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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 58 > Articles > Create-A-Pet: The Biggest Mystery of Them All?

Create-A-Pet: The Biggest Mystery of Them All?

by tomblack

Many Neopian Times Reporters have tried to solve the great Neopian Mysteries. The Maraquan destruction, Jelly World, where on earth the idea that asparagus was nice came from… (you'll notice I have a thing about asparagus in my articles) but the greatest mystery of all has been under our noses all the time! That's right! I am referring to the Create-A-Pet… um… thing. What is it? I present you with several "for" and "against" theories (oh, that is so cliché).

Theory One: A Machine

For: You push buttons and things
It's logical; You can choose everything from personality to colouring

Against: How can a machine create a living thing?
It doesn't cost anything. It doesn't power down or malfunction

Overview: I would say that this has even points. Like, say, here is a hypothetical scenario: 'I want to make an Eyrie. So I go up to the machine and say I would like a pet. It shows me a list of pets and I select an Eyrie. I then choose where it wants to live and what it likes to do etc. I choose the colour, and a name that is not in use. The Machine then spews out an egg, from which hatches a baby Eyrie, which quickly grows to full size. I then pause and wonder: How on earth did that small machine, about the size of a ticket machine, create a full size living thing?' So you see my friends, this could be it, and it might not… who knows?

Probability: 85%

Theory Two: Selecting a pet that already exists

For: You can choose the perfect personality etc.…
The limited edition pets must be limited somehow!

Against: Where would you keep all the pets?
There would have to be an infinite number of pets for this

Overview: This is not very likely, as there would indeed have to be millions of billions of pets to make this work, and Neopets say there are only 50 million pets in Neopia. This would also arrive at another mystery: Where were those pets coming from? So I think that from this information we can safely say this is almost definitely not the correct theory.

Probability: 10%

Theory Three: Selective Breeding

For: That would make sense, seeing as it would create a living thing.

Against: Breeding could not happen that fast! Again, where are those pets coming from?

Overview: Hmmm… this one is interesting. Say there are several pets that breed together, to create your perfect pet! Alas, this would once again arrive at the 'where are the original pets coming from?' argument. And how would the breeding happen that fast? Maybe Neopets aren't telling us something… hmmmm…

Probability: 50%

Well, that's it! I am honestly not sure how the pets are created, are you? I hope I have made things a little easier to understand with this article.

Thank you, and remember: Neopets is not always as it seems. Keep an eye out for interesting mysteries, and feel free to contact me about anything!

This is tomblack, Neopian Times Reporter, signing off.

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