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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 62 > Continuing Series > Oresetes Icetalon: Part Two

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Two

by battlesunn

Image by battlesunn

Oresetes was awakened to the sharp tugging on his left hear. He whirled around in shock, and saw two other kits pulling violently on his ear. He squawked in pain and lashed out with his hefty tail. He managed to catch a red male a glancing blow on the cheek. The red kit scurried back in surprise, his eyes wide with fear. Another Eyrie, a yellow one, leapt in front of him and growled threateningly at Oresetes. Oresetes stood up, his hackles rises. He flared his wings to make himself look bigger and stood, paws akimbo, snarling and spitting at the assaulting kit. The yellow Eyrie whimpered and curled up in ball, covering himself with his wings. All the other kits ran over to the back of the room, trembling in fear. Oresetes smirked, and turned his back on them. He walked over to a small bouncy ball, the only toy in the room, and immediately popped it with his beak, a display of pure impudence and defiance. None of the other kits dared challenge him. Oresetes stretched luxuriously and lay down his head, keeping one eye wide open. He slept peacefully, and went about any business alone. No other Eyrie would have anything to do with him, they were all far too afraid.


Julie was a girl of thirteen, clad in baggy, faded jeans and a tie-dye T-shirt, with her sandy coloured hair falling into her eyes. She grinned as she looked up at the Create-a-pet building, covered with hoards of potential owners. Julie snorted, and began her descent into the building. Even though it was mobbed with people, Julie sported a bright green badge pinned to her sweater that read, "DSL high speed Internet connection" --So she was able to cut through the crowds quite easily and swiftly. She had been mentally going over her plans for Neopia, "Get one pet. Play the games, get a shop, train the pet, paint the pet, give it a good name and petpage..." Julie had heard stories of the people that were quick to adopt four pets, they always ended up poor and hungry. Well, Julie was most certainly not going to be like that! She was going to be successful and happy, and so would her pet. Now, which one to get? There were so many! Now Julie understood why people got sucked into adopting four. They were all so cute! She loved the Aisha's grin, the Zafara's ears, the Kougra's stripes! Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks. There, above a particularly large stockhouse, was a picture of an Eyrie. His long wings stretched to their full extent, his beak wide open and his tail elegantly curled. She instantly knew that this was the one. She grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper from the bin tacked to the outside of the stockhouse, and began hastily filling in her requirements.

     "Gender... Male! Colour, uh... blue! Likes exploring the land, would approach with caution... Hmm... Now all he needs is a name! Let's see, how about... Gryphon! Oh, no, that's taken. Maybe, Hermes? Darn, that too." She scowled. "Oh forget it! I'll just call him Flyer10002892."

     Viciously she shoved the form into the slot, and watched with grim satisfaction as the mechanical arm inside the stockhouse began moving around, searching for an Eyrie kit that would fill the requirements that had been programmed into it...


Oresetes had firmly established his role as the head Eyrie in the stockhouse. For one thing, he was slightly older and larger than the other kits, and, being born wild, he had been infused with the natural instincts of a free Eyrie, meaning he was stronger and more intelligent. He was given a constant wide berth, which made him a natural selection for that claw, who had been programmed to find a blue, male Eyrie. Oresetes was a blue, male Eyrie. The young kit didn't even have time to screech out in alarm as the claws cold, metal prongs closed over him. Their beaks wide open in surprise and astonishment, the kits watched as Oresetes was hoisted up op over their heads and deposited unceremoniously down a long chute, which rocketed him safely into Julie's arms. Julie squealed in delight, cuddling Oresetes tightly. The Eyrie's eyes roved furiously around, searching for a way to escape the... THING that held him captive in it's grasp. Oresetes snapped at her arms, flapping his tiny wings. Julie seemed to think that this was, "cute."

     "Aww! Ooh... What a sweet widdle Eywie!"

     Oresetes shuddered as his owner carried him far away from the only place that he had been happy in, and closer to the strange new world that would be his home for the next long while.


"Ffff... Fflli... Ier. Flyer!"

     It had been two weeks since that fateful day when Oresetes, or Flyer, had been landed with Julie, and Oresetes was finally beginning to say his first words, his name, of course. Julie grinned from ear to war and swept Oresetes into a huge hug. His blue feathers disheveled, Oresetes squawked out in alarm as Julie squeezed the breath out of him. He clawed vainly at the air, gasping, but Julie didn't seem to notice. At last, Oresetes was freed. Julie deposited gently on the living room carpet and went off to do some shopping, trusting the Eyrie on his own. As soon as she was gone, Oresetes dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a neocola and a bag of crisps. Sighing, he flopped down on the couch and flicked the TV channels until he reached the Gormball championships. Oresetes only pretended to be a baby Eyrie, the truth was, he had been miraculously gifted with perfect speech two hours after his homecoming. He snorted angrily as Brian the Scorchio pulled a sneaky undertail whip and blasted Ursula Usul, his favourite player, out of the game. Oresetes wished Julie would take him out for a game of Gormball, but she thought he was just a little baby Eyrie, only just learning to talk. Oresetes didn't want Julie to know. That would only cause more attention. It was better if he pretended to be, well, boring. Then, maybe Julie would spend less time hugging and squeezing him and more time away from Neopia. It wasn't Julie's fault. She had no real pets, and her parents weren't around a lot. Oresetes was the only thing that she really cared abut. Oresetes noticed at once that he was different from other Eyries, or any pets, for that matter. He had seen them, it was disgusting, really. All these pets simpering up to their owners, as if they were some sort of toy! Oresetes snarled as he watched a pampered, island Eyrie giving his owner a ride, nuzzling her affectionately, and all that bunk.

     "Yeah, right," he muttered. "As if that Eyrie really loves, or even likes that human. If she wasn't coughing up expensive paint brushes, or..." His eyes narrowed as the island Eyrie's owner presented him with a faerie Hasee petpet. "Or stupid, overpriced petpets, that Eyrie would be outta here in a second!"

     Oresetes slammed his beak against the couch, trying to restrain all the pent up rage bubbling up inside him.

     "It's not fair!" He howled. "Why? Why am I so different?! I hate it hear, I want out!"

     He took a step back, lowered his head and charged at the sofa. Despite his efforts, the sofa remained whole and unmoved. It was Oresetes beak that had suffered more damage. The tip was bent, and a small crack was dancing up it's length.

     "Great." He sulked. "Just great."

     His sky-blue paw brushed against the creation papers that still remained on the table. Oresetes smiled, he had never read about himself. He pulled the papers up close, and read them.

     "Male, blue Eyrie... name, Flyer10002892. Flyer10002892?!! What is this?" His eyes turned blood-red as he shredded the papers with his wickedly sharp talons. "I'm a number? Why am I number? I'm not some item that can be tossed from person to person, I'm an Eyrie! Humans don't have numbers, why should I? Why didn't Julie name me something better?"

     A cavernous roar ripped loose from Oresete's chest. "I am NOT a number!"

     He was just about to flare his wings and go charging around the house when he heard the distinct sound of Julie, punching in the password to gain access to the NeoHome. Oresetes gulped, and retreated to the carpet, curling up in a little ball and cuddling a blue Eyrie plushie that Julie had bought him close to his mane. He closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep, making soft, snoring sounds. Julie chuckled, she was just itching to tell her little Flyer what had happened while she was down in Neopia Central. Finally, she could wait no longer. Julie gently shook Oresetes awake and held him up in the air. Julie grinned, tickling Oresetes under the chin.

     "Guess what?" She crooned.

     Oresetes rolled his eyes. Why did she bother asking him questions when she thought that he couldn't talk yet? In response, he gave a little squawk. Julie set Oresetes down on the sofa, and grabbed her shopping bag. She set it down in front of the Eyrie, her eyes sparkling.

     "I was down in Neopia Central, when I chanced by a newspaper. They said that a new bunch of pictures had been put up. I decided to go check them out, because you know what an art fan I am."

     Actually, Oresetes had no idea that Julie was an art fan, but he nodded energetically anyway.

     "Well, I was looking at the pictures and what did I see? My picture! The one I drew! Donna was there, to. She was giving out the prizes for all the people that had their pictures selected."

     Julie grabbed a nearby pillow and hugged it to her chest. "I got my prize! And look what it was?"

     Julie dropped the pillow and snatched up the bag, drawing out a large, sparkly gold trophy. Oresetes sighed. What good was a lump of shiny metal in the shape of a Scorchio? You couldn't eat it, that was for sure. Maybe Julie was planning to melt the trophy down and make Neopoints out of the gold. Julie reached into the bag again. Oresete's eyes widened. Maybe the trophy wasn't the only prize. Julie pulled out... A real, live faerie Krawk petpet! Oresetes gasped. He had watched the Neopian Trading post channel, and he knew how much those things could go for. Julie sensed his excitement.

     "I've already made a trade! I just have to wait for the person to Neomail me and then--" She was cut off by the loud beep of her Neomail message box. "Oh that's her!"

     Julie typed some words into the Neomail screen and pushed the send button. She turned back to Oresetes.

     "Don't worry, Flyer. This is an official trading post trade, except you don't actually have to go the trading post for it."

     Oresetes watched with growing fascination as Julie walked over to a strange device, somewhat like a long, clear tube. Julie placed the Krawk petpet in the portal and hit the "transfer items or Neopoints" button. The Krawk petpet disappeared. It had been replaced by six bags of Neopoints, (Each containing one hundred thousand) Julie gave a whoop and danced happily around the room. They were rich! Julie picked up Oresetes and the Neopoints and ran off to the rainbow pool, skipping and singing. Oresetes groaned, he didn't want to be painted! He didn't want to look like one of those spoilt, pampered pets that he saw everywhere. Julie glanced quickly at the pictures of all the Eyries, and then it was off to the shop wizard, to buy the paint brush. Oresetes hardly had time to breathe as Julie ran off in all sorts of directions. She seemed determined to get him painted as soon as possible, maybe so that she wouldn't look like some poor "commonfolk." At last, Julie finally found a shop with the desired paint brush, and then she ran all the way back to the rainbow pool again. Oresetes stared at the water uncomfortably. He didn't really like the water, it was too... Wet. Eyrie's didn't make very good swimmers. Still, Julie tossed him into the pool and practically whipped the brush over him. Oresetes didn't? even know what colour she'd picked. Finally, it was over. A speckled Chomby handed him a mirror. He looked at himself, and cried out in shock! An electric Eyrie? What was she thinking? He didn't want to be... electric!

     "Ooh! You're sooo cute!"

     Oresetes muttered something that I cannot repeat here, but he muttered it under his breath, so Julie didn't hear. Or if she did, she didn't show any signs of caring. Instead, she grabbed Oresetes and dashed off to the create-a-pet centre. Oresetes' heart leaped. Why was she coming back here? Was she returning him? Was she allowed to return him? She wasn't returning him. Instead, she was getting a new pet. Another pet. This time, it was a Kougra. A Kougress, to be exact. Yellow in colour, though that didn't last too long. As soon as Julie had created little Tirmee, as she had been named, it was off to the shop wizard, to purchase another paint brush. Julie made a beeline to the shop wizard, she didn't need to stop at the rainbow pool, because she had already decided what colour she wanted. Island. That paint brush had been pretty expensive, but Julie managed to find one for only nine hundred and ninety nine thousand Neopoints, so they didn't have to tangle with that annoying unbuyable system. One month later, Oresetes one room NeoHome had expanded to a twelve room mansion made out of silver. He had three siblings. Tirmee the island Kougress, Krallen, the striped Peophin and Zekkle, the cloud Bruce. All had begun speaking within an hour of their birth. Julie was not too pleased with Oresetes, who still hadn't said a word. She sat down in front of him in their modern style living room, and stared into his eyes.

     "Flyer, I know that you can talk. I know that you could've talked a long time ago. I know that you've been lying to me, by not speaking. I want you to explain yourself, now. So talk!"

     Oresetes sighed. He knew now that the jig was up, and he would have to come forward.

     "I always could talk, from the second you created me, really. I just didn't want to."


     "You... you were smothering me. I needed space, I figured that if I tried to be as boring as possible you might... want to... leave... Neopia."

     Julie's normally passive face became one full of rage. Oresetes had never seen her so angry.

     "Okay then, if you don't like it here, if you don't like me, fine. You can go. I'm finished with you. You're going to be... abandoned."

     Oresetes gasped, suddenly, he began to have flashbacks. A nest, a mountain, flying, a mother... His mother... Leaving him, abandoning him. His father, He said... "Oresetes... Oresetes Icetalon" That was his name. Not Flyer. He was a free Eyrie, he wasn't going to be abandoned again.


     Julie narrowed her eyes. "What?"

     I said no. I'm not going to be abandoned again."

     "What do you mean again? I was your only owner!"

     Oresetes turned a flared is wings to their full extent. "No! I never had an owner! I was born in the wild, and I will return! I was free! That's why I'm different from other pets, I tasted independence!"

     He reared up on his hind legs. "My name is Oresetes Icetalon! And I will return to the wild forests!"

     Oresetes pumped his massive wings and rose into the air, travelling farther and farther away from his bewildered, ex-owner, shading her eyes and looking upward as she watched the huge, electric blue Eyrie in his full glory, soaring through the sky on a direct course to Terror Mountain...

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Oresetes Icetalon: Part One

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Three

Oresetes Icetalon: Part Four

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