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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 60 > Short Stories > The Baby Neopet Mystery

The Baby Neopet Mystery

by umilybeau

"WAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I WANT TO GO TOO!" a voice yelled. It was a baby grundo whose parents were going out to the Golden Dubloon for dinner one evening.

     "Now Little Timmy, we'll only be gone for two hours. We'll be right back, I'll promise!" His father told him.

     "Did you call a baby-sitter yet?" Timmy's mother walked in and asked.

     "Oops! I completely forgot to!" Timmy's father exclaimed. He hurriedly ran to the phone and dialed a number.

     A few minutes later, the phone rang at Schozte the green chomby's house. She ran to answer it.

     "Hello, Schozte speaking," she said into the phone. Schozte listened as Timmy's father described the situation. "Yes, I'll bring somebody with me to help out. Good-bye!" Schozte said as she hung up the phone.

     Schozte's brother CosmicBeau3000 ran in the room. "Hey Schozte! Are you going baby-sitting?"

     "Yup. Want to come along. I've got to baby-sit a tough little grundo tonight. His father said I should bring someone along with me," Schozte replied.

     "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" CosmicBeau exclaimed. With that they headed out the door.

     After a few minutes of walking, CosmicBeau and Schozte arrived at Timmy's house. His parents told them to make dinner for themselves and to take good care of Timmy.

     CosmicBeau found Timmy playing in his room with a Red Chomby Plushie. They played together while Schozte started making dinner.

     Suddenly, Timmy ran off quickly. CosmicBeau looked around the room for him. When CosmicBeau could not find Timmy in the room, he ran to get Schozte.

     "You say he just ran away?" Schozte asked.

     "Yeah. One second we were playing with his plushie, the next he was gone," CosmicBeau explained.

     Next, Schozte and CosmicBeau searched the house. Timmy was nowhere to be seen.

     "Oh no! This is very bad! I promised Timmy's parents that we would take good care of Timmy and now he's disappeared!" Schozte worried.

     "Don't worry, Schozte. I know we'll find Timmy soon," CosmicBeau replied.

     Schozte sniffed the air. "Oh yuck! What's that terrible smell?"

     CosmicBeau sniffed the air too. "I'd like to know. It smells like the sewer!"

     Schozte glanced out the window. On the street there was a sewer manhole open. "It must be that manhole that's open. Maybe Matt the wocky is doing sewer work."

     CosmicBeau glanced at the front door and it was open. "Oh no! I think Timmy has crawled into the sewer!"

     "Well, that would explain his disappearance. I guess we have to check the sewer," Schozte groaned. "I just hope Timmy's parents have some Wellington Boots we can borrow!"

     CosmicBeau was digging in his Chia Backpack that he had brought along with him. "I think I brought some Wellington Boots and raincoats with me. I just need to find....AHA! Here they are!" In a flash, CosmicBeau pulled out two pairs of Wellington Boots and two raincoats.

     "You don't happen to have any noseplugs in there, right?" Schozte joked.

     Ha ha, very funny. Maybe there's one pair in here, but I can't be bothered to look for them," CosmicBeau replied. "Anyway, I'm going to use my Christmas hat as a nose plug."

     "Ummm... how are you going to breathe, wise guy?" Schozte asked him.

     "OK, OK, I'm not using my hat! I didn't become a Christmas Kougra to use my nice hat as a noseplug!" CosmicBeau said.

     In a few minutes, CosmicBeau and Schozte pulled on the clothing. Schozte quietly opened the front door, and they snuck out towards the manhole. Then they found a ladder to climb down to enter one of the awful smelling places in Neopia Central.

     Inside the sewer, it was very slimy, and fungus was growing on may of the rusty old pipes. The stench of sewage was unbearable, and Schozte wondered how Matt could stand working down here ten hours a day. CosmicBeau led the way, using his awesome Kougra eyes to see were to step.

     After about twenty-five minutes of roaming the dank sewer, CosmicBeau noticed a tiny little figure in the gloom. "I will go and check it out! You stay here, Schozte," he said as he waded forward. About walking ten metros ahead, the figure came into focus. It was Matt, and he wad fallen down pretty badly.

     "Oooohhhh....." groaned Matt, his feet still on his surfboard. His silver wrench was clamped in his left hand, and he had a big scrape on his right arm. He looked very dazed, and he was hurt very badly.

     "Oh no! Matt!" Schozte cried, worried.

     Suddenly, Matt woke up, and he groaned again. "I think he needs to go to a hospital," Schozte said.

     "You stay here with him. I'll continue to look for Timmy," CosmicBeau replied.

     As CosmicBeau waded off into the distance, Schozte looked at Matt and she wondered what she could do for him. He looked like he was hurt terribly. "I know what I have got to do, and that's get Matt to a hospital," she said courageously. She did not care that CosmicBeau had told her to stay here. "I know that he will understand," Schozte said as she cleaned off a bit of sewer wall and wrote a note to CosmicBeau on one of the pages of her diary. Then she tacked the note to the wall and headed back to the manhole.

     "Oh man!" CosmicBeau said as he held his nose. He had just entered the most damp, dreary and smelliest parts of the sewer. I know I can find Timmy. I mean, like how hard is it to find a baby Grundo in a deserted sewer? He thought. Just then, he realized the answer. "It's IMPOSSIBLE to find a baby Grundo here!" he yelled out loud. "Oh well, might as well keep looking. Yelling is going to get me nowhere," he said as he continued on.

     Meanwhile, Schozte was dragging Matt though a very tight piece of pipe. It was so tight that when she and CosmicBeau had gone through here earlier, they had to almost crawl through on their paws and knees. but now it was an even bigger challenge. Schozte was all alone, and dragging an injured sewer worker on a surfboard to a hospital. "This has turned out to be an interesting baby-sitting job," Schozte said to herself.

     "AAAAHHHHHH!" CosmicBeau turned as soon as he heard the cry. "AAAAAHHHHH!" CosmicBeau heard that it was coming from a pipe a few metres north of where he was. He ran though the sludge as fast as he could. In a few seconds, he saw a terrible sight. Timmy was in a river of rushing water, hanging on a tree branch for dear life.

     "Timmy, I'm coming! Do not let go!" CosmicBeau told him. Evidently, Timmy had the same idea. CosmicBeau absolutely hated water, which was one of the reasons his owner had named him after her dog. I know I hate water, but a life is in danger. CosmicBeau thought. "Don't worry Timmy! I'm coming!" he called out. The water was moving faster now, and Timmy crawled up the tree branch a bit. CosmicBeau dived straight into the freezing water, and started swimming for Timmy right away. "Now Timmy, grab my paw!" CosmicBeau ordered, and Timmy obeyed. In one powerful stroke, CosmicBeau pulled Timmy off of the branch and to safety.

     "Yay!" Timmy cried, and then he crawled up on CosmicBeau's shoulders. CosmicBeau smiled, and started running back to where he left Schozte and Matt.

     "Oh, this is just not my day!" Schozte complained, dragging Matt along beside her. Some light shone in Schozte's face, and she peered up. She had done it. She had made it back to the manhole! And dragging an injured sewage surfer as well! As quickly as she could, she pushed Matt up as far as he could go, then climbed up, continuing that until she got back to the road. Next, she rushed into Timmy's house and phoned the Neopian Hospital.

     Timmy fell asleep while CosmicBeau was running back. CosmicBeau kept on running, even through the dampest and smelliest part of the sewer. Finally, CosmicBeau made it back to where he left Schozte. "Schozte! Are you there?" he called out. He got no reply. He looked around, and saw a note on the wall. He picked it up and read it.

The note said:

     Dear CosmicBeau,

          Don't be alarmed that I'm not here, but I had
     to get Matt to a hospital. I hope you found Timmy
     because if we don't find him is parents are going to
     be really worried and scared. I'll be at Timmy's
     house. I hope you get back all right.

     Your sister,


     "She took Matt to the hospital? I wish I could have told her that. I had better get going to make sure she's okay," CosmicBeau said after reading the note. He put it in his coat pocket and headed to Timmy's house.

     The ambulance arrived at Timmy's house for Matt in five minutes. Matt was rushed off to the hospital and Schozte was thanked for finding him and bringing him home. Schozte stood on Timmy's driveway watching as the ambulance drove away, hoping that CosmicBeau would come back with Timmy when suddenly, a Kougra with a baby Grundo on his back came bursting out of the manhole. Schozte realized that they were CosmicBeau and Timmy! She ran to greet them.

     After giving Timmy a bath and putting him to bed, Schozte and CosmicBeau sat down at the family's kitchen table to relax and talk about thier adventure. After about an hour, Timmy's parents walked in and thanked them for taking such a good job of Timmy. After that Schozte and CosmicBeau headed home to go straight to bed.

The End

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