. The story is an interesting one-one that will be told for years on end. Who knows when it will be forgotten?

      And I know one thing for sure-whoever wrote the brochure, even if it was Branston or Doctor Sloth, was very right. I did make the best friends I could ever make (other than Ev, of course) and it is a summer I'll never forget.


The End

Camp Neko, obviously, was closed down and there are no plans of it being open next summer. When I have more spare time and spare Neopoints, however, I do plan on opening it up again-not for its original purpose, of course. Cali, Tazz, Ev and I are now inseparable. There's something about surviving that summer together-even though Ev wasn't there physically-that brought us all even closer. So there it is-the summer of a lifetime. Our story, the first real adventure of my life. I didn't have to travel far from home to have it, but Cali, Tazz, Ev and I were heroes all the same.
Previous Episodes

Po and Camp Neko: Part One

Po and Camp Neko: Part Two

Po and Camp Neko: Part Three

Po and Camp Neko: Part Four

Po and Camp Neko: Part Five

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