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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 66 > Short Stories > Po and the New Addition

Po and the New Addition

by polayo

It had always been the three of us. Always. Well, almost always- but I for as long as I could remember it was Omni, Tikano, and I. And it didn't feel like we were missing anyone.

     But, to put it simply, we were.

     When Tika flew frantically, squealing into my room late Saturday morning, I thought nothing of it. She got scared easily, and I paid the faerie Babaa no attention except for the occasional 'shh.' But after nearly five minutes of her shrieking her head off, trying to get me to follow her somewhere, I finally got up, a little aggravated, and followed her as she dashed out the door.

     Down the hall I ran after her, until she stopped right in front of the library. There, she came to a dead stop. A moment or two after she began whimpering slightly, she nudged me into the room with her nose. Precariously, I stepped in.

     For a moment, I could see nothing. And then, out of nowhere, a grey furry thing leaped up on me and knocked me to the ground.

     As soon as I was able to, I jumped up, saw no sign of the creature, and dashed out of the room screaming. Together, scared Tika and I ran down the hall to find Omni.

     After I found her, I explained, breathing heavily, what had just happened. After I'd finished, she let out a laugh.

     "Don't worry, Po. I need to show you something."

     While I was still looking at her suspiciously, she stood up and walked slowly over to the door. "Shadow!" she called, her voice ringing loud and clear around the house.

     It was only a few seconds before--out of the corner of my eye--I saw the grey thing barreling down the hallway again. "Omni, it's coming!" I exclaimed, but watched in awe as it slowed to a stop and hopped into Omni's arms.

     "Po, this is a Meowclops named Shadow. He's ours."

     I glanced protectively at Tika. "I don't want a new petpet!"

     Again, she laughed. "Don't be silly--I wouldn't make you give up Tika! No, Shadow will just stay with us. That way you can, I guess, be the only pet with two petpets in Neopia!" She finished with a chuckle.

     I thought for a moment. "But he tackled me!" I said finally.

     "You'll get used to him," she replied as she placed him gently in my arms.

     She walked slowly out of the room, leaving Tika, Shadow and I alone. I slowly lowered the Meowclops to the ground. It purred and rubbed itself against my legs, but Tika growled at it testily. Jerked out of his peaceful mood, he hissed back angrily, and I knew that he was about to pounce. Desperately, I called "OMNI!"

     She rushed in, and immediately saw the situation. She snatched up Shadow and I snatched up Tika. "That was close," I muttered, and Omni nodded in agreement.

Sitting down, still holding our charges, we knew we had to figure out something. "So what should we do?" I asked finally, after a bout of silence.

     "I...I don't know. I really don't know," she said with a sigh. She glanced down at Shadow, who lay rigidly in her lap. "But I couldn't bare to give either one of them up!"

     "Neither could I," I said, agreeing. "But they need to learn to get along, or Shadow I goes."

     "Yeah," replied Omni, gazing wistfully at Shadow. "I hope they can get along."

     "Let's sleep on it," I said, and carried Tika off to my room for the rest of the day, and Omni did the same with Shadow. For now, at least, they couldn't be near each other.


I spent the afternoon playing with Tika and thinking about how to have them get along, and then slept restlessly with unsolved mysteries in my head. I had taken an instant liking to Shadow, and desperately wanted both of them to get along.

     When I woke up the next morning, though, I immediately knew what had to be done. I carried Tika, still sleeping, down the hallway and hammering on Omni's door waking up the other two residers of our NeoHome. I tossed Tika to Omni, told her to keep them separated, and ran off again, to a few doors over. It was the room we barely ever used. We called it our den, but we each had lounges so what was the use for it?

     I lugged all the furniture out of it, and tossed in a bunch of pillows and blankets. I could only imagine the horror Omni was in right now, trying to calm the tempers between the two pets as I arranged everything perfectly. Then, I ran beck to my room, grabbed Tika's petpet bed, her bowl and her spare bowl, and a box of petpet food. They had to learn to live together.

     Less than an hour later, I glanced proudly at my handiwork and walked slowly back to Omni's room, to retrieve Tika and have her carry Shadow and set my plan into action. But I came to a dead stop in front of her door, my eyes wide as I gazed at the spectacle in front of me.

     Omni seemed surprised too as she sat in awe near the wall and watched Shadow and Tika playing nicely together. Shadow was playfully batting at Tika's fluff, and Tika was chattering in agreement. With a long, contented purr, the two began to chase each other good-heartedly round the room. After the shock had worn off, I walked tentatively over to Omni, who put her arm around my shoulders.

     "It all seems to always work out in the end for us, doesn't it," she commented.

     "Oh, Omni... when your life's a story, doesn't it have to?"

     Tika and Shadow do get along, and they now share what used to be Omni's and mine's den--it is now their room. They've become quite close, as if they've known each other they're whole lives. Tika is definitely more communicative now, and I can't remember the last time Shadow tackled me. Well, actually I can, but that's another matter all together.

     It's weird having four of us around the house- I often trip over Shadow, since I used to be the creature lowest to the floor in the house. Omni would walk and Tika would fly, but now there is Shadow crawling everywhere. And now, instead of calling us the 'Troublesome Three', we're now the 'Fabulous Four'.

Hey, it's an improvement, right?

The End

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