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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 60 > Articles > War? Panic! Panic! PANIC!!!

War? Panic! Panic! PANIC!!!

by bluescorchio104

MERIDELL - As I see it, with the upcoming Meridell War, there's only three main courses of action:

                              a) Fight in the war (obviously!)
                              b) Make a financial profit from the war
                              c) PANIC!!!!!

In this article, I will outline these three courses of action.

Fighting in the war
First of all, you must have the proper equipment. Unfortunately, prices of many weapons have risen quite sharply, ever since the announcement of the war. So, try to buy as early as possible, because as the war progresses, the prices are probably not going to go down. If anything, they'll go up. Try investing in cheap but effective items. Improved Lightning Beams are definitely good value for money. I personally like to use Exploding, Icy and Sticky Snowballs, but even the cost for these items have gone up. Yellow Snowballs (at the time of writing) are a bit cheaper then the Icy, Exploding and Sticky Snowballs, yet do a reasonable amount of damage. Muffins are also a good alternative, but are also more expensive. But then again, the more expensive ones usually do more damage anyway, so you might find it worth the price. The stats of the Neopet you intend to battle with are also important. I wouldn't bother going for the Krawk Island Training Academy- it's too slow. If you want a quicker result, go to the Mystery Island Training School. Remember, never increase speed. It's just not worth it, since it does nothing at all in the Battledome. All my speed stat points have come from Faerie Quests and Kitchen Quests. That reminds me, Kitchen Quests can also raise your stats, though it's not guaranteed and the items required can be a little pricey. Also, you can't choose which stats he raises. If you're really desperate for really quick stat rises, and have a load of NP or Negg Tokens to spend, you could always buy various Neggs from the Neggery, or indirectly through the Shop Wizard. However, it's only the expensive Neggs that raise your stats, with the exception of the Basic Power Negg. Be warned, those Neggs are HORRIBLY EXPENSIVE! An average Neopian like me wouldn't even dream of buying one. Abilities can help, though the only level one ability I recommend is Heal (a reasonable water ability). So, don't really bother splurging on the faeries unless you're on at least level 10. Oh, and taking your Petpet to the Turmaculus to level it up might prove to be a good idea, though don't blame me if he decides to eat it.

Financially profiting from the war
Obviously, with everyone rushing to buy weapons for the war, stock up your shop with plenty of weapons, though only stock up on those which a widely known to be effective. I mean, stocking your shop with horribly expensive items that do little damage isn't exactly the best way to do business is it? Stocking up on Elixirs and Healing Potions, as well as Codestones and Dubloons might also be a good idea, though I wouldn't really recommend stocking up on Dubloons, since the Dubloon courses take ages. Faeries might also be a good idea. Remember, always check the Shop Wizard price as often as you can. You never know, you might be able to inflate your prices and make an even better profit. Also, don't overstock. For all we know, the war might only last a week, and if you haven't sold all your stock yet, you might be stuck with the unsold items. Even worse, you might have to sell them cheaper than you bought them, just to get rid of them!

This is what I'm going to do when war hits. I've even prepared a war plan. When the war starts, I'm going to run hysterically in circles, screaming "Wubba Wubba Wubba". Then I'm going to have a mental and nervous breakdown, and curl into a foetal position, whimpering pitifully. When all my good logic and common sense has finally left me (if I ever had any in the first place) I'll wriggle in circles on my belly, in an effort to impersonate a Slorg, while alternately barking and shouting "Quack! Quack! Quack!" at the top of my voice. Finally, I'll stand on my head, with the blood rushing to my head and my face smushed in a Meaty Pie, while hoping that maybe if I give Dr. Sloth enough Rubber Ducks he'll leave me alone. Of course, this plan might not be entirely effective, but hey, I was never good at planning in the first place. In readiness for war, I've got 329 Cans of Musho Mushy Peas, 294 cans of Baked Beans, 185 Cans of Prunes, and 785 jars of Pickled Olives, which for some ridiculous reason I can't eat. Currently, I've just finished building an underground Tiki Bomb shelter (which I had to bulldoze my favourite patch of Heartfruit Trees to make way for). Made of ultra strong duratanium, the outer shell forms a perfect half sphere. Inside that is a thick layer of Pumpkin Shields, and inside that, another deep layer of Blue Pillows. Of course, it might have helped if I had built a door into it… Oh well. I knew I should have followed the instruction manual.

And that brings to an end the three main courses of action for the war. Obviously, I fully recommend panicking, but if you're not insane like me, don't even think about trying it.

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