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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Short Stories > Attack of the Fuzzles!

Attack of the Fuzzles!

by dynamii

She had fuzelphobia, a tremendous fear of Fuzzles.

     This is one of the many odd things Ayalaii had noticed about herself. She can clearly remember that night where her fear started. It was deep inside her. In her stomach, like hunger.

     But it was very different from hunger, a lot worse. It was worse because it was always there. Hunger only comes once in a while, like when you smell a fresh pie cooking, or notice a bright green apple. Then instantly, the hunger was gone as soon as it was fed. But this fear, there was no way to feed it. Well, one way, but that was just too much. This fear was never gone.

     The fear could not be gone. Ayalaii the blue Aisha could not escape it. It just sat there inside her. The only thing that could be done was to forget it. Aya sometimes did that for hours at a time, once in a while sometimes even a day.

     But this fear of Fuzzles did not enjoy being forgotten. It would spread out of her stomach and hit everywhere. Every day and every night, the pillow, up and down, her siblings, the NeoHome, and even her friends. Everywhere and everything she touched. Everywhere, just to remind her.

     In her dreams the Fuzzle comes. She finds it resting on her pillow. The Fuzzle is soft. It's eyes seem as if could stare on forever, like those things in a Haunted House that follow you wherever you go. The Fuzzle would be rainbow and smiling. The Fuzzle stares, unblinking. It seems like it is going to speak, but it doesn't. The only sound is Aya's heavy breathing.

     She wants to get up and run away, but she cannot. She cannot look somewhere else. Ayalaii wants to run, disparately, but her legs are stiff as stone. The black eye stares on.

     Sometimes she wished it would come chasing after her. She wishes this so she can at least run and hide. The Fuzzle didn't move. It waited. It waited for the perfect moment to attack.

     Why is this happy blue Aisha afraid? Who would ever be afraid of soft fuzzy things? After I tell my story you will find out. You may run and hide. You may go crazy because the fear is eating at you. Or you may shrug and walk away. Pull up a chair and I will begin.


Dyn called, "Ayalaii, hurry. They are coming."

     The doorbell to their NeoHome rang-Ding Dong!

     Ayalaii the blue Aisha flew down the stairs.

     Dyn pushed her to answer the door. "They're here. Go on, let them in!" Dyn said. Before Aya opened the door, she turned around, she did not wish to be disappointed. "Are you sure it's them?" Dyn rolled her eyes. "No, it's the Tax Beast. Open the door!"

     She slowly opened the door-there they were! Zei, Spook, and Negg three grinning faces. They each held a present which they handed to Aya. Aya just stood there as happy as can be. Negg looked around, "Where is the food?"

     These visitors were her siblings. Zei, a faerie Lupe, Spook, a vampire Blumaroo, and Negg, an ever-changing lab pet. Each of them had returned home after a long day of shopping at the toy store picking out the perfect present for Ayalaii.

     Ayalaii stood in the doorway picking up her presents and shaking them, trying to find out what was hidden under the wrapping paper and in the box until Dyn came and took the presents and made Ayalaii play with her siblings.

     "What did you get me?" Aya asked. "A pile of dung," Spook replied while eating chips.

     "Be quiet, Spook! Open the presents, Ayalaii!" Zei barked.

     Dyn dumped the presents onto the table and Aya took a good look at them. The present from Spook was wrapped with newspaper, Negg's was wrapped in blue paper, and Zei's was neatly wrapped with a little bow on top.

     "How girly," Aya thought.

     She tore open the first one, which was from Spook. It was a green Fuzzle. "You like it?" Aya nodded, looking at the Fuzzle. It was cute, but she despised the colour green. Spook began to howl with laughter. "Erm, it's great. Thanks." Aya pushed the Fuzzle away and tore open Negg's present. "OOO, pretty!" It was a lovely blue Fuzzle! Blue was her favourite colour She smiled and began to open Zei's present, which took a long time. Zei insisted that the bow was removed carefully. When Ayalaii finally got the ribbon off, carefully opened the box, and looked inside, her eyes grew big and she squealed with excitement. Inside sat a rainbow Fuzzle.

     Dyn smiled and lit the candles. There were seven of them on the vanilla cake with vanilla icing. Dyn, Zei, and Negg started off the "Happy Birthday" song but soon was drowned out by Spook who screamed it rather than sang. After the song, Dyn smiled at Aya, "Make a wish!"

     Aya stared at the candles with yellow flames. She didn't know what to wish for. She watched the flames dance on their wicks. She sat, thinking. "Hey, I ain't got all day! I have plenty of wishes if you don't!" Spook took a big breath and blew. Let Spook blow away, Ayalaii didn't care. All of her wishes had already came true.

     The next day, Dyn was going shopping all day, which meant the pets could stay home and play all day. Every pet shooed her out, they enjoyed being home alone. They watched her disappear into the horizon.

     "What should we do first?" Negg asked. "Wanna play with my Fuzzles?" Aya asked. Everyone agreed and Aya rushed to get them out. She went to her room and grabbed a chair. She put it near her closet and climbed up. She had put the Fuzzles where no one could reach them. She grabbed the Fuzzles and ran downstairs. The Fuzzles looked at each other and winked, but no one noticed.

     When Aya set the Fuzzles down, they began to shake. "Uh, Zei, are Fuzzles SUPPOSED to do that?" Zei backed away. "I don't think so!" Spook jumped back and Negg gasped. The rainbow Fuzzle turned to Aya and began to talk:

     "Puny Neopets! You may think that Fuzzles are cute and cuddly, but how wrong you are! We are evil, and ugly! Foolish children, how wrong of you to buy us! NOW, I... erm, I mean WE WILL TAKE OVER!"

     The Fuzzle whistled and a whole bunch of Fuzzles appeared. Everyone screamed as the Fuzzle's eyes glowed red. They ran into Spook's bedroom and locked the door.

     "This is WAY weird! It is like we are in a horror movie!" Negg gasped. Spook let out a nervous laugh. "Why are we afraid of them? They are JUST Fuzzles!" Zei frowned. "Just Fuzzles? They are insane freaks of nature! Dude, did you see their EYES glow? We have to stop them, but how?" Spook grabbed a bat and grabbed plastic swords and passed them around. "Let's go kick some Fuzzle butt!"

     The four pets slowly walked downstairs looking up and down, and left to right. They peered into the living room and gasped. There had to be hundreds of them! They were all lined up in strait rows of ten. The same rainbow Fuzzle was walking back and forth talking to them. He was speaking of plans to take over. "I guess we have a lot of work to do." Spook whispered, "Now, on the count of three, we run at them screaming. Hit as many as you can. All right... 1... 2... 3... GOOOOOO!!!"

     They are ran at them at once, hitting and yelling. The Fuzzles screamed and cursed as Fuzzle fluff flew everywhere. Black beady eyes flew this way and that and the bats and sword swished and smacked.

     After about five minutes the four pets began to tire. After a lot of huffing and puffing, one Fuzzle remained. The rainbow Fuzzle. His eyes were as red as a tomato and he was growing. Bigger and bigger he rose until he towered over the pets.

     "What are you gonna do now? Wait, I know, NOTHING! Hah! I am bigger and stronger than you all! But if you want to try and be brave, them come on, try me!"

     Aya shivered, this is where her giant fear of Fuzzles started. She sighed, and looked up. She saw a big string on the Fuzzle, and she had an idea.

     She jumped on the Fuzzle and pulled and yanked at the string with all of her might. The Fuzzle screamed as he fell to pieces. Everyone cheered until they saw the mess. There was piles and piles of fluff everywhere. If Dyn saw this, they knew what would happen. They spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning.

     Later on, Dyn came home. She looked around at the clean house. She smiled and walked over to the four pets. "I have a surprise for you!" She pulled out a pink Fuzzle. She scratched her head and wondered why everyone ran away screaming.

     The black eye stared.

The End

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