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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 29th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 67 > Articles > Lupes and Chias

Lupes and Chias

by al_the_chia

ENDLESS PLAINS - There are evil, evil people lurking around Neopia, plotting their evil ways, scheming evil things and fiercely trying as hard as they can to destroy all their opposition.

No, I'm not talking about Dr. Sloth or that cheesy Pant Devil. I'm talking about Lupe/Chia debaters.

Since the dawn of Neopets, people have been arguing over which pet is better, the Lupe or the Chia. Guilds have been devoted to decapitating Chias and roasting them like chestnuts over an open fire. Others have been devoted to vegetarian Lupes, who viciously attack those who DO eat Chias Other guilds still have Chias devoted to badmouthing Lupes.

I don't even want to talk about the horror I've seen, but I must. For example, an image of a Lupe ripping a Chia to bits, a Chia stew, a Chia pie, a Chia soufflé, Chia-kabobs, Lupes being beaten up by Chias, Lupes, Lupes beating up other Lupes, Dr. Sloth running through the pound with 'My Little Uni' underwear on his head...scratch that last one, it's unrelated...

Anyway, there has been a lot of conflict between these two wonderful species, and internally in the species themselves. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I probably goaded it on a lot. Take a look at my first actual Neopian Times entry, 'A Letter to Lupes: A Warning.'

Originally, the title had been 'A Letter to Lupes; A Warning to Chias,' but apparently, it had to be shortened for space reasons. If my title had been a little shorter, I may not have been sucked into the endless vortex that is Lupe/Chia.

In this article, I explained that Lupes and Chias should get along a little better than they have been. Unfortunately, people judged the article's joking manner to be serious. The next morning, I found some rather interesting Neomail in my bin, and about thirty Battledome challenges from Lupes who could SERIOUSLY use a dose of Chia flour.

There were also messages from Chias, glorifying their positions and gloating over how well I socked it to the Lupes From these mails, I created many of the Chia characters in my story. Snobby, stuck-up Lupe haters who sit around and complain about how unfair life is when they're really not in a bad position at all.

People also Neomailed me, telling me that they supported me as well. While I appreciated these mails, the horribly murderous letters from the others nearly drove me up the wall.

Before I knew what was happening, there was all out war. On the messageboards, Lupe hunts suddenly popped into frequency. Although I now avoid the chatboards, I was shocked to discover some of the gory details put into them, and I am also ashamed to admit that I also posted on a few. Getting involved was probably the worst mistake I made.

And so, seeing no other option, I began to write. Stories about Alexander T. Chia the Lupologist, a Chia who studied Lupes I hoped that by poking fun at the conflict, it would slow it down a little bit.

I kept on writing, about the outrageous Chia-hating Lupes and the outrageous Lupe-hating Chias I wrote as equally as I could to both sides, trying to make the entire debate as ridiculous as possible. Other writers also took it into consideration to write, making great stories that really brought the entire thing into perspective. Griffin the Chia Protector rescued Chias from evil Lupes, Crooky and Nip broke all the rules, and either it worked (which I doubt) or the Lupe/Chia debaters got tired, because after I began to steadily write, the conflict began to weaken from the spotlight.

But by then, the stories were more about Al than about Lupes and Chias. It became much more casual and less of a big deal for Al to hang around the Lupes Neomails about how much I stunk because I liked Chias and Lupes or how great I was because I liked Chias and Lupes turned into Neomails ACTUALLY criticising or complimenting my work, not my position on the lousy debate. I nearly cried from sheer joy when I received a Neomail from a person who hated me because I had a lot of Neopian Times trophies and not because I owned both a Lupe and a Chia.

I started to learn a lot of valuable things about writing from the many, much-more-talented-then-I authors and artists of The Neopian Times, as well as from great literature and English classes. I am gradually improving my style from story to story, and I'm truly grateful to all of them for everything they've done for me.

Although I started writing for the stupidest reasons, I now continue writing for the good of Neopia and myself.

When you write, always have a worthy reason to write. Make the theme of your stories worthwhile, and while not everyone may like what you do, it doesn't matter as long as you like it. There are things more important than whether Pteris are cuter than Quiggles. Love, hate, anger, joy, fear, courage, strength, wisdom, cowardice, weakness, hunger, enlightenment, restriction, release, and many, many more are just a few examples.

WHY do people hate Chias? WHY do people hate Lupes? WHY is the beauty contest unfair? WHY should you buy gourmet foods?

So, you Chia and Lupe haters, there are lots of questions about Neopia, but there are even more about the many aspects of your actual life. I suggest looking up a life in the nearby library, or borrowing one from your friends. It's time to grow up, set aside your differences, and embrace what you all share.

PS - I hate Meercas! NYAH NYAH NYAH!

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