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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Short Stories > Draconian Homecoming

Draconian Homecoming

by leb388

Leb388's Note: This is written from the point of view of a Draconian, and is set in first person. You'll see what I mean. Also, thanks to JamezBfod for giving me the idea for this story.

I am a Lesser Draconian of the Draconian Army. Our general, Maleous, tells us we need to attack Meridell, and we obey. We don't question why--we all know the answer.

     Our land has been plunged into darkness and the depths of despair, and we need the Orb back to restore our peace. The king of this foreign land took it, and these people--these Meridellers and Neopians--have more wealth than they need, but they refuse to share it. Failure and defeat would mean the end of us.

     In the centre of Meridell, I fight a Neopet with higher stats than I. I have only 10 hit points, and the fierce Neopet defeats me. I stumble unconsciously and walk for what seems like miles, and then fall. Everything goes black.


"Mum! Mum!"

     I open my eyes to look around. I am lying on cozy grass and see strange creatures around me--Neopians. I try to fight them off but am too weak.

     "Oh, mum, he's hurt! Can we keep him?"

     "Well...maybe by helping out one of our so-called enemies, we can show everyone that peace is the answer, not war," another responds. "So I guess so."


     I am scooped up and held in the arms of a Neopian. I recoil in fear.

     "Don't worry, little guy, I'll take care of you. My name's Thyme, and I'm a Kacheek. You must be Draconian--what's your name?"

     "Meep," is all I can say. I try to point to my vest--on the front it reads, "Hi, my name is Lucifo. I'm going to destroy you now. Have a nice day." The Blue Kacheek catches what I'm trying to say and reads it aloud.

     "That's so cute! I'm going to call you Lucy," she says.

     I groan and try to squirm away, but she holds me tightly and carries me home.


"He's waking up, mum! Look!"

     I moan and turn over. The room is brightly lit, so I squint to look at the Kacheek.

     "Don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you! You can be my petpet!"

     "Meep," I sigh, and look around. A Red Kau enters the room.

     "Puh!" she sneers. "That stupid thing is so lame. I beat up about twenty of its friends this morning. They've been trying to attack Meridell. Like those pip-squeaks ever could--"

     Instantly I lunge into the air. I beat my tiny wings frantically and, before she knows it, I feebly attack her with one of the weapons I carry in my pocket.

     "Get that thing away from me!" she screams, pulling out a Stone Snowball. She throws it at me, but I skilfully duck. I am feeling much better than earlier.

     "Rosemary, what do you think you're doing?" Thyme shouts furiously, catching the snowball before it hits the wall. "You could've hit Lucy!"

     "Lucy? That--that thing attacked me! It's a Draconian!"

     "Who cares? He's cute. Mum's mad at you for fighting in the war, Rosemary. You know she's a pacifist, and you'd better get in your own room," Thyme responds coolly.

     "You just wait," the Red Kau says. "You just wait." She leaves the room.

     "Sorry about that, Lucy," Thyme says. "Here, come back. I need to change your diaper."

     I fly around the room, pretending not to have heard.

     "LUCY!" She jumps up to grab me, and pulls me to her bed. "Now, let me put a new diaper on you."

     Knowing I'm overpowered, I lay there humiliated.

     "There. That wasn't too difficult! I bought you a special bow to make you pretty." She puts a pink bow on my head, picks me up, and puts me down on her desk in front of her mirror. "You're beautiful!" she exclaims.

     I can't wait until my Draconian allies invade this strange place and rescue me. "Me hates joo!" I moan.

     "Aww, you're trying to talk," Thyme coos.


I cause nothing but trouble for Thyme. When she tries to dress me, I rip up the clothes. We have gone through ninety-six bows. When she tries to feed me, I throw away the food (Unless they're carrots. Mmm...carrots.). Most of the time she is sickeningly kind and generous, but finally she gives up and takes me to something known as the Turmaculus.

     She hides me in her coat pocket because battles are still being fought outside the city, but by simply showing a few weapons, some Neopian guards let her in. She heads straight for the Turmaculus, and I groan when I see it. I groan even more when she sings to wake it up.

     "'Deck the halls with dung and snowballs, fa lalalala, lalalala.Tis the month of Celebrating, Fa lalalala, lalalala. Take we now our Advent presents, Fa lala, lalala, lalala. I sing this now to wake you up, dude. Fa lalalala, lalalala.'"

     I frantically try to fly away, but Thyme holds me tight in her arms. The Turmaculus rolls over and opens its eyes.

     "Ugg," the Turmaculus groans, handing Thyme a book. It rolls over and closes its eyes.

     "Thanks," Thyme says, "but I was hoping for a level-up for Lucy."

     The Turmaculus remains still.

     "Ahem. I said, I want a level-up for Lucy. I'LL SING! 'Deck--'"

     Instantly, the Turmaculus rolls over and hands her a bottle and note. Thyme sighs and loosens her grip on me for a second to take them, and I jump away and fly off.

     "LUCY! NO!"

     It's too late--I am too far up for Thyme to catch me, and I gleefully watch as she reads the note and opens the bottle. "Oh, Lucy? Carrots!"

     Without a second of thought, I plummet down and fall to the ground, eagerly grabbing the bottle and dumping the contents of tiny orange bits carrots into my mouth. When it is empty, I feel woozy and hand the bottle back to Thyme.

     "'Anger Management Pills,'" she reads. "'Give five of these to any petpet or small Neopet that has a problem with anger, and they will instantly be calm. This bottle automatically refills itself, but to prevent spillage it only does so when the cap is securely placed back on. A product of Turmaculus & HavingTooMuchTime Corp.'"

     I feel dazed and somewhat calm, so I barely hear what she's saying. I simply nod and let her pick me up.

     "Hear that, Lucy? You don't have to be so aggressive now! You can be your sweet self! C'mon, I'll buy you a cookie. I don't have many Neopoints, but you're being well-behaved, so you deserve it."

     Ooh, a cookie.


After buying me a carrot-chip cookie, Thyme takes me back to Bread Street and walks inside her NeoHome.

     "Hey, Dragonian-lover, guess what! Meridell's winning the war," the Red Kau gloats. "I'm fighting for the winning side, unlike some traitors."

     "Sock it, Rosemary. You only got, like, thirty points to our trophy so far. Some Neopets have thousands of points," Thyme replied. "And I'm no traitor. I'm not the one who stole all the potatoes from Potato Counter while the Kacheek was off fighting."

     "Hey, they left them there for me to take. We need the food, anyway. And at least I don't coddle those potatoes like little Baby Neopets, and put bows and diapers on them!"


     "HELP!" comes a cry from outside.

     Thyme and the Red Kau look at each other and bolt outside. Their neighbour, a Blue Shoyru, furiously tries to slam shut the door of his owner's NeoHome.

     "What's the matter, Six?" Thyme shouts.

     "It's Phobia, my Spoppy petpet!" the Shoyru wails. He finishes locking the front door and runs to us. "I had to lock him inside--he ate a Poison Snowball. I went to Kauvara, and she says he won't be hurt or anything, just a little rowdy for awhile, but now he's trashing everything!"

     "Here," says Thyme. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the bottle of yummy carrots. "Give him five of these."

     Six graciously takes them and bravely unlocks his door to throw them at Phobia. The petpet becomes instantly calm. "Thanks so much! Do you know where I can get any more of these?" Six asks.

     "Well...." Thyme looks at the note she holds with the bottle and smiles. "Actually, I do."


Thyme makes a business out of the orange carrot-bits. She pours the original bottle's contents into another bottle, then recaps the first and can redo the process, because the bottle automatically refills. She sells each bottle for 200 NP, and gives some of the profits to her owner, who needs the Neopoints.

     We hear a knock on the door. Thyme picks me up and puts me on her Neocouch. "Yes?" she asks, carefully opening the door to reveal a Green Skeith and the Turmaculus.

     "Hello," says the Skeith. "I'm Nuntian Volo, president of the HavingTooMuchTime Corp., and Attourneo at Law. I have with me the Turmaculus."

     "Yep," replies the Turmaculus.

     "Did he just speak?" Thyme asks, shocked.

     "My client declines to comment at this point in time. May we...?" The Skeith gestures toward the house.

     "Oh, of course, of course, come in." Thyme opens the door nervously.

     "Yes, well. I'd just like to say--HOLY KAU, IS THAT A DRACONIAN?"

     "Yeah, do you have a problem with that?" Thyme asks, picking me up protectively.

     I'm very calm, and I don't feel like attacking. The Skarl looks funny, with a suit and briefcase. I watch as he and the Turmaculus sit down.

     "Anyway," the Skeith says, eyeing me, "I am here to settle a claim. You've been profiting from a gift of the Turmaculus."

     "Oh!" Thyme replies, a bit shocked. "I'm sorry. It's just that my owner needed Neopoints and--"

     "Fine. You can continue your business, but you must give half of your profits to the Turmaculus. Right, Mr.--uh--" The Skeith taps on the Turmaculus' shoulder to wake him up.

     "Huh? Whuh?" the Turmaculus mutters.

     "Anyway, Miss, you must give half of your profits to the Turmaculus, and we'll drop the case. Do you agree?"

     "Um...okay," Thyme says, surprised.

     The Skeith and half-asleep Turmaculus leave.

     "What was that?" the Red Kau demands, walking in.

     "Oh, just an attourneo and the Turmaculus, Rosemary. Nothing too big," Thyme says, picking me up.

     "Okay. News on the war--Darigan's winning."

     I must look surprised, because the Kau stares at me for a moment and then continues.

     "Meridell won't take any chances. They're going to be after Lucy if they see him. I'll help you protect him. I'm sorry I was such a jerk."

     Thyme smiles. "It's okay, Rosemary. And thanks."

     "War is sad," I mumble.

     Thyme hugs me. "Yeah, it is. But you're the best petpet ever." She gives me another of those orange carrots, and everything is happy again. "Hey, Lucy, want a cookie?"

     I smile and nod, and soon I'm in the NeoHome kitchen munching on a carrot chip cookie. I have a friend and cookies. Life is good.

The End

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