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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 6th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 67 > Short Stories > A Ghost of a Chance

A Ghost of a Chance

by darkjester17

Comet, a Disco Shoyru, steps slowly into the icy cavern that is home to the dreaded Snowager. Sweat beads slide down his face as he prepares to go up against the dreaded serpent of the ice armed with only his trusty Shoyru Shield, Helm, and Sword. Not much, but his faith in his abilities was enough for him to continue forward.

     He didn't have to travel far through the freezing cavern to come face to face with the Snowager, sleeping peacefully upon its horde of treasure.

     He creeps up to the monstrosity with uncanny bravery. Many have fallen to this beast, but he, driven by some unseen force has the confidence to defeat the Snowager, and prove that he too is a true Battledome champion!

     He could feel the Snowager's breath on his skin, which chilled him to the very bone. He breathes deeply and holds out his sword. He lightly taps the Snowager on the nose so as to wake him up, then immediately falls back into a defensive position.

     The Snowager stirs slightly, but nothing more. Comet grits his teeth and prepares to do it again, slightly harder than the last time. The Snowager's giant eyes split open just moments before Comet's sword connects.

     Comet freezes in place, not sure how to react, he stares back at the giant eyes gazing back at him and at this time he realises just how deep the trouble he got himself into is.

     The Snowager raises its giant head up to the very roof of the cavern and pulls his head back. He roars so loud that it not only knocks Comet into the wall of ice surrounding them both, but also shatters the ice surrounding the only entrance, and traps Comet in alone with the Snowager.

     He staggers as he stands up, no time to think about his new plan of escape since the Snowager lunges at him with great speed. He draws his sword and jumps to the left just as the Snowager slams hard into the icy wall and shakes the entire chasm. The Snowager roars and shakes the light pain in its head as it swivels to strike at Comet again. Comet, however, was not to be found.

     Comet, who had skillfully flew behind him during this time, dived at him and drove his sword into the Snowager's neck. Then, disaster struck, for his sword breaks right in half, not even penetrating the Snowager's ice-hard skin.

     He floats in place, too shocked to move. His only chance of beating the Snowager has just been destroyed, along with his only hopes of escape.

     The Snowager growls and turns around to face him. Before Comet has any chance to react, the Snowager catches him in the tight grip of his tail and begins to squeeze.

     Comet feels the constriction get painfully tight and lets out only a weak yelp before there is only darkness.

     Comet weakly opens his eyes, gazing at his surroundings. All he can see is a creepy graveyard encircling his position. "Hello? Anyone there?" Comet shouts out to whoever may be the vicinity. He got no reply.

     His body felt different somehow, he looked down and almost leaped out of his skin, if he had any; for he could see his entire body was transparent.

     "What am I? A ghost?"

     "That is correct," A spooky voice says from the air surrounding Comet.

     "Wha!? Who's there?" Comet yells out, standing his ground.

     Slowly, the figure of Jhudora the Dark Faerie forms in front of him. "It is I, Jhudora! Queen of the Dark Faeries!"

     "I know you... what do you want?" Comet demands.

     "What do I want?" She chuckles from atop her cloud, "I already got what I want... I got you!"

     "What are you talking about?"

     "Don't you remember your last memory?"

     "I..." He stops, his memory coming back to him now.

     As he thinks back, his eyes suddenly go wide and his mouth gapes open.

     "I'm... I'm... dead?"

     "For now, yes... You've actually been dead for a year. Your owner was devastated... and buried you here..." She explains as she points behind him.

     He slowly, nervously turns around, staring at the tombstone in front of him. He stares in disbelief as he reads off the name etched in stone as clear as the night sky, "Here lies Comet Wing, may he rest in peace."

     "Nooooo! It... can't... be!" Comet cries out loud, attempting to cry but finds he can't even do that.

     "Relax, little one. I didn't come here to torture you, but to instead offer you a second chance," Jhudora explains.

     Comet blinks suddenly at her. "What?"

     "What do you think drove you to fight against the Snowager on that day? It was I. I've been watching you for sometime now, and pushing your abilities to their fullest extent. From this, I have confidence that you can become the strongest Battledomer of all time! Of course, that kind of power should not be in the hands of Fyora and her goody-two-shoes faerie friends. So... to get to my point: if you pledge your unyielding loyalty, I will grant you not only a second chance, but also a tremendous boost of power. What do you say? Follow me, or go back into your grave?"

     Comet thought for a moment, but a moment was all he needed. "How can I refuse such an offer? I'm dead... and without your proposition, I'm going to stay this way for eternity... Thus, I pledge you my unyielding loyalty to you until even time itself stands still!"

     "Very Good..." Jhudora finishes and begins chanting a spell.

     It only took a few seconds before Comet could feel himself back with the plain of existence he once was a part of one year ago. He stretches, feeling new strength surge through his body. He looks at himself, but finds his body the same ghostly colour that it was a few moments ago. He just couldn't see through it anymore.

     "Hey what's the deal Jhudora?" Comet asks.

     "Relax, it's merely a new look. I need some way to show others your ties with my kin and I. Besides, I think it's rather fetching, really," Jhudora explains, grinning with delight at her new recruit.

     "I guess..." Comet sighs, closing his red, glowing, eyes. "At any rate... thanks," He mumbles, reopening his eyes.

     "Oh, one other thing..." Jhudora interrupts as she holds out her palm and a wand begins to form within it. "This is my most powerful weapon, The Wand of the Dark Faerie. Take it, and allow it to aid you in your battles."

     He accepts it immediately, drawn to it by some unknown force. As he holds it, he could feel the terrible power held within it. "I will use it with pride, Jhudora..."

     "Excellent! Go then, and make me proud!" Jhudora finishes and vanishes in an instant.

     Comet stood there for a few minutes alone, contemplating all that happened. After he absorbs it all, he stares up at the starlit sky and says out loud, "Snowager... now I'll have my vengeance!" He flies off into the moonlight with only one thing on his mind: Revenge!

     The Snowager sleeps peacefully within his cavern; unaware of the powerful presence that wasn't going to wait for an invitation.

     Ice shatters as Comet flies in, making his own door. He stands fearlessly as he shouts, "Hey sleepyhead! It's pay back time!"

     The Snowager springs awake and glares down at Comet. He freezes in place for a moment, as if seeing a ghost. In a way, he was.

     The Snowager chuckles, "You again... foolish knave!" He roars and blasts his icy breathe at Comet.

     Comet doesn't even bother to move out of the way and right as the icy blast hits him he was trapped in a thick block of ice.

     Snowager roars in victory, but it didn't last for more than a moment when the ice cracks suddenly. The Snowager stares at it curiously as the block shatters into many tiny shards, and Comet stands unaffected in any way.

     The Snowager stares in disbelief as Comet grins. "My turn," Comet says, his Wand of the Dark Faerie glowing with dark energy.

     He fires a beam of condensed dark energy from the wand at Snowager, who could do little to dodge it. Snowager roars in pain as he falls to the ground with two big X's in his eyes. As he hits the floor, the entire cavern shakes slightly.

     Comet floats up to the Snowager and leans in next to his face. "You killed me... what's to stop me doing the same to you?"

     The Snowager struggles to lean his head up somewhat. "I never harmed you... Before I could, Jhudora popped in and took you away." Comet's eyes go wide, trying to contemplate what the Snowager had told him. "You mean... it was all a lie?"

     "I know not what Jhudora told you, nor did to you, but I never hurt you. I don't kill anyone... never have, never will," the Snowager explains.

     "But... I've been dead for a year now Jhudora said!"

     "A year? Our fight was only yesterday..."

     He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jhudora had played with his mind and lied right to his face to get her way. Angered, he immediately flew out of the Snowager's cave, and yelled into the emptiness of the mountain, "Jhudora! Show yourself!"

     It only took a few seconds before Jhudora appeared in front of Comet laughing evilly. "So you've been told the truth... oh well, it doesn't matter at this point anyway."

     "You! Why did you lie to me!?" Comet demands, gritting his teeth, showing much restraint to attack her right here and now.

     "Well, how else could I get your loyalty? Power is rarely enough to get most pets to join my cause... so I have to make offers they can't refuse! Anyway I can..." Jhudora explains with a large, toothy grin.

     "HOW COULD YOU!!!" Comet shouts and with tears in his eyes. He blindly fires his wand at Jhudora. Of course, the weapon is not going to have any effect on its creator.

     Jhudora laughs victoriously. "I don't see why you are so angry. I thought you wanted more power?"

     "I thought I was dead... and thus, it was the only way! You deceived me! I don't want your power! Take it back!" Comet pleads, looking at Jhudora with only anger and grief in his eyes.

     "Never! You pledged your unyielding loyalty to me! And with that, I own you! And there's nothing you can do about it. So you better get used to your fate despite if you cooperate or not, you WILL serve me!" Jhudora has the last word as she vanishes, leaving Comet to his emotions.

     He immediately throws the wand into the snow and falls to his knees, pleading to whoever would hear his voice. "Somebody, anybody! Help me... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to devote my services to her... She tricked me! Please... help me..." Comet sobs into his hands, feeling the hopelessness of the situation as if it was surrounding him, choking the very life out of him.

     Suddenly, something remarkable happens. A thin beam of light descends from the sunless sky and shines directly over Comet's position. Comet blinks his teary eyes up at the light. To his amazement, the figure of Fyora forms from the light and she floats slowly over Comet's position.

     "Comet... do not cry. You are not at fault. Jhudora simply took advantage of your determination to become strong, and that is something I will never stand for!"

     "Fyora... please... can you change me back?" Comet pleads.

     "You have shown to me that even after Jhudora's influence, your heart for good still beats strong. For that, I will change you back. But, you will also lose your powers in the process."

     "I don't want powers that I only obtained from being lied to and deceived. Nothing should be given out or earned in such a way!"

     Fyora smiles. "I am glad to hear you say that. Now, close your eyes..."

     Comet closes his eyes slowly and stays completely still as a cleansing light flows over his body. The cleansing was over as soon as it started.

     "You may open your eyes now," Fyora tells him.

     He does so and looks over his body. Although he could feel the evil influence gone from his body, he still looked the same ghostly colour as before. "Why... why do I still look like this?"

     "There was no need. Your owner can always paint over it, it's not permanent. By the way... due to your honesty and goodness, I allowed you to keep the power boost, you deserve it."

     He smiles widely and almost cries again, but this time in joy. "Oh thank you thank you!"

     Fyora smiles once more. "You're welcome. Now, I really must be going, it seems someone has found the Hidden Tower and is wanting to buy something. Sigh... it never ends."

     He nods and waves to Fyora until she vanishes completely into the sky. The light thins until nothing is left, leaving Comet alone once more.

     He looks around, noticing the wand he once wielded had vanished completely. He shivers suddenly, realising just how cold he was now.

     "Comet!" a voice says from the distance.

     Comet jumps up and looks in that direction, recognising the voice instantly. Within a few seconds, the familiar form of his owner appeared. "Comet! Where have you been? Why are you always running off like this? Do you have any idea how much it worries me?" He asks.

     "I'm sorry... you won't believe what I've been through though!" Comet exclaims as he hops into his owner's arms.

     "Oh really? And what's with this new snazzy new colour?"

     "Do you... like it?"

     "Like it? The colour is awesome! The best yet! How did you get it?"

     "I'm very relieved that you like it! And it's a loooong story!"

     "Well, I'll be happy to hear it once we get back home."

     Together, they walk off in the direction back to their home in Neopia Central.

The End

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