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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 27th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 2 > Articles > Your #1 Travel Guide: Tyrannia

Your #1 Travel Guide: Tyrannia

by muas

Last week, I hinted at a new world beneath the icy crevasse in the Ice Caves. This week, we'll explore this fascinating prehistoric land that has remained hidden from the rest of Neopia for years and years.

Want to know how to get there? Just hike to Happy Valley, enter the Ice Caves, and squeeze down through that crack in the ice the earthquake left. Journey through the tunnel until you come to...Tyrannia!

You'll immediately be amazed, and possibly think you've journeyed back in time. Well, you have, sort of. You've found yourself in a land that is a perfect replica of what Neopia used to be like, right down to the Omelette. Go ahead, explore!

The first thing you'll likely encounter is the cave which houses the Cave Paintings. You can admire the locals' skills or try your hand at it; just take one of the sheets and colour the pictures in yourself. There's a wide array of pictures to practice on.

After that, there's more fun headed your way, in the form of two cool games: Switch-A-Roo and Tyranu Evavu. In Switch-A-Roo, you must watch Uggaroo, a Tyrannian Blumaroo, move around three coconuts, under one of which is a stone. Just guess which coconut houses the stone and you'll win! In Tyranu Evavu, you'll see two cards, one face up and one face down. You must guess if the face down card is more (Tyranu) or less (Evavu) than the face up one.

Exhausted after all that colouring and game-playing? Relax in Tyrammet, a Tyrannian Village located in the Tyrannian jungle. Right now, the locals are celebrating their freedom from the evil Monoceraptor; why not join in the festivities?

From there, if you feel like yet another cool game, try Grarrl Keno. Guess which eggs will hatch into baby Grarrls, and if you win, you'll get NP!

You might want to check out the obelisk, a strange stone. You may meet a strange Chia, who seems to be writing the rules for some card game on a stone tablet. Can you find out what it is?

Two shops await you next after your puzzling encounter. Cool your heels at the Tyrannian Food Shop, where you can try many tasty treats like Trilo Bites, Nerkin Legs and Dino Snappers. Every one is worth a try.

Next is the Tyrannian PetPet shop, presided over by a Tyrannian Elephante. Check out the adorable Stegos and Ackos, and muse over the strange Pet Rock. You may even want to buy one to surprise your own pet.

Feel like trying your luck? Check out the Wheel of Mediocrity, where you can plunk down 50 NP to try and win mediocre prizes. You could win items, Neopoints, and pet pets, but you could also get some less than savory prizes, like a bonk on the head from a Pterodactyl.

Feel like turning your NeoHome into a jungle? Stop by the Furniture Store, where you can buy straw, dung, and stone chairs, shelves, and sofas.

Next you can head to the Plateau, where even more cool stuff awaits you!

The first thing you'll see is a Chomby (one of the cutest pets in Tyrannia) standing in front of a strange pit with odd looking balls coming out of it. What's going on? Nothing to worry about; it's just the game Chomby and the Fungus Balls. Try helping Chomby dodge the fungus balls to win!

If you turn around, you'll see the Town Hall, a huge rock where the town officials preside. They meet in case of an emergency, so I wouldn't be too happy if I saw them there!

Up ahead is the War Tent, where a Tyrannian Grarrl tried to recruit people to fight in the Tyrannian revolutionary war against the Monocerous. Thanks to the soldiers' daring courage, Tyrannia is now free from this evil monster. Are you in the Tyrannian army?

Next to the War Tent is a giant omelette, one of the stranger features of Tyrannia. If you've emptied your pockets buying food and pet pets, you can grab a bite to eat here, free! Just go here once every day to get a free omelette, good for three big bites.

Hmmm, what's that strange machine doing here? The sleek gray and white looks out of place in this prehistoric world. If you get a little closer, you'll find that this is a crashed time machine, inhabited by a crotchety old Wocky who will send you on a journey to find items he can use to repair a part of his machine. If you help him, he'll reward you.

Over on a cliff is a game of adventure, Pterattack. Fly around Tyrannia, shooting down evil creatures. If you get a high enough score, you'll win a magical Pteri plushie, which you can use to change your pet to a cool Pteri!

Up a little farther is the mysterious Lair of the Beast. If you're not too scared, you can enter this cave for the adventure of a lifetime.

Continuing on, you'll come to an ancient volcano. We'll get back to this soon, but right now you're more interested in that cool concert hall!

If you stop by the ticket booth, you can see which band is playing that night and buy a ticket if you want one. Be quick, though, since it sells out fast! Then you can come by the concert hall later that night and watch the band play in person!

Now that you've made sure to grab a ticket, you can head back up to the fiery volcano. Oooh, it sure is dark, creepy, and very red from the lava in here! What will you check out first?

You can stop by the Fiery Magic Shop to get some cool Battledome weapons and armor to use in your fights.

You'll need that, since coming up on your right is...the Tyrannian Arena, Tyrannia's own Battledome! Use your new items to battle cool enemies or pick a pet you've got a grudge on to go mano a mano.

If you're looking for something a little more tame but still fun, check out Kacheekers, a cool game modeled after checkers. Play a Neofriend or challenge a stranger to see who can get kings first and win the game!

Head down the cliffs, and watch out for the lava! The Scorchio's Den is coming up. Can you catch the family of Scorchios?

Be careful as you walk over a bridge of stone to play Go! Go! Go!, a cool new game. Win trophies by beating Neopia's best.

Well, that's it! You've seen everything there is to see in Tyrannia. Be sure to come back next time for a new world to explore!

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