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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 62 > Articles > I'm Beautiful, Too!

I'm Beautiful, Too!

by flipp_garuda

PET CENTRAL - You all think that those expensive, rare or pets with giant eyes are just so cute. What about Lennies? Or Moehogs? My name is Leynier, and I am more than some 'ugly bird' that people seem to classify me as. My story is fairly short, I was left in the adoption center at 2 HP in a losing Battledome fight at less than an hour old. After about an hour of seeing me in the pound, Flipp_Garuda decided it was time I got a home. Now, I'm very happy and, though I'm not fancy and painted, Gryphon loves me. Why, you ask?

Have you ever really stopped to look at your pet? Did you give your pet a personality? Or maybe you just slapped a background and music, of your choosing, onto their lookups and left it at that. But if you adopt a pet just because it's high level, rare, or painted, or create one simply because it's rare or expensive, you're probably not going to have a strong connection to it. If you can't look at your pet and immediately see what you want he or she to look like and to act like, you should not own that pet, despite how fancy it may be. Me, I'm the hyper, loud, and happy Lenny who enjoys dragging his screaming Pepito around by the tail. Doesn't that give you an idea of how much my owner cares for me by adopting me as a week, unwanted pet and giving me such a colourful lifestyle?

I'm guessing that a good number of you reading this have pets in the 'real world.' Now, they, obviously, can't be painted or trained or anything like that, but you love them anyway, right? And they all have their own personalities, of course. Try and envision that you have your Neopets as real pets. Things like the stories, articles and artwork that Gryphon does for her pets help her to decide what she wants her pets to be like. She doesn't just look at baby pets and think they are just so unbearably adorable and then paints all her pets that colour (blech). She creates personalities for each and every one of us, we become that personality, and then she decides what colour we would be suited for.

Take Moonstriken, for example. She's a shadow Uni, but not because Gryphon thought the shadow Unis were so cool or because she found the paint brush on the ground (she didn't, by the way, she spent weeks saving), but because her story is that she was born in the hands of the Space Faerie and was said to have dark fur, silver mane and tail and eyes the colour of the night sky. See how that fits? For me, it's a bit of dilemma since she likes me blue, but she likes shadow Lennies, but then again, there's hardly any colours for us Lennies (hint, hint, Neopets!).

Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't paint your pets or that you should all go out and adopt a Lenny. I'm telling you that pet with giant eyes, soft colours, fancy colours, high levels, and all that other stuff isn't everything about a pet. When Gryphon sees a pet, she takes it either by its name or by the personality she sees in it. Though, I still don't know why she adopted Berri_Dreamz the pants-eating Kau, but that's a whole other topic!

On Lennies specifically, I think that I can pinpoint pretty well on why people don't like us.

1) We don't have many colours
2) We weren't adopted very much in the first place and people don't want to look like fools for adopting and unpopular pet
3) We don't have a lot of colours
4) We have tiny eyes (as I have observed, people tend to fall in love with giant, puppy-Lupe eyes)
5) We're bowlegged! Neopets really needs to fix that one!

But people might like us because...

1) Our statistics aren't too bad, except the HP could use some work (No, we Lennies aren't as weak as everyone says we are, so you people on the Battledome boards - I have seen you - stop saying "I want to fight a Lenny because they're weak!" ARGH! It makes me so mad!)
2) We're high-flying avians
3) We're cute little clowns!
4) We're naturally smart.

So you see, you can't judge a pet by its outward appearance. You can give any pet a good home as long as you know that you'll keep coming back to it and feeding it and taking care of it, even training, painting and giving it a petpet if you wanted to. Look at me, I was thrown out to the curb, unwanted by everyone, and now I'm happy as can be with a colourful personality!

Note from Gryphon: I can't help that I don't like baby pets, so don't go Neomailing me saying I'm stupid simply because I don't like the same things as you do. Also, Leynier doesn't battle, he's still training, so don't challenge him! I also encourage adoption to pets whose species are unwanted or who you have seen in the pound for a while. Look at my little Ley, he's as happy and cute as can be! By the way, even if a pet is an unwanted species, don't think that immediately doesn't mean that you can't like it. If you think that type of pet is handsome, get it!

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